There is no loss recorded of the Guard in this battle, owing perhaps to the fact that it remained with the reserve companies and did not enter upon the field until the second charge was made, at the close of the engagement. The 3rd Wisconsin assembled at Camp Hamilton, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and mustered into Federal service on June 19, 1861. The names of those who served with me have faded from memory, but their steady step will always be fresh in mind and heart. Visit our other Wisconsin Historical Society websites! They occupied the cities of Ponce and Coamo, and engaged in skirmishing in that area until the cessation of hostilities in August. July 18, 65. recd. Gen. U. S. Co. G, Apr. Rogers.". Arrested the Maryland Legislature at Frederick, Maryland. WebThe 53rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment was a volunteer infantry regiment that served in the Union Army near the end of the American Civil War. Sergeant Noble had gone to his home in Wisconsin on a brief furlough and Sergeant William C. Meffert carried the National flag in his stead, while Corporal Herman G. Lueschen bore the Blue Standard and thus were the re-united banners carried in the Grand Review that day, and the garlands of flowers that were hung on the staffs, by Wisconsin friends then in Washington, were in themselves a goodly load for the flag bearers to carry. Inf., June 1, 62. At Resaca there were 10 killed and 18 wounded. M. Cooper, Co. K; Robert F. McGonigal, Co. F; Charles B. Rosenow, Co. G; Thos. Of the original 978 "Boys of '61", only 194 stood in the last formation. It is stated by several members of the Regiment that Chauncey S. Beebe, Co. G, first held aloft the Colors on Antietam field until wounded; then Charles C. Chubb, Co. E, held them until wounded, then William A. Kimberly, Co. C, took them and he was soon wounded; Henry C. Isbel (right), Co. B, then took them when he was wounded; Private J. M. Greene, Co. C, then took the flag and held it a short time under murderous fire, when he was severely wounded and retired from the field. WebThe Third Infantry was organized at Fond du Lac, WI and mustered into the service of the United States on the 29th day of June, 1861. From Wisconsin it moved to Hagerstown, Maryland, on July 12 and then went on to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, July 18, 1861. Co. A, Aug. 13, 62; Bvt. In June 1861, the new companies converged on the central Wisconsin city of Fond du Lac. Lt. Co. A; Capt. The Guard came off unscathed and marched intact with the Regiment back to "Old Virginia," to Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, and when the "Johnnies" began to show themselves on its south bank, the Regiment was mysteriously ordered northward, and it made a long, hot march to Alexandria. Web1st Wisconsin Infantry (3 months) & Roster: 1st Wisconsin Infantry (3 years) & Roster; 2nd Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 3rd Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 4th Wisconsin Infantry: 5th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 6th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 7th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 8th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 9th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster Bryant recalled the ragged condition of the Wisconsinites at that time: "Some were nearly barefoot; some had one leg to their trousers; some had tied on patches with strings; and some, with an invention born of old mother necessity, had stuck the patches on with pitch.". During the lull, the 3rd Wisconsin managed to rearm themselves by tossing away their old smoothbores and picking up new pattern Springfields they found lying on the battlefield. It had made the journey from Alexandria by steamer. He writes: "The circumstances of my carrying the flag at Antietam, referred to by Captain Hinkley, could I presume, be much better told by himself, as he was there and knows all about it. Vols., Mar. November 24, the Regiment left Miledgeville, and passing through Sandersville, Louisville and Springfield, it arrived December 9, before a small fort, located on Harrison's plantation, some 15 miles south of Savannah, where, after much maneuvering and a vexatious delay an assault was made upon the works garrisoned by a North Carolina Regiment and one cannon. The stand of Colors was placed in the State House the flag of Savannah, Averasboro and Raleigh, was placed by the side of the flag of Chancellorsville, Antietam and Gettysburg, which the non-veterans had brought home when they returned a year previously, and the blue Standard, which so mysteriously survived the war, is there with them, mute relics of an organization that once existed and known as the Third Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, Veteran Volunteers. [2], They proceeded to Camp Thomas, near the old Chickamauga battlefield in Tennessee, to prepare for battle in the Caribbean. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Wisconsin_Infantry&oldid=5037871, Wisconsin - Military - Civil War, 1861-1865. WebHistorical Essay Civil War: 3rd Infantry The 3rd Wisconsin Infantry was organized at Camp Hamilton, in Fond Du Lac and mustered into service on June 19, 1861. It arrived on the field of Chancellorsville about noon, May 15, and there it stacked arms and lunched upon the exact spot on which it stood, some two years before when Jackson's Corps came charging down upon it. A month later when camp at Antietam Ford, Maryland, there were promotions and re-organization. Acting Q. M. 2d Brig. June 29, 1861. There are only 60 men left! Seven Corporals and the Color Bearer was the usual Guard of the Regiment; our Guard seldom numbered more than six, including the Color Bearer. Among those mustered out at this time was Corporal John Towle of the Guard; Herman G. Lueshen, Co. E, was appointed to fill the vacancy. 3rd Wisconsin Infantry WebThe 3rd Wisconsin Infantry was organized at Camp Hamilton, in Fond Du Lac and mustered into service on June 19, 1861.From Wisconsin it moved to Hagerstown, Maryland, on July 12 and then went on to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, July 18, 1861.During its service it moved through Maryland, Virginia, the Washington, D.C., area and Pennsylvania. Hamilton was promoted to divisional command in the III Corps, and Col. George H. Gordon (shown right) of the 2nd Massachusetts was placed in charge of Hamilton's former brigade. 53rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Of the 36 companies, 10 would become the 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He was appointed by Colonel Charles S. Hamilton, at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, when the Regiment was organized sometime in June, 1861. I. On May 24, 1865, Sherman's tatterdemalion army, 65,000 men strong, proudly marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., for the Grand Review. July 18, 65. Hinkley, Julian Wisner, 1838-1916. Cedar Mountain; killed in action, Chancellorsville, May 1, 63. In its camp on the right bank of the Chattahoochie River, the Army, and with it the Regiment, rested and prepared for the final struggle for Atlanta, and the rest was much needed and appreciated. September 6, 1862, the Army left Rockville, Maryland, to enter upon the Antietam campaign. The struggle intensified, with each side giving as good as it had. At the Battle of Cedar Mountain on August 9, 1862, the Wisconsin men really showed their mettle. Joining them was the Twenty-Seventh Indiana, which increased the number to about 150. 13, 65. 3rd Wisconsin Infantry Antietam, Sept, 17, 62; Argyle Island, S. C, Dec. 17, 64; Bvt. July 22 the City of Atlanta was invested by Sherman's Army, and for thirty-six long days and nights the Regiment was confined within the contracted limits of field intrenchments, where it lived, fought and existed, subjected to artillery and musketry fire and the sweltering heat of a mid-summer sun by day, digging and repairing their works by night a situation trying and arduous int the extreme. Towards the woods, at the edge of the cornfield, they marched. He recovered from his wounds and rejoined the Regiment to die of small pox at Fayetteville, Tennessee, April 14, 1864. Wisconsin Colonel Hawley was appointed Provost Marshal of the City. WebThe 3rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War . Third Wisconsin Infantry WebThe History of the 3rd Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry Field and Staff COMPILED BY THE ADJUTANT GENERAL FROM THE RECORDS OF HIS OFFICE. It was in the grey of early morning when the Sergeant Major, walking rapidly along the line of sleeping men, awakened us with a gruff voice to roll call. It brought 260 men to the field. Of the Guard, Sergeant Kilpatrick and Corporal William A. Kimberly were killed, the others were unharmed. I served in the Guard until mustered out at Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 5, 1864, was in all the battles with the Regiment to this date, excepting Cedar Mountain. Nine officers and 158 enlisted men were killed. It was in the grey of early morning when the Sergeant Major, walking rapidly along the line of sleeping men, awakened us with a gruff voice to roll call. "At charge-bayonets, the two western units advanced across the cornfield. Colonel Hawley (right) appointed Sergeant John D. Kirkpatrick, Co. 13, 65; M. O. Jan. 1, 68. I then called at Mr. Suman's and found that some man had been there and asked for the flag and it was refused him, he then went away and shortly returned with a written order from the provost marshal to deliver to him, which was readily done. WebEight days after receiving his orders from the War Department, Randall could proudly offer not one, but four regiments for the nation's defense. 20, 65. Surg. With that, the Badgers took their leave of the Army of the Potomac, never to return. 3rd Wisconsin Infantry The regiment lost 9 officers and 158 enlisted men killed in action or who later died of their wounds, plus another 2 officers and 113 enlisted men who died of disease, for a total of 282 fatalities.[2]. 3d Brig. Co. C, July 1, 65; not mus. View original documentsView assignments to brigades, divisions, corps, and armies. Leaving Fairfax, the Corps proceeded northwesterly to Leesburg, and June 26, it crossed the Potomac River at Edward's Ferry, and thence marched into Pennsylvania via Frederick and Middleton, Maryland, arriving at Littlestown, Pa., on the evening of June 30, and the next day at 3 o'clock P.M., it was on the field at Gettysburg, where it was more or less engaged with the enemy every one of those three eventful days, first, second and third of July. Res. The 3rd Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry was organized at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and it was mustered in June 19, 1861. 16, 65; M. O. July 18, 65. Whence and where did it come from? WebThe 3rd Wisconsin Infantry was organized at Camp Hamilton, in Fond Du Lac and mustered into service on June 19, 1861.From Wisconsin it moved to Hagerstown, Maryland, on July 12 and then went on to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, July 18, 1861.During its service it moved through Maryland, Virginia, the Washington, D.C., area and Pennsylvania. But Randall shrewdly foreseeing that there would be a much greater need for men, set about securing the enlistment of all state militia companies. I; trans. 3rd Infantry July 12, 1861. COMPILED BY THE ADJUTANT GENERAL FROM THE RECORDS OF HIS OFFICE. From Co. K; prom. 3rd Infantry. Antietam; Bvt, Lt. Col. U. S. U. S. Vols. Web1st Wisconsin Infantry (3 months) & Roster: 1st Wisconsin Infantry (3 years) & Roster; 2nd Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 3rd Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 4th Wisconsin Infantry: 5th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 6th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 7th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster; 8th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster: 9th Wisconsin Infantry & Roster Sergeant C. L. Dering was promoted to Sergeant Major, August 31, 1861, vice E. E. Bryant, promoted to Second Lieutenant, Co. A; promoted to First Lieutenant, Co. B, April 21, 1863; wounded at Cedar Mountains, August 9, 1862; resigned because of wounds received. He was wounded at Cedar Mountain, receiving three balls in one leg and two in the other; just before he was shot he remarked to me "that it was getting dark," and then seeing what he supposed was Union troops, he started towards them just as they fired a volley into us, he fell where he was wounded and was brought off the field two days afterwards, when passing our Regiment he raised himself upon his elbow and said,"Boys I am better than a dead man.". Dallas; Bvt. [1] During one skirmish, the regiment was fired on by Spanish artillery and suffered two killed. " The History of the Colors The colors however were not received until September 8, 1861, when the Regiment was encamped at Darnestown, Maryland. That there may be some discrepancies I do not deny, because individuals do not always see and describe the same thing or event exactly alike, although each and all were eye witnesses and participants. It had been sent to Nashville but too late to be forwarded to the Regiment at that time in Atlanta, and Sherman had then severed communications with Nashville, so it was sent to Washington, D.C., thence to Savannah. From 1st. Explore more than 1,600 people, places and events in Wisconsin history. Its first commander was Col. Charles Smith Hamilton. Service [ edit ] The regiment was organized at Madison, Wisconsin , and mustered in during April, 1865. Major, May 28, 61; prom. WebSource Title. The 3rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment lost 9 officers and 158 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 2 officers and 113 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. All Rights Reserved. Reunion. Lieutenant (afterwads Captain) Hinkley then handed the flag to Private Joseph E. Collins, Co. D. Of this incident permit Private Collins to tell his story in his own modest way. Its members were: Color Bearer, Sergeant Chipman D. Noble; Corporals, W. H. Meffert, Co. H; Herman G. Lueschen, Co. E; Frank Loveland, Co. C; William W. Caine, Co. D; John Kern, Co. F. Then began the long, toilsome march through the Carolinas, in mud and rain, overflowed swamps and highways, roads to corduroy, and bridges to be rebuilt, with scanty food and of the rudest, plainest quality; marching steadily day after day, through Columbia, Lancaster, Cheraw, on to Fayetteville, North Carolina, where it arrived March 12, 1865, just in time to enter upon a hard campaign, brief and glorious though it was, against an accumulation of Rebel organizations, which had been wrecked elsewhere upon other fields and hastily collected together by Johnston, Beauregard, Hood, Bragg and Hampton, all determined to overthrow and root Sherman's "mud waders".
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