It seems really trivial. Only when confronted with an argument to the contrary you backpedaled and said youre just stating facts. Single parenting is difficult irrespective of gender, yet theres a stark difference in issues that parents from either gender have to face. 42.6% have never been married She's Employed Another assumption about single moms is that most are unemployed. Since 2015, I think, there has been a recognition of coercive control. Analysis is more that torturing numbers until they prove your ideological, motivated point. Dan seems to not understand that this is MY site, I pay for it and I decide who gets to comment. You either say well its because women are the primary careres or men in general are more likely to commit crimes. In other words, if moms had custody of their kids 9% of the time (i.e., if they had custody at the same frequency as dads), they would abuse/ neglect 143614 kids for every 661129 kids that dads abuse/ neglect. Thats why statistics show up to 9/10 violent crimes on the street are at the hands of men. FACT: Statistics are not facts and arent intended to be. Single moms have to devote more time to outside work (if they are not working full-time) and manage the home. It has a link to its claim that children are far more likely to suffer abuse or neglect at the hands of mothers but that link is simply to another article offering the experiences of Sarah who was sexually abused by her mother and I couldnt find any reference to statistics there. I also agree with you that women/ moms are human and that stereotypes that perpetuate the nurturing, victim-only status of women hurt boys, girls, and men alike. Providing parents with adequate support can make their lives easier. And for you to support the system that has destroyed my community, infuriates me. Single Father Households Do Vastly Better Than Single Mother Here's the Real Reason Why The consensus is mothers typically make better parents than fathers, yet single fathers. Like I say. Not only that, parents involved with the system are also warned off ( by solicitors and SWs) and adverse inferences taken about them in the Family Court when they quote articles of law and demand their rights. YIt,s primarily caused by moral depravity nothing to do with testosterone or social conditioning if by that you mean the extent of wealth,poverty and environmental influences. You can suspect what you like, but your information is massively (and IMHO deliberately) misleading. Unfortunately, not many believe that a single male parent can do as much as a mother for their children, which can create difficult feelings for a single father to deal with. If mothers killed 1,704 children and fathers killed 859 when acting alone, how on earth can you conclude that fathers kill more than mothers? In the UK in 2014 for example 91% of lone parents were women. A suggestion for, is Mrs Phillimore ok? It is deliberate policy to alienate them from natural family. What we can see is that firstly the men as villains narrative is nonsense, and secondly more children can be protected by dealing female abusers. As my views are based on evidence, I do not agree they are dishonest. That possibly could have contributed to over-representation of women since it is more common for women to spend much more time with a children of those ages. Or if you have feedback or ideas and would like a feminist response to your thoughts, this is a place to have that discussion. But as all statistics, criminal convictions and reporting shows me it is overwhelmingly men in all areas of life who are violent and sexually abusive to women and girls. Preserved by Faith also referred to this data from the American Society for the Positive Care of Children. And its my daughter who told me. ?? If you or your child complain about abuse from the father, he will be given full custody. I simply could t wait to explain to you why you should get down of your high horse. We are a million miles away from a rational system for assessing this stuff, even in principle. Most people present as normal,appropriate and proportionate thus it is dangerous for SWs to predicate on antecidents otherwise normal men can be misjudged. I agree with Tierney in all she has written particularly as to statistics and data being relied upon for decision-making ,policy-making etc. An interesting perspective. Sorry if that stings, but facts are facts. The custodial parent has an incentive to punish the other parent as much as possible and both parents lawyers know that an angry client means more money paid to the lawyers. child abuse and discrimination hmmm. Neither am I. ? Its position that is growing in popularity amongst educated people. That is a fact although i suppose we should not refer to facts in child-protection.Just false data and predication. Diaper bags are the best accessory for single fathers seeking a new relationship. I dont think the statistics show that mothers are more evil and more prone to abuse children than fathers. Violent men are all the same A whole bunch of domestic violence towards men on TikTok and YouTube with a whole bunch of feminist cheering it on. But you are still gender polarising. A decade-long study of child homicide assailants (population of 2.5 million) is re-examined in the context of nineteen Western nations child mortality rates and child-abuse-relateddeaths, correlated with four international measures of relative poverty, focusing on income inequality. At the age of 21 ,I met a girl.After some months i got engaged,my fiancee told me i have to opened a bank account to save some money and have to stop giving all my money to my mom.My fiancee told is up to me i can give my mom half and save the next half, so i did just that. I suppose the argument were this to be the case would be that female suicide could be attributed to male dominance. Some people see stats like this as another metal stud to add to the big stick they like to bash men with. But females have just as much opportunity as a male to go out and exercise that aggression on another adult as a male does. They are expected to take up the slack without any support and be perfect at all times. Youre going to say there were so many cases where the father had custody. No, there just happen to be a 1% more cats that are black than dogs that are black. She also specializes in baby names. It could also be that non- feminists are right too: Men and women have ALWAYS been equal . More women than men have sole care of children. hence, there are more (actually born) children in a single mom configuration (which is typically what the second case leads to) than in a single dad configuration. The tragedy of these cases is that the adults involved often cannot look beyond their own anger and they fall back on tired generalisations about men versus women. There are all kinds of factors that could explain this so caution needs to be exercised until the causal factors are well researched. I see that youre twisting the numbers around to support your chauvinistic assumptions. They have to, in other words, pick up the work of the other partner and do it all within the same time. Men are the evil ones, men are to blame for all the ills of the world, and when women do evil its not their fault. Child abuse is very difficult to prove (children are not usually called to testify, and the parents who make allegations are usually in conflict), so what can we do to in custody orders that protects children from the effects of judges getting it wrong? Speaking of domestic violence. By sheer weight of numbers more children are killed by lone mothers as 90% of lone parents households, in the UK at least, are lone mothers. Or Then channel the boys physical attributes,teach him how to fight fairly,how to buckle down,follow the rules,self discipline himself and succeed. It then says this, but provides no link to any published statistics in support. Also a person with anxiety is frightened, very frightened at times , they need to feel stability and it helps to learn coping mechanisms. I think the overall point should be that the incorrect narrative which exists in society is that fathers are almost always the abusers and that the perception of mothers as only the nurturers in the family could not be guilty of abusing/killing their own child. Im guessing 0. Is there actually a gender discrepancy in single parents? Were we equally to blame for what subsequently happened to me? If it makes you feel better and the situation less woman hating i do belive fathers sexually abuse more but woman dont handle stress well and more likely to end up in poverty then a single father. If you cant understand the point about not looking at raw numbers but their representation in a certain population, then I suspect any further attempts will just keep whizzing over your head. I am sorry you dont like it, but as the famous saying goes facts dont care about your feelings. Could you do it without insults? Father: 265 with 26 from Father with a Step Mother or Girlfriend in the home. I dont see how this shows the safest place for children is with biological fathers. The Data was presented to Congress but hid the important Data behind the submitted form. Thanks for the article but I believe it is really biased and unhelpful. 2. I need to know where you got this quite frankly untrue information. Thats a difference of 0.01%. I have also observed over the years that it is more often the single mother who doesnt have to worry about where she gets next months rent payment from, as she lives off her parents bailing her out, or is receiving child benefit payment from the childs father that is more likely to be resentful towards the world. No-one actually sees any child-abuse,often there is not a shred of physical evidence of it ,no-one is accused of it thus parents cannot defend themselves in a fair court hearing . Usually when Mums bash children ,it is because they are naughty,disobedient and disrespectful to their elders. Fanbelts. Single Dad . Sorry it definitely is. You wanted to play game with excusing inexcusable by providing some numbers which would explain why, so let me play this game too I hope you dont mind? While single parenting is difficult irrespective of gender, there are some glaring differences the single parents of either gender have to face. As I say it is only my experience, I know you will feel free to disagree. The only amazing part is that they didnt completely censor the comments, as leftist feminists usually do. Your conclusion you talk about is however the kill/non-kill ratio or abuse/non-abuse ratio respectively. You have managed to express yourself without being abusive, so your comment may stay. Youd probably be a shoe-in for a job in the Cabinet TBH, they always need fudgers and manipulators to misrepresent truth. You can also do the maths with the kills instead of abuse. Women are overwelmingly the majority of lone parents and overwhelmingly more likely to be in poverty. The subject which should be discussed is Why do some women bash children and why do some men bash children? I just like working on my own. Even-handed judgment leads me to ask is there indeed any truth in the allegation that your father abused you? Lots of violent child abuse by moms. According to the national hotline for child abuse and the Bureau of Justice women on average are more likely to abuse their kids. In many Western countries, certainly in Britain, and probably the States, its just taken for granted that whoever the mother names is the father of the child. And if you dont give a damn which sex is more likely, why on earth have you written a blog deliberately spinning figures to try and mislead people into believing the literal opposite of what they show? I am not making excuses. Of course they do. But apparently thats not the case? Show me one case of male Munchhausen By Proxy. A good start is a job half done; an interesting first date can get you to meet more often. These numbers do not include those parents who do not neglect their children and so they do not reach the conclusion you claim they do. Maybe they are *more* devoted to abusive mothers. All the time. You might say that men kill a higher proportion of children, but those percentages were of children killed out of children abused, and are not normalised to populations. Seems that when the statistics dont match the men are inherently evil belief system, all form of excuses are made to try and evade cognitive dissonance. You pretend a 45 percentage point difference is comparable to a 1/100th percentage point difference, but IM the one being obtuse? The child care service claimed that she was suffering parental alination and that she would be placed in a home for teenagers if she did not comply when she was perfectly happy to live with her father. We had an individual go over the American Version presented by a Naomi GoldStein under the Childrens Research who is in charge of its Distribution. Care to take that one on? All constructive comment/criticism welcome. Yeah slap them down Sarah. I dont give a damn which sex is more likely the focus as you say should be on identifying which particular children are at risk and taking steps to keep them safe. A Gemini man will appreciate someone who complements his personality and make up for his flaws. The numbers are correct the author of this site (whoever they area) might have a hidden agenda they are trying to accomplish. This would be totally understandable as men are much much stronger than women. It is not a complicated rule of engagement and I am glad you can abide by it. Why don't single fathers get the same attention as single mothers? This is all explained in the post. They also show that men are more likely to cause physical harm while being abusive. Until several high profile cases forced the establishment to admit the truth and change its position. CAFCASS Guidance on working with Children and Gender Identity, Systemic Failings in the Family Justice System, Summary of the law to be applied in a finding of fact about suspected injury to a child, Taking a child abroad for a double mastectomy, Percent of cases involving one parent acting either alone or in concert with someone other than the childs other parent, Estimated that between 50-60% of maltreatment fatalities are. I am not making excuses. Hi Sarah, I know this is an old chat however I couldnt ignore one of your glaring mistakes. Those men ate 4 of those 10 apples. If you are not willing to read or understand my comments policy, then I will end up simply banning you altogether]. Humans are aggressive. Yea I admit it. Now dont forget chaps : in the last century, whole nations in their tens of millions were subject to the over exertion of the masculine principal. management etc. Why not? It doesnt support my speculation that poverty is linked to greater rates of child death. I have written above that gender arguments are somewhat irrelevant. Drop-outs have been the overwhelming feature of DVIPs and other accredited programmes output. But crunching those numbers does not support the assertion that more women alone kill more children than more men alone. Single moms are usually judged harshly for their childrens behavior. Still, I feel completely sure you would not allow this as a valid argument, although the argument is of a similar nature to your own. True. What IS newsworthy is that women are at all capable, and in large numbers . That would mean that out of those 320,000 homeless people, 272,000 were male and 4,800 female. Single mothers account for 83 per cent of lone-parent families in Toronto. There is nothing to be lost by admitting the error and correcting it. Sorry, dont understand the point you are making. I recently moved in with my Dad and things have been way better for me. Looking at statistics it's easy to assume children raised by single mothers commit more crime, are less educated, and are more depressed because of poverty alone. This blog was written in response to a woman who claimed that the majority of children who were abused were abused by their mothers. If the roles were revered the dad would never be able to step 300 feet from her. Thats why these statistics are important. They are propositions. Single dads are presumed to be incapable of doing simple things like changing diapers. The disadvantages of being a single parent may be financial instability, excess workload leading to lack of time for kids, inability to discipline children effectively, excessive attachment to children, and relationship problems. What you are doing with the numbers is trying to make them say what they dont say. But they do this to cover their butts and stay out of lawsuites the same way in NV. She didnt have them. Thats school teachers, pediatricians , mental health professionals everyone. You literally are manipulating the statistics for your own pet theory. Indeed your comment about .1% MORE was quite revealing of a petty trivial refocusing statistics, while actually a real issue exists in either case. At the end of the day, every parent should strive to be a good parent, and kids need both parents, preferably parents who wont abuse them, who will support their child having a relationship with the other parent, and to share parenting as equally as possible. For example, you say 1,704 were killed by a mother acting alone. Why ARENT you talking about abusive moms? He did something wrong. And Dads rights debunked your arguments. If high conflict begins in childhood then it should be spotted,addressed and subdued early on before it gets out of control. My site, my rules, my decision. But if you have a genuine wish to discuss and challenge, it would help to tone down the abusive nature of your posting. Nope. Evolve in your role with a tad more love, patience, and involvement. What I care about is that people make efforts to tear down the systemic bias against men that precipitates many bad childcare decisions. Because you look at rates per 100 people. Smacking by Mum is not violence or neglect,it is a responsible child-training technique and acceptable in England at least. My mother much less so. Without making excuses for it and making them victims striking back? How very odd. After her Master's in Counseling, she did certifications in Perinatal Mental Health and is a Certified Addictions Counselor (CACII) with around 1 more, Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. That maximizes the money transferred from the high wage earner to the court, which takes its cut plus any penalty interest, then transferred to a the parent with custody. Intervention through support,monitoring and counselling etc..Yes! This seems simple to me. Not to mention violence at school. Abused and belittled by female peers. You havent read a word I have written have you? Single women, especially single mothers, are more likely to live in poverty than single men. If you disagree with Sarah, put an opposing statistical ( or moral ) opinion as all the other commentators have and leave it at that. The single-parent household can be headed by a mother, a father, a grandparent, an uncle, or aunt.. According to Pew Research, single fathers are financially more stable and, thus, in a better condition to take care of their children than single mothers. You never denied women abuse kids. Given that men overwhelmingly commit the crimes that attract the attention of the CJS. But they arent. With such precise statistics quoted, the lack of any link is odd. The poor single mother who has nobody but herself and child to fall back on, is far less likely to do anything to push the child away. Infanticide also female. Sociologists believe that men who appear to be good dads have increased chances of repartnering. While this is amusing to watch, it doesnt actually add anything to the sum of human knowledge, so I am not going to respond to comments about this any more. Mother and Other 222,836 Like most primate species male and female humans have different means of harming each other. My obligation is not to be calm or neutral. give birth and raise children while men hunt and gather. Or have you merely been told he did? They warned me. Such experiments began in the 30s. That way, you can actually prove to us that people are being abusive. The infographic below details the common issues a single mother or father may have while raising their child(ren).SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. Look out for such signs in your relationship and take the necessary steps promptly. I cant comment on any other data as I didnt analyse any other. I will not go into this but rather give my 2 cents on the matter. 2 days of "and the lord heard me - i have my answers" || nsppd || 6th july 2023 etc. Sarah Phillimore is a common name according to Google, more than 200 professionals with that name. If you wish to argue that in fact more women are abusive than men across the board, then show me the data. And faces no consequences for its failures. Who ever they are, this author spins the statistics that were clearly published by Mark Rosenthal. But one more thing to consider: it is proven that women more easily seek for help, whereas men rather try to cope with the situation themselves (or are ashamed of being beaten and keep it secret) Many of the things you are discussing stress, trauma, inter-partner violence also apply to men. Volunteering to pick up and drop off their children from school, babysitting children when needed, and offering help to them when necessary are some ways you can help create a more accommodating society for single parents. Some have excuses, others have none. I know multiple kids who are in care of their fathers. I am sorry that you had such horrible experiences with one particular woman, and sorry that they have made you so hateful towards women as a whole. therefore you cant just look at raw number. Her desire for equal partnership and unconditional love tops her best match checklist. in 1 year, there are 3585 deads in car accidents* in France. Published Aug 31, 2020 Statistics show that single motherhood is on the rise more than ever before. My colleague Mrs Denise Knowles and I have worked with female abusers (and male abusers) for the last 25 years. My father died when i was about the age of thirteen . One in five of all American moms have kids who have different birth fathers, a new study shows. Dad Life. Your brought this upon yourselves. Either way all this aint got shit on fatherlessness. you dont like that? Or female rulers, start off with key support and give you an era if prosperity before times changes, instability strikes then its just wars and genocides. The percentage of single mothers is not relevant. Your sources, maam? .12% vs .13% is not less likely it is AS likely. Luke, I am interested in your comment about high conflict people with a personality disorder. So 859 is more than 1,704. To try and take the percentages of each category for mothers and fathers individually and say that fathers cause MORE fatalities is completely ignorant and misleading. 1,700 is more than 900. You dont just find those excuses for women abusing kids. The unbelievable rise of single motherhood in America over the last 50 Their job is to address the fundamental problems. The number is too small for that. Many fathers claim to me that a mother is abusing a child by not allowing the kind of contact they want. Some have excuses, others have none. He is not married. Thats actually pretty funny. To answer your question .Fact? Children feel more empathy for women . I wonder at what age the traits first emerge and begin to set within one. she hadnt defined feminicide The public would guess: a woman killed by a man / husband. Another child caller reported that her mom was a health-care employee in New York City, working longer shifts than usual. But probably a more interesting percentage that can be gleaned from these figures is that children killed by parents acting alone. Thats why Im asking. If you can say what you wish to say without being rude and unpleasant, I will publish it. Single parent - Wikipedia These are adults with functioning brains. So why even take all this time to refocus the gender statistic? Karma will make you all reap what you have sown. What you incorrectly posture is that because the potential is greater, it means that more men actually abuse or kill children. It is actually not relevant if the percentage is 40% or 70%. This is despite men working the more strenuous and dangerous jobs, like construction, sewers, mining, etc. FYI Boys are more likely to be the victims of child abuse as well. Click here for additional information. Home Life and Relationship Relationships. My main issue would be is that this information is based off the small percentage of cases that were reported. Lets look at the numbers. Facts are facts. My site, my time, my cash, I will respond as I wish. Just recently, in French radio, a feminist got a few minutes to say following: Both men and women carry out horrible cruelties to children. I must point out, youre incredibly wrong. FACT: The Authorities are generally the source of statistics re- abuse which consequently cannot be fully relied upon even as a rough indicator.Neither can Court findings or figures.Particular any American ones. Not surprisingly, our best-match criteria are different for men and women. single men 500 20 2 10% 0,4% 4%. Why are you making excuses for these abusive women? You did bring out the fact that 91% of single parents are women, but you have not done anything to show that that is at all relevant to the statistics of how many children men or women killed, the statistics say Percent of cases involving one parent acting either alone or in concert with someone other than the childs other parent this means that they didnt separate on a marital basis only a perpetrator basis. These awful people must be opposed and the law enforced. I imagine boys are naughtier and get bashed by dads more than mums,for example,but because mums spend more time at home boys are more likely to suffer emotional abuse from her on a regular basis.I doubt if there are many convictions for emotional abuse though. Pingback: Who Might Be An Abuser? They can also be forced to support kids that theyre not allowed to see or that the mother prevents them from having anything to do with. It is needed education for those who screen for child abuse to realize that mom is just as likely if not more so to commit child abuse. 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Lives, childrens lives are being lost. Do not dare to justify what these women do or take away their responsibility. But recognising that the majority of violent and sexual abuse is perpetrated by men does not negate the harm done by women. Has been this way since 2000. Sarah, Angelo is completely right. This article is Bee Ess. The percentage may be higher, but that doesnt mean that there are more homeless women (as a result of partner violence) than homeless men (as a result of partner violence). As a society, we have opinions about who makes a good catch and who doesnt. power over their children to abuse them. more likely than men to be victims of violence. {redacted because clearly this person is a troll }. It doesnt make any sense. But it sometimes is a double edged sword for groups that are used to claiming victim status. The questions are: why is alienation so much easier to believe than abuse? Early childhood,teens or anytime. homicide or feminicide a bad things and I dont want to play it down. If there is no excuse for an adult male to beat his wife, there is no excuse for an adult woman to abuse her child. Sorry dont understand your point. I get it, single mothers make up over 90% of all single parents in this day and age. This is not a men versus women issue. Women are alsomore likely than men to be victims of violence and abuse from intimate partners. Read this post to get a better insight into gender-biased expectations and extend your support to single mothers and fathers. This is an industry with hundreds of millions siphoned away to support courts and lawyers CEO of REFUGE who told us in 1994: Violent men are all the same and they wont change the only thing for a woman to do is to leave him. Her bed spaces are as scarce as gold dust. By contrast more than 90% of men and more than 95% of very many fewer women complete the 36 hours of our therapeutically informed work 100%. The point is women are less likely to kill there children, but have killed more because they usually are the ones to take care of children. Pretending women are NOT violent like men, do not abuse, and when they are it is because they are victimized (by men/society) first is not helping anyone solve any problems, not domestic violence and not child abuse, But your statistics are footnoted with Child abuse crosses all socioeconomic and educational levels, religions, ethnic and cultural groups.1. in plenty of cases its the mother who is using the child as a weapon towards the father. The fact is there is systemic bias against men in our childcare systems. Single Moms vs. Single Dads - Parents Adrian. The water-bearer has a mysterious attraction that makes her unique and irresistible. To show who is in reality more risky. The point I was making that the statistics for lone parents at least did not support the assertion that MORE mothers kill than fathers, simply by virtue of their motherhood.
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