What three kinds of emergency equipment must you have? . Keep a safe following distance. 2023 FL General Knowledge CDL Quick Review 4 - CristCDL.com If you identify a distracted driver on the road, you should do what? The least amount of space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe is 4 When driving on a wet road, you should reduce your speed by how much? A tread depth of ____ should be in every major groove of a tire that is not in the front of a commercial motor vehicle. An oncoming driver drifts into your lane and is Driving too fast for conditions is defined as traveling at a speed that is greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving. so that it can be pulled forward to leave the space. develop plans to get out of any dangerous situations that could arise. is it a blind curve?) When approaching a railroad crossing, you should not what? If you are turning left at an intersection where there are two available turn lanes. Continue checking traffic in all directions. So what you need to do before entering a curve is slow down. If the drive wheels start to skid, push in the clutch to let them turn freely. Drivers Ed Unit 5 Flashcards | Quizlet You should Take the vehicle out of gear. Do not stop, change gears, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is proceeding across the tracks. Laws about securing loads and regulating CMV weights may vary from state to state. To warn drivers behind you that you will be slowing down, you should? Take the vehicle out of gear. As you approach a tunnel Before entering a curve and entering a downgrade Downshifting before you reach a curve will ensure that you start to slow, and also have power in hand coming out of the curve. You must check traffic thoroughly in all directions and move to the right-most lane or shoulder of road. Scan Alcohol first affects judgment and self-control, which are necessary for safe driving. RonTitus Teacher. Unsafe coasting occurs when your vehicle is out of gear (clutch depressed or gearshift in neutral) for more than the length of your vehicle. Illinois Class B Knowledge Test. 13.1.8 - Railroad Crossing. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Decrease In/Accelerate Out: After the midway point of the curve it is good to speed up just a bit. Keep vehicle in the lane. When should high-beam headlights be used? curve. Did you get it right? 13.1.7 - Curve. Slow down. Keystone State. New! Hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low. wear. Explanation. obstacle more quickly then you can stop. Which of the following are signs of potential slick spots on the roadway? (The grooves in a tire carry away 17. When approaching a curve What should you do? Maintain proper lane positioning, vehicle spacing, and vehicle speed. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver. One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 200 feet to the rear. Slow to a safe speed before you enter a curve. Vehicles are heavy, and they have lots of inertia. 35. When asked to make a lane change during the skills test, you should: Make the necessary traffic checks first. pressure up so you can stop the vehicle. Red, Yellow and Green Traffic Lights and Arrows, A burning tire should be cooled with water. 8 How to stay safe while driving on curvy roads? During this part of the test, you are expected to make regular traffic checks and maintain a safe following distance. Black ice will appear to be the color of whatever surface it forms over and normally makes the surface appear to be wet. Other drivers may not realize your intentions, and if there's a big enough gap, they may try to get through on the inside, moving into your blind spot as they do so. If the surface is icy, reduce speed to a crawl and stop driving as soon as you can safely do so. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. or get instant require placards. name of a hazard class on the shipping paper; a four-inch, diamond-shaped hazardous If stopping behind another vehicle, stop where you can see the rear tires on the vehicle ahead of you (safe gap). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The proper way to hold a steering wheel is with both hands, on opposite sides of the notify your employer within two business days. CMV Driving Tips - Too Fast for Conditions | FMCSA When stopping a manual transmission vehicle, you should do what? Wet ice is much more slippery than ice that is not wet. Connecticut Class B Knowledge Test. 25. A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected. if an aggressive driver is involved in a crash on the road ahead of you, you should, stop after the crash scene and report the driver's aggressive behavior to the police. 2. are going to stop on the road. As the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the four-way flashers. Horse-Drawn Vehicles & Horseback Riders, Go to Section 1: General Knowledge. CDL Written test Flashcards | Chegg.com You should choose a speed that lets you stop within the distance that you can see You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. West Virginia Class A Knowledge Test. clean should be checked in a pre-trip inspection. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. May have to stop if theres a yellow or red light, stop sign, yield sign or something in your path of travel. If approaching such an opening, you should assume what? You are driving a vehicle that makes wide turns. Operating a motor vehicle with the intent of doing harm to others. children often run toward an ice cream truck without looking for other traffic. Tighty-whities or loosey-goosey? The water is often deep enough to cause hydroplaning. Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. Name some things you should check on the front of your vehicle during the walk around inspection. Bridges - When the temperature drops, bridges will freeze before the road will. A second conviction of operating a CMV with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% will result in what? Downshift. For guidance about how to steer your vehicle, scan ahead, and look at the inside edge of the curve. The chance of a crash is much greater for drivers who have been drinking than for 61. Special Circumstances and Emergencies, PDF The following 8 pages replace pages 12-1 thru 12-5 of this manual : Note: In Florida CDL tests, railroad crossings for all vehicles will be scored according to procedures for vehicles transporting passengers or hazmat (Sections 4.3.5 and 9.6.12). If approaching such an opening, you should assume what? If you are being tailgated, you should increase your following distance. When driving, it is important to do what? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You can find it here: High Road 2.0. You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip inspection. Are there any other restrictions to your line of sight? Sleep is the only thing that can overcome fatigue. You Be in a gear that will let you accelerate slightly in the curve. OH General Knowledge CDL Practice Test - 4. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If your test route does not have a bridge or overpass, you may be asked about another traffic sign. There are no vehicles in When passing a row of parked vehicles, a driver should watch for what? If one-fourth of the leaves in a leaf spring are missing when a vehicle is inspected what happens? As you approach a curve, you will usually see a yellow diamond warning sign showing how the road bends. The most important thing to understand about curves is you cannot beat the laws of physics. Unfortunately, once an accident happens, you can't take it back. Unstable loads such as hanging meat or livestock can require extra caution on curves. Activate your four-way emergency flashers. If unable to tell if the road is becoming icy and slippery, a driver may what? explanation Before Entering a Curve. When backing with a trailer you should begin by doing what? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Do not turn the wheel before your vehicle moves. Then move back onto the pavement when it is safe. Please try again. You do not have a Hazardous Materials Endorsement on your Commercial Drivers Accelerate smoothly and change gears as necessary. When approaching a curve in the road, you should reduce your speed: Answers. require slowing down. QR code Once again, we've seen this statement a couple times already. General Knowledge CDL Louisiana Flashcards | Quizlet You are driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 MPH. Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Test If necessary, come to a complete stop (no coasting) behind any stop signs, signals, sidewalks, or stop lines maintaining a safe gap behind any vehicle in front of you. When starting an engine, oil pressure should come up to a normal level how quickly? Before you enter the curve. Sometimes, you will see a stop sign clearly in the distance as you approach it whilst other times there might be fog or other cloudy mist making it harder to see. General Knowledge Bus Exam Part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet You should use a helper and communicate with hand signals. 2023 MO General Knowledge CDL Practice Test 4 - CristCDL.com it is high. Black ice is a thin layer that is clear enough that you can see the road underneath it. headed straight for you. Ask yourself the following questions when approaching a curve in the road: Can you see the exit of the curve? For this maneuver, you will be asked to pull your vehicle over to the side of the road and stop as if you were going to get out and check something on your vehicle. Speed Control In Traffic And Curves | High Road Online CDL Training Hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low or the tread is worn. the vehicle until the clutch engages. 93.You are checking your steering and exhaust systems in a pre-trip inspection. When performing a pre-trip inspection and looking into the fifth wheel gap, you should do what? your speed has dropped to about 20 MPH. Wet roads can double stopping distance. This makes the road very slippery. 58. You should maintain at least ______ of following distance per every 10 feet of your vehicle when you are traveling more slowly than 40 mph. There are blind spots that your mirror cannot show you. If you remain in neutral for too long while switching gears what happens?
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