# By default the engine looks for every single .ini option for each installed plugin, without checking, # if the .ini file actually exists. All rights reserved. # which may pop up due to high FPS immediatelly after loading. when upscaling). ## Minimize the game window if it loses focus. ## Disable actor fade when camera intersects the body. It caps frame rates to your monitor refresh (most often 60). Thanks again for the response. 2023 Step Modifications I don't get any fps boost, and even when I lower my resolution to something silly that should be noticeable I still don't see anything. ## Adjusts fMaxTime and fMaxTimeComplex dynamically based on current framerate. ## Stretch game window across the entire screen in borderless fullscreen mode. Right Shift + Insert I've attached the files. Page 78 of 250 - SSE Display Tweaks - posted in File topics: In response to post #85881283. Press and hold on either one to add or remove widgets. Negative values reverse the movement direction. Help w/Performance Tuning - SSETweaks - STEP Wiki disable SSE Display Tweak and windowed mode in the launcher settings. Only works with a flip SwapEffect option. # In the best case scanario you'll rarely (if ever) see this indicator. Do you have multiple MO2 profiles? # Note that this doesn't fix the faster collision response, only alleviates higher health damage at. # If DynamicMaxTimeScaling=false, this setting is used to calculate fMaxTime and fMaxTimeComplex once and, # If DynamicMaxTimeScaling=false and this is set to 0, the plugin attempts to determine this value based. # Read more about DXGI flip model here: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/dxgi-flip-model/. # If DynamicMaxTimeScaling=true and this is set to 0, the plugin attempts to determine this value, # based on VSync (refresh rate) and FramerateLimit option. For me, I'm using 85% scaling with 60% sharpening and I'm basically getting 55-65 fps in 4K outdoors, and much higher indoors. Minor tweaks and recompiled for Windows 7 support, Fixed an issue where iLocation X and iLocation Y options would be ignored when upscaling, Untie first person horizontal look sensitivity from framerate when sitting down, Use SKSE's trampoline interface when available, Fixed an issue where LoadingScreenLimitExtraTime wouldn't apply unless LoadingScreenLimitExtraTimePostLoad > 0, Fixed a thread safety issue with framerate limit switching, Adjusted default .ini options (FramerateLimit:Render now matches MaximumFramerate:Havok), Fixed a rare issue where the cursor wouldn't lock if the game window was out of focus on start, Fixed menu event sinks getting added too early, Third person movement fix is now on by default, Fixed an issue where the game would reset to desktop refresh rate when alt-tabbing, Added safeguards to prevent the user selecting an unsupported swap effect, Removed unnecessary fMaxFrameCounterDifferenceToConsiderVisible calculation, Query DXGI capabilities and select best available swap effect, Changed default mode to borderless fullscreen. Also be sure that EnableFPSLimit=false in enblocal.ini. I ask because I myself have made edits to aSSEDisplayTweaks.ini file located under a different MO2 profile than which I was running. It always start in full screen. ini 1 0 SSE Display tweaks ini fullscreen=ture ! Provided for convenience. You currently have javascript disabled. I've tried wading through the SKSE64.log, but according to the log, SSETweaks is loading successfully. A significant number of graphics options are missing from the launcher's graphics option menu. ## Offset the game window position relative to the primary monitor. amount of execution time per cycle controlled by, # fUpdateBudgetMS - 1.2 ms by default, roughly 7% of each cycle at 60 FPS, 17% at 144, 29% at. This is another section that requires heavy experimentation. # you can reduce or disable damage dealt with PhysicsDamageMult (valid range: 0 - 1). BudgetMaxFPS=97, [OSD] Spigotron Only applies in windowed and borderless fullscreen mode (when Fullscreen=false). It's now on by default. # Allow only Wyrmstooth and LOTD loadscreens: # LoadScreenAllow=Wyrmstooth.esp,LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm. In order to compare experiences/results/configurations, I'd suggest you include your SkyrimPrefs.ini, SSEDisplayTweaks.ini andSSEDisplayTweaks.log to provide objective unambiguous information. Changelog added Higher values effectively reduce framerate. UIFramerateLimit=97, [HAVOK] What settings in BethINI help you may not help others. Did you remove the # in front of the resolution scale line and disable fullscreen mode to enable the parameter? # found no evidence of that. Users are not allowed to modify this file. Users are not allowed to modify this file. So I just recently installed this and have been getting consistent crashes when entering whiterun. Changelog added The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - PCGamingWiki There may be a proprietary name for it. Never mind the strike through commentI'm thinking of skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini which are unique for each MO2 profile and stored under each MO2 profile folder. Fixed an issue where the OSD would not initialize if the d3d device creation call returned a non-fatal status code. Not sure if its a compatibly issue with something in my mod order. I swear I had this disabled already, but it was enabled, so I disabled it again. ', 'File \'High performance configuration\' version changed to 0.5.10.'. Fixed AutoCenter having no effect unless LockCursor was enabled, Compiled with vs2022 and updated dependencies, Fixed gamepad cursor speed patch on AE (see notes above GamepadCursorSpeedFix option). STEP guide followed - Cannot start in windowed mode ## Adjust amount of damage dealt when hit by physics objects based on frametime. Additionally, many features which used","# to require exclusive fullscreen now work in borderless. Does your mod have a feature to reduce the blue for a borderless window mode that is running the game in 800x450 on a 1920x1080 res on a 32" TV? # Windowed hardware composition only works with flip. There are at least four places where frame rate limiting can be enabled at least two places vsync can be enabled. . Archived post. 2.10 The launcher doesn't change the window/fullscreen mode. Powered by Invision Community. - The main SkyrimPrefs.ini in My Games Choose download type Free Premium; Multi-threaded downloads: It has an adjustable sharpening filter too. - The SkyrimPrefs.ini in the MO2 ini editor Thank you! SSE Display Tweaks-34705--5-12-1664893623.zip (SSE Display Tweaks) folder 192KB. on a side note i have been meaning to ask why the frame-rate gets limited in windowed mode but not exclusive full-screen mode, i thought the cap had to be applied manually for that to happen. I had erred during my edit of the .ini file and messed up some settings. SSE Display Tweaks at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods Back up your SSE Display Tweaks .ini file: [Living Skyrim 3 directory]\mods\SSE Display Tweaks . Definitely give it a try, even if you don't have a brand new graphics card. The game probably had to create or update its .ini files first. 'Author now defines their own permission instructions. # made and heavily scripted mods are to blame. We're hiring senior back-end web developers. # This attempts to even things out by adjusting the limit based on time it took to complete. Perhaps it was in window mode the first time. If you use a different fUpdateBudgetMS value in Skyrim.ini. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Also your SSEDisplayTweaks.log file while you're at it (located inDocuments/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE). @Mousetick Thanks for the insights. Page 91 of 251 - SSE Display Tweaks - posted in File topics: Quick question, while upscaling in fullscreen, how (if in any way) does this interact with the resolution ENB per-pixel posteffects work off of? Only applies in windowed and borderless fullscreen mode (when Fullscreen=false) I want to make sure I haven't overlooked something. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Picture is lost, fans stop spinning for a sec and then needs a forced restart. All rights reserved. Check your OSD offset and other settings under that. # IMPORTANT: If you're using borderless mode and want to disable VSync, EnableTearing must be set to true. ## Required for disabling V-Sync in borderless/windowed mode. Only thing I can think might be causing it would possibly be my Dyndoload, but again. # WARNING: Avoid using this with ENB or ReShade, things might break when alt-tabbing. Does anyone else get weird PC Crashes with this mod? Update for 1.6.342 (beth changed one of the functions the plugin patches, the address library is of no use in such cases), Adjusted freecam movement speed to approximate vanilla at 60 FPS (FreeCameraMovementSpeedFix), AE: fixed crash caused by SetExpressionOverride patch, Previous version had all control fixes turned off by default in the .ini (optional conf. so did I, I set the window mode, but it didn't work. is solved. # WARNING: Don't use flip model in exclusive fullscreen mode, the game might freeze on start. SSE Display Tweaks not working Hi! # 240, .. Quick question, while upscaling in fullscreen, how (if in any way) does this interact with the resolution ENB per-pixel posteffects work off of? The Display Tweaks mod has the settings that will resolve. # It's recommended you leave this at 60 and LoadingScreenFramerateLimitVSyncOff=false. I'm really stumped here. It has an adjustable sharpening filter too. OSD: added an indicator to warn the player if the scripting engine is under excessive load (OSDWarnVMOverstressed, read the option annotation in config), OSD: added VRAM usage statistics for diagnosing memory shortage issues (not the same stats as shown in task manager or RTSS, read more in config - OSD section), OSD: properly scale text when resolution doesn't match window size, BorderlessUpscale now on by default - has no effect at native resolution, Various minor optimizations and improvements, 0.4.8-1 hotfix: OSD combo key was ignored, 0.4.8-2: Improved menu event handler efficiency. # At 144 minimum budget is 0.5 ms, 0.3 ms at 240. SSE Display Tweaks - Page 78 - File topics - The Nexus Forums # Recommended to leave at default. ## Disables scanning missing plugin .ini files. ## Untie gamepad cursor speed from framerate. Think I discovered something I overlooked and want to make sure it's not a placebo So it's a pretty awesome mod that allows you to play over the 60 FPS limit, as well as make a bunch of adjustments to FPS in various menus and all types of nice tweaks to the game display settings in general. ## Maximum allowed monitor refresh rate. I still can't figure out why I'm getting some kind of motion blur on near objects with this. ## Lowers HAVOK engine CPU consumption at the expense of physics simulation quality. ## Adjust font scale based on amount of lines drawn. # # true - # false - # # Note: SkyrimPrefs.ini 'bBorderless' # fullscreen performance. Is this something that is normal or can it be fixed? # More info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dxgi/ns-dxgi-dxgi_swap_chain_desc. # Read more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-disableprocesswindowsghosting. I literally have no idea what would cause this, but it is definitely the case on my system, and apparently the OP's. ## Adjust the negative offset of fMaxTimeComplex relative to fMaxTime. # NOTE: This option was renamed in 0.3.8. # In contrast, the old presentation model suffers lower FPS and noticeable stuttering. Less budget is alloted at higher framerates. 17 Sep 2022, 3:54PM | Action by: slavicpotato1. I'm going to try the custom .ini file, although I'm not really clear on why that should matter if the default .ini is functioning properly. Added engine bugfix for player controls not working third person, Added exclusive fullscreen scaling mode option, fixed game window position when upscaling (ensure that the game window remains on the same monitor it started), Disabled buffer resizing by default, reduced amount of memory reserved for the trampoline, address library now works when SSE executable name is changed, Properly apply modified flags when the game resizes swap chain buffers (fixes issues with reshade), Fixed possible crash with ForceMaxTimeCalc=true, minor fixes and improvements for upscaling, Fixed maximum frame latency option (had no effect in previous versions), Added option to force minimizing game window on alt-tab, update cursor lock if window position changes, Added 3 more UI framerate limiting options, allow explicit uncaps for limits, Added VSync-off switches for individual framerate limiting options, Version independent, added more UI framerate limiting options, Workaround for the game dumping display mode overrides (Fullscreen and Borderless options) to SkyrimPrefs.ini, Fixed the framerate not getting unlocked (bLockFramerate=0) when limits were not set, Fixed an issue with certain OSDs in borderless mode with tearing enabled, Fixed a corner case issue where VSync wouldn't turn off when UI limits were defined in borderless mode with tearing enabled, Fixed Alternate Conversation Camera letterbox feature conflict, Fixed CTD in borderless mode with EnableTearing=true, adjusted config defaults. SSE Display Tweaks - File topics - The Nexus Forums Only applies if you're using SKSE 2.0.17 or earlier. This allows update of the mod without overwriting any changes, since your custom config won't be touched: The OSD has a couple of settings that must be enabled. # More info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3ddxgi/variable-refresh-rate-displays. # # true - Exclusive fullscreen mode # false - Windowed mode # # Note: This option overrides 'bFull Screen' in SkyrimPrefs.ini if uncommented. # when playing at non-native resolutions. Added PhysicsDamagePatch (scale physics damage based on frametime) and PhysicsDamageMult (reduce or disable the damage), see notes in config. # It's recommended to leave this enabled. Steam Community :: Guide :: Widescreen for Skyrim SE 1.6 and ## Automatically center the game window on the monitor where it spawns. Page 129 of 241 - SSE Display Tweaks - posted in File topics: Added option to disable player/actor fade when camera intersects the body (DisablePlayerFade, DisableActorFade - both off by default) so the second file (HPC) should be updated as well? ## General UI framerate limit. Fixed an issue where the OSD would not initialize if the d3d device creation call returned a non-fatal status code. I definitely had framerate unlocked before the AE update in borderless windowed mode, as framerates were well above my 75 hz monitor, but the above is definitely the cause of the issue now. # However if the indicator is constantly showing, you've got a problem. I hope the above is clearer and more convincing than my initial comments. sse display tweaks - Reddit post and comment search - SocialGrep Those of you using a high refresh rate monitor may think the framerate is uncapped because you can get higher than 60 fps, but does it actually go higher than your monitor's actual refresh rate? Or what. file not affected). Added engine bugfix for player controls not working third person, Added exclusive fullscreen scaling mode option, fixed game window position when upscaling (ensure that the game window remains on the same monitor it started), Disabled buffer resizing by default, reduced amount of memory reserved for the trampoline, address library now works when SSE executable name is changed, Properly apply modified flags when the game resizes swap chain buffers (fixes issues with reshade), Fixed possible crash with ForceMaxTimeCalc=true, minor fixes and improvements for upscaling, Fixed maximum frame latency option (had no effect in previous versions), Added option to force minimizing game window on alt-tab, update cursor lock if window position changes, Added 3 more UI framerate limiting options, allow explicit uncaps for limits, Added VSync-off switches for individual framerate limiting options, Version independent, added more UI framerate limiting options, Workaround for the game dumping display mode overrides (Fullscreen and Borderless options) to SkyrimPrefs.ini, Fixed the framerate not getting unlocked (bLockFramerate=0) when limits were not set, Fixed an issue with certain OSDs in borderless mode with tearing enabled, Fixed a corner case issue where VSync wouldn't turn off when UI limits were defined in borderless mode with tearing enabled, Fixed Alternate Conversation Camera letterbox feature conflict, Fixed CTD in borderless mode with EnableTearing=true, adjusted config defaults. ## These are only available on AE until Engine Fixes is updated. Powered by Invision Community. # Use with a flip SwapEffect option for best results. Nvidia came out with an upgraded image scaling feature in their driver 2 weeks ago basically an upscaler like AMD Fidelity FX, but it works on any game. Added options for positioning and auto-centering the game window (AutoCenter, OffsetX, OffsetY). Thanks! Edited by slavicpotato1, 21 December 2020 - 02:31 am. ## Fixes a bad range check in Actor.SetExpressionOverride papyrus function. Log in to view your list of favourite games. By using this site, you agree to our Guidelines, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use. I believe the inis have instructions to enable 60+ FPS . # Uncapping the loading scren is supposed to load your game faster, however I've. (MapMoveKeyboardSpeedFix), Fixed diagonal map keyboard movement speed, Added custom configuration file support (create SSEDisplayTweaks_Custom.ini and put any settings you don't want overwritten in it), 0.4.10-1: fixed an issue with the trampoline, Further improved and fixed some issues with the framerate limiter, Added FramerateLimitMode option - determines if the limiter is placed before or after frame presentation, can affect performance while limited (see the config file), General improvements to the framerate limiter - most notably it consumes way less CPU time while waiting for frametime to hit the target and minimizes the chance of missing the deadline, Fixed some minor issues with the on-screen display, Added options to set and scale the resolution (Resolution, ResolutionScale). On the first StandBy view, do a big swipe from right to left to change views. Same goes for your display drivers. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods, this doesnt let me upscale the game to 1440p (native res is 1080p) the game wont downsize for my screen. When I get to the part where I need to enable the SSE OSD, it does not enable. How Reliable Is SSE Display Tweaks? The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, This page was last updated on 04 October 2022, 3:27PM. Use the BethINI settings as instructed by the guide and make adjustments to SSE Display Tweaks. # debug # verbose # message # warning # error # fatal # LogLevel=debug [Render] ## # # true - # false - # # Note: SkyrimPrefs.ini 'bFull Screen' # Fullscreen=false ## . Download and install SKSE (make sure it's the SE version) and make sure to launch skselauncher through MO2. Changed MaxFrameLatency setting to 0 (bethesda default value is used). Enable=true, #Uncomment to enable the in-game screen display on by default All-in-one solution for playing at higher framerates. It works perfectly fine when I load the game without SSE Display Tweaks. SSE Display Tweaks - Page 129 - File topics - The Nexus Forums 17 Sep 2022, 3:54PM | Action by: slavicpotato1. Easily scale or set the resolution in windowed/borderless fullsceen mode. My fix to this problem is to configure SSEDisplayTweaks.ini to center the gaming screen as if I had a 2560*1440 monitor in front of me, and keep useful information like guides, Discord and whatnot on the sides of a borderless window (see picture). Only applies if you're using SKSE 2.0.17 or earlier. SSE Display Tweaks at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods How Reliable Is SSE Display Tweaks? : r/skyrimmods - Reddit Only applies in windowed and borderless fullscreen mode (when Fullscreen=false) Resolution=2580x1080 #Uncomment to set a specific in-game frame limit . ## Select windowed or borderless fullscreen mode. Lacks Steam Workshop support. Note that AutoCenter is on by default. This caused slowed mouse movement if the player exited a menu and the cursor was near the edge of the screen. I have a 144 Hz monitor and my fully modded setup doesn't achieve that frame rate even with my decent hardware and no ENB/DynDOLOD (112 FPS peak), so I never experienced this issue in my testing. Would appreciate input - how to improve grass textures for ComplexGrass. Also check other OSD settings in that config. I checked: - The skyrim launcher - The main SkyrimPrefs.ini in My Games - The SkyrimPrefs.ini in the MO2 profile (current and default) - The SkyrimPrefs.ini in the MO2 ini editor - The BethINI editor They all have bFull Screen = 0 Why does the game start with fullscreen with skse? @DoubleYou I think we should consider changing to Fullscreen mode in the initial BethINI setup and later instruct to switch to borderless as desired (with very brief explanation of the advantages). I can't confirm whether it works or not in practice, but users can look at the log (in Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE/SSEDisplayTweaks.log), towards the end there will be some messages relating to Swap Effect and Desktop hardware composition. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods. ## How often the OSD updates (in seconds). Check SSE Display Tweaks, which also has options for full-screen/window. no dice, either way. (Apologizeif this is in the wrong location.) Inform the user with a message box popup if device initialization fails. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. # applications. I leave the ini file in the mod alone and have created a SSEDisplayTweaks.ini_Custom.ini file to contain only the settings I wish to be different [Render] Sign up for a new account in our community. Where is your SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file located? I'm going to try the custom .ini file, although I'm not really clear on why that should matter if the default .ini is functioning properly. ## Locks mouse cursor within the borders of the game window. and our I played about an hour and felt a bit paranoid, like something is bound to break soon. Yep. Tested again, and framerate was capped to 60 in windowed mode. OSD compatible physics fix, borderless fullscreen performance improvement, refresh rate control, highly configurable frame rate limiting plus a few bugfixes and optimizations. If you use a high refresh rate or variable refresh rate monitor, the cap will be different: e.g. My settings in SSEDisplayTweaks.ini: EnableVSync=false MaximumRefreshRate=300 FramerateLimit=300 FramerateLimitMode=1 UIFramerateLimit=59 Replies 40 Created 1 yr Last Reply 1 yr z929669 Administrator 11k Posted March 17, 2022 iOS 17 iPhone Standby: How to use and customize - 9to5Mac You're sure your pressing the LEFT shift key and not the RIGHT shift key? # If enabled, OSD will indicate when the scripting engine is under excessive load. # Provided for convenience. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Edited by kalkano27, 21 December 2020 - 02:02 am. SSE Display Tweaks - Page 91 - File topics - The Nexus Forums
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