Farmers took pride in being able to plow a straight furrow. The United States Air Force uses the term element, as well as section, to designate two or three subunits within a flight. In headquarters, service, and support units throughout the USMC (CE, GCE, ACE, and LCE), sections are used as functional sub-units of headquarters or platoons. [48][49] By 2005[50] therefore, the normal section grouping was reorganised as follows:[51], The two other section groupings were also modified; the assault team/support team grouping now had the Charlie fireteam consist of the section commander, a rifleman with UGL, and both section gunners, with the Delta fireteam consisting of the section 2IC, both section marksmen, and a rifleman with UGL. Immovable Property Real estate; real property; realty. As a result of this, a mechanised section's rifle group only had four riflemen; two of these could be detailed as a Medium Anti-tank Weapon (MAW) No. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Petition of Monition Request made to a formal court after specified period of time to issue clear title upon unredeemed property purchased through tax sale. "Part" is what I'm used to. There are a number of ways of defining city populations, and thus the 'largest city in Britain' of which perhaps the most obvious is the "urban area" - that is, the continuously built-up zone. Parts, chapters, sections, and subsections: how to organize your Industrial Property Generally any property used in a manufacturing activity. Section A unit of land approximately one mile square and normally containing 640 acres, as laid out by the government survey. These maps show just how massive Ontario really is | Curated - Daily Hive 3.4 Wildcat), F88 Steyr w/M203 under-barrel grenade launcher, Section Commander/Charlie Commander (Corporal) armed with an L85A1 5.56mm rifle (Upgraded to L85A2 from 2002 to 2006), Two Riflemen armed with L85A1 5.56mm rifles (Upgraded to L85A2 from 2002 to 2006), Gunner armed with an L86A1 5.56mm light support weapon (Upgraded to L86A2 from 2002 to 2006; often replaced informally by the earlier L7A2 7.62mm general purpose machine gun owing to the L86's shortcomings in the section machine gun role, and later officially replaced by the, Section 2IC/Delta Commander (Lance Corporal) armed with an L85A1 5.56mm rifle (Upgraded to L85A2 from 2002 to 2006), Gunner armed with an L86A1 5.56mm light support weapon (Upgraded to L86A2 from 2002 to 2006; often replaced informally by the earlier L7A2 7.62mm general purpose machine gun owing to the L86's shortcomings in the section machine gun role, and later officially replaced by the L110A1 5.56mm light machine gun), Section Commander/Charlie Commander (Corporal) armed with an L85A2 5.56mm rifle, Rifleman armed with an L85A2 5.56mm rifle and L123A1-A3 40mm UGL (though this could be carried by the fireteam commander instead), Gunner armed with an L110A1-A3 5.56mm light machine gun, Designated marksman armed with an L86A2 5.56mm light support weapon (Supplemented and then largely replaced by L129A1 7.62mm sharpshooter rifle from 2010 onwards), Section 2IC/Delta Commander (Lance Corporal) armed with an L85A2 5.56mm rifle, Section Commander/Charlie Fireteam Commander (Corporal) armed with an L85A2/A3 5.56 mm rifle, Section 2IC/Delta Fireteam Commander (Lance Corporal) armed with an L85A2/A3 5.56 mm rifle. I can't find anything authoritative enough to quote though. 3. Succession The passing of property by inheritance or will. . The Aubach, a watercourse in Germany A fjord in Norway. @MetaEd: really, I thought 'fleuron' was a made-up word. How Many Acres Are in a Section of Land? - [40][42][43], The normal section organisation during the late 1980s, the 1990s, and the early 2000s was as follows:[40][42][43]. Degree One 360th of the circumference of a circle. Today, King Ranch sprawls across 825,000 acres of South Texas land, an area larger than the state of Rhode Island. Spatial Refers to the location of, proximity to, or orientation of objects with respect to one another. By Jesus Jimnez. Headquarters and aircraft sections are always led by a commissioned officer. Assess To value property officially for the purpose of taxation. Is iMac FusionDrive->dual SSD migration any different from HDD->SDD upgrade from Time Machine perspective? 2. Alluvion Land which forms upon the bank of a river or stream, either by accumulation ofmaterial or recession of water. Townships, Sections, Acreages: Everything You Need to Know Lawyers love complicated documents, too. Is there a standard name for these broad pieces that are bigger than a chapter? By division, a section contains 640 acres. Trustee One who holds legal title to property under a trust agreement. Grantor One who voluntarily conveys property, whether by sale, gift, lease, or otherwise. The PLSS as a locator As well as defining property boundaries, the PLSS can be used in In the context of British Empire military aviation during World War I, the term half flight or half-flight was used for equivalent formations; at the time a flight was normally four to six aircraft. Temperature extremes have also shifted. Domicile That particular locality wherein a person is legally deemed to have his or her truehome or place of abode; residency. Lawyers love complicated documents, too. NATO and U.S. doctrine define a section as an organization "larger than a squad, but smaller than a platoon. Does size matter? Should you buy a small block of land in a great Some sections, such as weapons platoon sections are led by a staff non-commissioned Officer (SNCO), usually a staff sergeant. Legatee One who receives a gift by testatment. +1 for bringing up that point. Instrument A formal legal document such as a deed, contract, will, or lease. People seem to use "Section" to refer to things smaller than a chapter. Agricultural Property Improved or unimproved land that is devoted to or available for theproduction of crops and/or agricultural products, livestock, and agricultural support buildings. Government Survey A ground survey authorized by the Continental Congress in 1775 and subsequent acts, in which the land was divided into townships approximately six mile square, each township normally containing thirty-six sections and each section normally containing 640 acres. Prescription To expire by the passage of time; statute of limitations. Earth or Mars. I think your first guess is the best, and the one I've seen most often in technical books-- Unit I, Unit II, etc. During World War II, a rifle section comprised ten soldiers with a corporal in command and a lance-corporal as his second-in-command. Explaining Ohm's Law and Conductivity's constance at particle level. Deforestation can include clearing the land for farming or livestock, or using the timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing . But if you have four 3,000-word chapters and one 16,000 word chapter, your book will appear uneven and lumpy to the reader. Expropriation The exercise of the right of eminent domain to secure legal title to private property required by public use. Subject Property The property being appraised. Alpha and Bravo make up Assault Group 1; Charlie and Delta make up Assault Group 2. Also a judicial mortgage. Here's What Cluster Munitions Do and Why They Are So Controversial Escrow A written instrument that by its terms imparts a legal obligation but that is placed by thegrantor in the hands of a third party, to be held by him or her until the occurrence or nonoccurrenceof a specified event, then only to be delivered to the grantee and to take effect. Undivided Interest An interest in a property that is not distinct from the interest of other owners of the property. Donor One who gives or donates property in a donation. There were also groupings devised in relation to specific combat scenarios; sections engaged in trench clearing could either be organised as usual or be split into four assault teams of two men each, while sections tasked with clearing a house were organised into a command group, a covering group comprising both section gunners (and possibly the section 2IC), and two assault groups of two riflemen each. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Tenant One who holds or possesses a property. Eminent Domain The right by which a sovereign government may acquire private property forpublic use upon payment of reasonable compensation, but without consent of the owner. Servitude The right of use or enjoyment of land belonging to another; easement. Play More or Less Game! - The next generation of Higher or Lower! Field Review The practice of reviewing the reasonableness of assessments by viewing the properties in question. Call The designation of visible natural objects, monuments, courses, distances, or other matter of description as limits of the boundaries. Larger caliber bullets can cause more damage and generally weigh more; however, caliber only describes the bullet size but provides no information as to the cartridge's speed or power. "Part" is also apt and common. Executory Process An accelerated procedure for foreclosing a mortgage or vendors lien. 4 .303 rifle (Partially and then completely substituted by the L98A1 5.56mm cadet GP rifle in the late 1980s and the 1990s), Five Riflemen armed with No. LMG Gunner armed with a C9 light machine gun. In the Irish Army, the infantry section consists of one Corporal or Ceannaire as section commander and eight other ranks. Answer (1 of 2): Saigon is always bigger and better than Hanoi. [39], Both World War II and Cold War section tactics were designed with a view to bringing the section machine gun to bear on the enemy and providing support to it; once the gun group had suppressed the enemy ("winning the firefight"), the rifle group would assault and destroy the enemy position with the gun group providing fire until the last safe moment. The An-124 Ruslan, operated by the Russian Air Force, is the largest military aircraft in the world. Names of them are unknown for me. Lis Pendens A notice of a pending suit. [74] In the US Cavalry, a section was roughly equivalent to a squad in the US Infantry. article on the history of the Infantry Section. Classic examples are Southeast Asia or Scandinavia. What do you call those roofs you usually find at the entrance of buildings?
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