As of 2018, forestland and fields account for the largest portion of the nation's surface area. Throughout its long history, Japan has been endowed with an abundance of valuable cultural assets, including works of art, historic landmarks, and many natural monuments. Corporate profits were at their highest level in history, and corporate failures were at their lowest level, while investments in plant and equipment for manufacturing products, such as semiconductors, were very active. Among Asian countries, the number of visitors from China was highest, amounting to 42,239, and the figure accounted for 17.2 percent of the total number of foreign visitors to Japan. Fiscal 2018 school expenditure by households with children attending public school averaged 63,102 yen per elementary school pupil, 138,961 yen per lower-secondary school student and 280,487 yen per upper-secondary school student. Bilateral ODA in 2020 (including assistance to graduated countries) was broken down by purpose (on a commitments basis) as follows: 42.1 percent for improving "economic infrastructure and services" (including transport, storage and energy), followed in descending order by "social infrastructure and services", at 23.3 percent. In addition, there has been an increasing trend in the proportion of those who have never married until he or she turns the exact age 50, reaching 28.3 percent for males and 17.8 percent for females in 2020, the highest percentages ever. After peaking in 1984, Japan's fishery output decreased rapidly until around 1995, and has continued to decrease gradually afterwards. Tokyo, the city leading businesses to success. The results of the "2016 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities" conducted on people living in this country, aged 10 years old and over, show that the amount of free time each person has spent was 6 hours and 22 minutes, which was the time remaining after activities that were physiologically necessary (sleeping, eating, etc.) As of May 2020, the population of Yokohama is about 3.8 million people. This, however, was only a temporary phenomenon, as investments in plant and equipment were weak and the recovery was too dependent on foreign demand and information and communication technologies. There were 590,847 eating and drinking places establishments in operation and 4.12 million persons engaged at them in 2016. Investment Opportunities in Japan's Regions, SUSTAINING JAPAN - Global entities find their footing in Japans market for SDGs, Laws and Regulations on Setting Up Business in Japan, Living Information and Business Directory, Support for Establishing and Expanding a Business Base in Japan, Support for Collaboration between Japanese and Foreign Companies, JETRO's Effort for Promoting Investment in Japan, The Minato Mirai Area, a cluster of R&D bases of global companies, 6-50-10 Hon-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0005, Population Census 2015, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Prefectural Citizens'Economic Accounts 2018, Cabinet Office, "2016 Economic Sensus", Statstics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Currently, reform of the whole system is being undertaken in order to preserve the stability of this medical insurance system in the future. In fiscal 2022, major expenditures from the initial general account budget include social security (33.7 percent), national debt service (22.6 percent), local allocation tax grants, etc. Use of electronic money has been increasing, as a means for settling accounts that can be easily used at transportation facilities, convenience stores, supermarkets, etc. Land (train): 24 minutes from Yokohama Station to Tokyo Station, 8 minutes to Shin-Yokohama Station where all Tokaido Shinkansen trains stop. Its breakdown was: 36.4 percent in petroleum, 24.6 percent in coal, 23.8 percent in natural gas and city gas, 3.7 percent in hydro power, and 1.8 percent in nuclear power. Japan has a universal health insurance regime to ensure that anyone can receive necessary medical treatment. The Diet is the highest organ of state power, and is the sole law-making organ of the State. The average number of persons engaged per establishment was 10.6 and establishments with less than 10 persons accounted for 77.3 percent of the total. In Japan, the household sector holds more than 50 percent of its financial assets in cash and deposits. Observed by size of operation in terms of persons engaged, establishments with less than 20 persons accounted for 88.6 percent of the total. Among females, non-regular staff members accounted for more than 50 percent across all age groups, with the exception of females aged 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 years old. To get business opportunities with life science and robots, go to Kanagawa Prefecture! By region, bilateral ODA (net disbursement at current prices, including assistance to graduated countries) was distributed as follows: Asia, 4,777 million U.S. dollars; Sub-Saharan Africa, 1,207 million U.S. dollars; Middle East and North Africa, 1,151 million U.S. dollars; Latin America and the Caribbean, 391 million U.S. dollars; Oceania, 318 million U.S. dollars; and Europe, 7 million U.S. dollars. Following the Meiji Restoration in 1868, it began expanding in tandem with the drive to build a modern nation-state. Our goal is to become a "Silicon Valley of Japan", Chiba, the center of the drone industry, Kawasaki, the pioneer city for industry and research & development, Sagamihara, aiming to become a global robotics business base. Since the 1980s, it has declined sharply. Tokyo - 8,956,000 Tokyo is the capital city of Japan and it is by far the most populated city in the country. (2) Technology Balance of Payments (Technology Trade). With regard to the portion in the R&D expenditures in fiscal 2020 by specific objective, 3.1 trillion yen went to the life sciences field (16.0 percent of total R&D expenditures), 2.5 trillion yen (13.2 percent) to the information technology field, 1.1 trillion yen (5.5 percent) to the environmental science and technology field and 1.0 trillion yen (5.2 percent) to the materials field, etc. Under this ordinance, the City provides a wealth of support, including tax incentives and subsidies for establishing large-scale businesses and occupancy of leasing office buildings. That vacancy rate represented 13.6 percent of the total number of dwellings, the highest-ever ratio. Pop. (F) Information and Communication Electronics Equipment Industry. One barrel equals approximately 158.987 liters. Yokohama Industries Americas Ohio Statistics And Demographics - Zippia Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan - City, Town and Village of the world By 1932 the city limits were no longer realistic. Currently, the Japan Finance Corporation, the Okinawa Development Finance Corporation, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (Finance and Investment Account) are operated. 19-1 Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8668 Japan, 1996 Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (JCN2000012020001), 3. This represented about a thirteenfold increase from the 913 cases registered in 2000. Commercial buses transported 4.53 billion passengers (down 2.4 percent from the previous fiscal year) and 60.07 billion passenger-kilometers (down 6.3 percent); both figures of passengers and passenger-kilometers declined in fiscal 2019. In 2020, Tokyo Metropolis had the largest population of 14.05 million among Japan's 47 prefectures, followed in decreasing order by the prefectures of Kanagawa, Osaka, Aichi, Saitama, Chiba, Hyogo, and Hokkaido. Using a database of 30 million profiles, Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Yokohama Industries Americas Ohio. Yokohama City is working on revitalizing biotechnology-related industries by accumulating biotechnology-related industries, providing support for sales channel development, and promoting technological partnerships between companies and industry, academia, and government. Japan's primary and secondary education is based on a 6-3-3 system: 6 years in elementary school, 3 years in lower secondary school, and 3 years in upper secondary school. In Japan, there are diverse international cooperation donors: Official Development Assistance (ODA) by the government, direct investments and export credits by private corporations, grants by private non-profit organizations, assistance activities by NGOs and volunteer citizen groups, etc. This accounted for 36.1 percent of total advertising expenditures, which were 6.8 trillion yen. From the 1920s to the mid-1950s, the average number of household members remained about 5. The Sumida, of different origins, continued to flood the city until the Arakawa Drainage Channel, roughly parallel to the Sumida and a short distance to the east of it, was put through in the years before the 1923 earthquake. On the other hand, expenditures on "housing" and "clothing and footwear" decreased in each successively older age groups. The increase in shipments was due to an increase in "semiconductor and flat-panel display", "construction and mining machinery", etc. During the 1960s, Japan's economy grew at a rapid pace of over 10 percent per annum. In 2020, the number of such workers was 135,660 workers, down 6.3 percent. On the economic recovery phase starting at the beginning of 2002, the corporate sector, with export-related industries, as the central part, became favorable based on the steady recovery of the global economy, and shifted generally with a bullish tone up until mid-2007. While the number of physicians providing healthcare is increasing nationwide, their uneven distribution has become a problem due to the lack of physicians specializing in certain areas of medicine and the lack of physicians operating in regional parts of the country. It does not matter so much now that the 23 wards, to which the 35 were reduced in 1947, no longer contain the city, because the ward part has no administrative significance. Higher education institutions are universities, junior colleges, and colleges of technology. In addition, for participation rates by type of sport, "walking or light physical exercise" was the highest at 41.3 percent, followed by "training with gym equipment" at 14.7 percent, and so on. According to the general index (all items, less imputed rent) in the regional difference index of consumer prices, which compares the difference in consumer price levels by prefecture, Tokyo had the highest score in 2020, with a figure of 105.2 against the national average set at 100, followed by Kanagawa, with 103.2. In promoting the entry of LCCs, there are expectations for creation of new demand, such as through the expansion of foreign tourists visiting Japan as well as of domestic tourism. Tokyo is the chief transportation hub for Japan, as well as an important . The decline in the live birth rate may partly be attributable to the rising maternal age at childbirth. This population is continuing to decline since 1993. The shift may be taken as a concise summary of what has transpired since Edo became Tokyo. NHK is the pioneer broadcasting station in Japan, and has been funded through fees paid by subscribers. As of the end of March 2021, the number of fixed phone subscribers was 15 million (down 6.9 percent from the previous year). (2) Agriculture Management Entity and Cultivated Land. (2) Progress of Communication Technologies. Among agriculture management entities, there were 1.037 million individual management entities (non-corporate family management entities), a decrease of around 303,000 entities (22.6 percent) compared to 2015. Five years later Kanagawa was designated Japan's first port under the Harris Treaty (1858) where foreigners could reside and trade. This Act has established a legal framework to address issues such as waste disposal and recycling of automobile and electrical appliance. Meanwhile, the number of vacant dwellings increased by 0.3 million, 3.6 percent from 2013, to 8 million. In 2021, the monthly average of total cash earnings per regular employee (in establishments with 5 or more regular employees) was 319,461 yen. The per-capita cost of medical care for the latter-stage elderly averaged 943,082 yen for the year. Members of the House of Representatives serve a 4-year term, while members of the House of Councillors, 6 years. The total fertility rate was on a downward trend after dipping below 2.00 in 1975, and reached a record low of 1.26 in 2005. The Population Census in 2015 marked the first decline in Japan's total population since the initiation of the Census in 1920. While expenditures such as defense expenses are administered solely by the national government, a large portion of expenditures that directly relate to the people's daily lives are disbursed chiefly through local governments. FANCL Co., Ltd., Reprocell Co., Ltd., Techno Medica Co., Ltd., Biomedcor Co., Ltd., JPharma Co., Ltd., SAKATA Seed Corporation, PRISM Pharma Co., Ltd., JITSUBO Co., Ltd., and Piolux Medical Device Co., Ltd. Yokohama City University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Keio University, RIKEN Yokohama Branch, Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Central Research Laboratory, Kirin Co., Ltd. Central Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation Yokohama Factory, Japan Tobacco Inc. Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd., Shiseido Global Innovation Center, Inc., Ricoh Co., Ltd. Other sources were also used, including energy from waste, geothermal, and natural energy (photovoltaic, wind power, biomass energy, etc.). Tokyo-Yokohama Metropolitan Area | Map, History, Population, & Facts Although Yokohama has such a highly-developed infrastructure, land prices and office rents are about 60% to 70% of Tokyo. Imports (in CIF value) totaled 7.5 trillion yen (down 13.7 percent), a decrease for the second consecutive year. The employment rate of new graduates was not good as a result of the economic slowdown since 2008, but in recent years, their employment situation has been on an improving trend. The general direction of movement for this constantly moving city has been westward. In 2020, there were 1.076 million agriculture management entities (entities producing agricultural products, or performing contract agricultural work, where the area or number of animals involved in the production or work is as stipulated), a decrease of around 302,000 entities (21.9 percent) compared to 2015. Furthermore, the total quantity of international mail (letters, Express Mail Services [EMS], and parcels) sent in fiscal 2021 amounted to 24.7 million items, an increase of 7.5 percent from the previous fiscal year. Therefore, after eliminating duplications between national and local accounts (35 trillion yen), the net total of both national and local government expenditures combined was 354 trillion yen. The level remained above 300,000 applications for some time. Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, Northern Part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island are natural heritage. While the aging of workers and fishing vessels progresses fisheries have been gaining attention as a place for employment, based on the diversification of values regarding work and life, and support is being provided for new fishery workers. Yokohama Geographical coordinates: Latitude: 35.4333, Longitude: 139.633 35 25 60 North, 139 37 59 East: Yokohama Area: 43,738 hectares 437.38 km (168.87 sq mi) Yokohama Altitude: It reached 11.1 in 2020. Energy consumption per GDP is lower in Japan than in other industrialized countries. In 1970, the annual number of fatalities from traffic accidents hit a record high of 16,765, leading to the enactment of the Traffic Safety Measures Basic Acts in the same year. Japan's total population was 126.15 million according to the Population Census in 2020. The mountains are generally steep and are intricately carved out by ravines. At the end of 2021, currency in circulation totaled 127.0 trillion yen (122.0 trillion yen in banknotes and 5.1 trillion yen in coins), up 3.0 percent from the year before. In 2021, the aged population (65 years old and over) was 36.21 million, constituting 28.9 percent of the total population (i.e., 1 in every 4 persons) and marking a record high. See the map on the inside back cover. The share of food expenses to total consumption expenditures (Engel's coefficient) was 27.2 percent. There are two budget categories in local government finance: the ordinary accounts and the public business accounts. In addition, for participation rates by type of activity, "watching movies other than movie theater" was the highest at 52.1 percent, followed by "listening to music by CD, smartphone, etc." Average life expectancy in Japan climbed sharply after World War II, and is today at quite high level in the world. Japan has maintained a trade surplus with Asia and the U.S.A., while having a continuous trade deficit with the Middle East and Oceania. Japan accepted the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage) in 1992. was the second highest, with 76 million subscribers. However, the consumption tax rate was raised from 8 to 10 percent on October 1, 2019 due to the need to transition Japan's social security system, which is currently focused on benefits for the elderly, to an "all-generation type" usable by anyone, from children and youth to the elderly. The volume of seaborne foreign transport in 2020 was 889 million tons, down 7.3 percent over the previous year. On the other hand, Japan imported 559.8 billion yen of technologies, mainly from the U.S.A. (392.4 billion yen, or 70.1 percent of total imports), followed by Switzerland (34.3 billion yen), the Netherlands (25.1 billion yen) and Germany (24.2 billion yen). Japan's ratio is lower in comparison with other major industrial countries. A workers' household means a household of which the head is employed by a company, public office, school, factory, store, etc. used data from the number of the population from official sources. Figures for the rate of Internet use by device by age group show that more than 80 percent use smartphones in each age group between 13 and 59 years old. The Supreme Court has the authority to deliver the final judgment on the legitimacy of any law, ordinance, regulation, or disposition. The Cabinet, composed of the Prime Minister and other Ministers of State, is collectively responsible to the Diet, regarding the exercise of the executive power. Yokohama City focuses on attracting companies that revitalize existing industries, lead the future's economic development, and fostering startups and venture businesses as its priority strategies. TOKYO-YOKOHAMA DEMOGRAPHIC BRIEFS: Wendell Cox Consultancy The Cabinet exercises its executive power on the basis of the laws and budgets adopted by the Diet. With regard to unit value index, Japan's 2020 exports increased by 0.7 percent from the previous year (the first increase in 2 years), and quantum index decreased by 11.7 percent from the previous year (a decrease for the second consecutive year). Subsequently, the yen strengthened from early to mid 2016, followed by a leveling off phase from 2017. This occurred against the backdrop of soaring crude petroleum and raw material prices and repercussions from the American subprime mortgage loan problem that, since mid-2007, rapidly clouded future prospects for the world economy further. Taxes consist of national tax (income tax, corporation tax, etc. In addition, the amount of nursing care costs in fiscal 2019 (including allowances for high-cost long-term care service, for high-cost medical care and long-term care service, and for long-term care service to a person admitted to a specified facility), totaled 10.8 trillion yen. The financial account amounted to 10.8 trillion yen in 2021, due to factors such as an increase in net assets for direct investment, etc. In fiscal 2020, the self-sufficiency ratio per item (on weight basis) was 97 percent for rice, 15 percent for wheat, 8 percent for beans, 80 percent for vegetables, 38 percent for fruits, 53 percent for meat, and 55 percent for seafood. A Mixed Bag Of Climate. In the 2000s, the labour force (among the population aged 15 years old and over, the total of employed persons and unemployed persons) had been on a downward trend due to the aging of the population, but began to increase in 2013 and continued to increase until 2019. play a vital role. In 2006, the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage entered into force. 6 Crazy Facts About Tokyo's Population (2021) - LIVE JAPAN In revising salaries, about half of all companies emphasize "corporate performance", but in the context of worsening labour shortages, a rising percentage of companies in recent years have been placing the greatest emphasis on "securing and retaining their labour force".
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