At that time, the page did not yet provide a link to the list of names. Unlike the JJC effort, which was limited to 1950-2002, Mahony's list covered 1930-2002, thereby expanding the context of Mahony's years in LA and increasing the denominator of total priests. Rockford IL On 11/14/18, the Diocese released a list of priests of the diocese "against whom allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have been substantiated." The list was also released in Spanish. Thomas J. Doyle SM Bond, Robert The details of Flaherty befriending the victim and requesting help with the church property are indicators of grooming a victim. Albert A. Leaders representing the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) unveiled a list of East Bay church officials, mostly priests, they say have been accused of sexual abuse.. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for more up-to-date information on this priest abuse list as it becomes available. We cached a copy of the updated 7/23/19 list. If you suspect abuse, call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child or visit the Child Help Hotline. Franklin's 2/25/04 report and the report with our commentary. John J. Sheehan SM On 2/28/20, the diocese updated their list, adding Fr. Baltimore MD Robert Matichek CPPS. Instead, the Report ends with an explanation that the list is "outdated" and has "been removed." Syracuse NY On 12/3/18, the Diocese of Syracuse released a list of "clergy with credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor." See the changes made in the 4/16/19 version to create the 4/24/19 version. We cached a copy of the 1/15/19 revision of the list. Leonard Inman, Msgr. Xaverian Brothers, Partial Lists and Lists No Longer Posted: Cleveland OH | Grand Rapids MI | Madison WI | Manchester NH | Orange CA | Portland ME | Venice FL |. John Voglio on this list of newly accused persons, because he seems to be the same priest as Fr. The number of allegations against Landry is not specified. The 4/24/20 list also states that Edgar Sepulveda has been "dismissed from the clerical state." Instead, the archdiocese has on its website a superseded version dated 4/16/19 (see this 6/29/19 screenshot). Trenton NJ On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Trenton released a list of credibly accused clergy. The list's introductory text notes: "The list originally contained 29 names; however, the diocese received notification that one of the priests has appealed to Rome, and therefore his information is being withheld pending resolution." Seattle WA Crookston MN This list was originally released at the request of the Grand Forks Herald. We cached a copy of the main list as revised on 1/4/22, noting as deceased Martin/Peralta. We have cached copies of the 9/10/18 list, the Taylor letter, and the FAQ. Michael Kiuper from the order/extern list, where he had also been listed in the 10/21/19 list with different information; it moved Fr. There are two publicly accused child molesting clerics on's list for the Kalamazoo Diocese: Fr. Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross released a list of credibly accused priests, brothers, and seminarians. We cached the list again on 8/29/19. Fresno CA This list was released on 8/6/21. Providence RI On 7/1/19, the Diocese of Providence released a list of Springfield IL On 11/29/18, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois released a "summary of all substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor by clergy in this diocese as disclosed in our recent voluntary review with the Illinois Attorney Generals office." We've cached a copy of the 12/6/18 Consolidated List. A list of 50 Jesuits who were found by their organization to have been credibly accused of abusing minors was released this week, revealing that some of the alleged abusers circled through various institutions, sometimes for years, after the alleged abuse took place. In October 2018 the Diocese of Raleigh released a list of accused clergy. This case was referred to the Holy See. Alexander T. Fitzgerald. Austin TX We cached a copy of the 2/22/21 revised list, which moved Dennerlein and Simonelli (now laicized) to the main list from "canonical process pending"; noted the recent laicizations of Flores and Mullins and the deaths of Gibbney, Nowak, and Poff; adjusted other status notes; and added to the order/extern list Beatty, Jablonski, McBrien, Rogge, Sprouffske, and Wert, all known elsewhere as accused. However, over the last year and a half U.S. dioceses and religious orders serving most of the Catholics in the country have released lists of credibly accused abusers who have served in their ranks, using their own criteria for whom to include. Bartchak lists 28. The archdiocese posted a second revision dated 6/15/16; we have cached a copy of the 6/15/16 list, which does not add any new names. About half of the accused priests are still alive, according to SNAP. Deceptive Dubuque & its "List of accused priests" - SNAP Nor were diocesan priests working as externs in Boston. Xaverian Brothers On 7/12/19, the Xaverian Brothers released lists of accused with related materials. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list. We cached a copy of the 11/25/19 revised list. Tulsa OK We cached a copy of the list as of 9/26/22. Tyler TX Our website is It can be so ugly. Congenital facial paralysis, also known as congenital facial palsy or Moebius syndrome, is a rare, Kernicterus is a very rare condition that can occur in newborns with severe jaundice. San Antonio TX Each of the 57 names on the original list was linked to a separate page that provided an assignment history for the priest. Indeed, the Report and the various additions have been and remain unavailable on the archdiocesan site, though they are available here, at the links above. An update to the Scranton list was reported on 12/22/18. A Merson Law representative will contact you to discuss the next steps. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list. Gerald Foley; we have cached a copy of the 10/23/14 list. SNAPs members hope releasing the list now will lead to more victims coming forward, especially in light of California's 2019 change in state law, which now allows child sex abuse victims to file civil litigation against their abusers through the end of the year, regardless of how long ago the abuse took place. The main page on accountability comprised a letter from Bishop William Medley and links to the other elements, including the list of accused priests with expandable assignment histories, PDFs of Medley's letter in English and Spanish, a PDF of the list without assignments, background, and FAQs. We cached a copy of the 10/2/19 report (E, S). Phillips, Thomas Our cache saves the list so that all categories are visible at once. Above the list on the homepage was posted a link to Bishop Donald Hying's Statement on Recent Reports of Sexual Abuse in the Church, which is dated 8/15/18, but the PDF of the statement was created on 8/29/18. We cached a copy of the 1/26/16 revised list. The year of death is listed next to those who are deceased." The AG report states (p. 12, PDF p. 10): "The Grand Jury was able to document child sexual abuse by at least 50 different priests or religious leaders within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown.". Those revisions were incorporated into Kettler's original statement and list; we have cached a copy of the updated version. Saint Louis MO At some point between 12/6/18 and 6/18/19, a rollover feature was added, which displayed the priest's information in white font in a black box. Francis McHugh, O.Praem Murphy, Francis J, CM, Ochoa, Javier, MSC James Aloysius Mulvey In order to facilitate comparisons among the assignments, we combined all the pop-ups into a single PDF. We cached a 10/9/18 revised list that included one new name: Deacon Russell William Detwiler. PA The archdiocese maintains three lists of "credibly" accused priests: pending and restricted, laicized, and deceased. On 6/1/19, the diocese posted an updated version of the list to include priests listed by the Franciscan's Province of St. Barbara in their 5/31/19 list. The list now totaled 88 names and was divided into three sections: 1) Keeler's original 57 Priests and Religious Named in the September 2002 Disclosure; 2) Lori's section of Additional Allegations, now expanded with the addition of 7 new names for a total of 21; and 3) Additional Priests Named in the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report (the 10 names acknowledged in the 9/7/18 announcement above). Boise ID We cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list. We have also cached copies of the 3/3/17 list, which added Fr, Otto Koltzenberg to the list; and the 8/10/18 list, which added Msgr. We have cached a copy of the 11/22/22 letter and list and of the standard. On 6/18/19, the diocese added to the list Fr. The more detailed lists link to press releases on some of the priests: Fr John Brath, Msgr Mark C Ernstmann, Fr Lawrence Gregovich, Fr Fred Lutz, Fr Ernest Marquart, Msgr John J Rynish, and Fr John Wells. Fe NM The Santa Fe Archdiocese released a list on September 12, 2017, together with a letter from Archbishop John C. Wester explaining his decision and dthe criteria for inclusion. Jefferson City MO Some provide assignment histories (e.g., Boston), photographs (e.g., Philadelphia), and information on allegations (e.g., Sacramento). William Floyd Davis, and Fr. Published June 23, 2021 at 6:03 PM CDT Jodi Fortino / KCUR 89.3 David Clohessy, former executive director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, writes the names of. US Priest Sex Abuse List - Accused Priests by State - Merson Law PLLC Dodge City KS On 10/1/19, the Diocese of Dodge City released a list of priests and seminarians with substantiated allegations. Cassiero, Daniel Our cache of Gallup's initial page was collected on December 16, 2014. Ogdensburg NY On November 10-11, 2018, a letter from Bishop Terry LaValley was "read at Masses or inserted in bulletins." ME This article reports on a press conference by Bishop Malone. A revised list was created on 3/21/19. clergy sex abuse victims will urge bishops to disclose the names of 2,800 accused predator priests whose identities they say are still hidden. The list in the letter offers basic information on the accused priests, including religious order priests and externs, whereas the previous two lists of diocesan priests included assignment histories. John J. Powell SJ. USA --urge anyone with information about or suspicions of clergy sex crimes to keep coming forward to police and prosecutors, not to church figures., (For Immediate Release June 29, 2023) The cover page notes the 11/25/19 revision date, but the lists themselves do not. SNAP SW Ontario Releases List of Credibly Accused Priests of the Roman On 12/3/18, the diocese released another updated version of its list. Table 2 - Accused Priests of Other Dioceses (12/23/19) names of credibly accused clergy have been released so far. Boise ID On 10/21/19, the Diocese of Boise released a list of credibly accused. cached seven versions: 4/9/06, 6/18/08, 11/14/11, 3/22/12, 3/12/13, 10/12/16, and 12/6/18. Yeager, Fr. We cached a copy of the 8/7/19 PDF, and on 10/1/19 we cached a copy of the Edmundites' Safe Environments page, which contains the PDF list. Scranton PA The list of clergy files was still online, and continued to provide the names of 128 accused, with links to their files. They also intend to make their own San Francisco list public. On 2/23/03, additional names were made public through the efforts of lay whistleblower George Foster. The publication comprised a list, a FAQ, and a statement by Fr. Metuchen NJ We cached a copy of the 8/4/11 list. Eugene Fish, and Fr. In the statement, two accused Knoxville priests were discussed briefly. Honolulu HI See also media coverage later in 2002 and the Crosiers' reply 1 2. ), and we cached the files list on 11/12/15, by which date the list had been organized by category as well as alphabetically. Dr. Robert Hadden Sex Abuse Claims: Victims Urged To Contact, Sarah Lawrence College Lawrence Ray Lawsuit, New Jersey Child Victims Act (Bill S-477), Prison Sex Abuse New York Adult Survivors Act, New York Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law (VGMVPA), 950 Third Avenue, 18th floor, New York City, NY, 10022, Office: 212-603-9100 - Links to Spanish versions of these pages were provided on the web version of Santarosa's letter. Dominicans Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western US) We cached a copy of the 10/26/21 list. On 7/1/13 the archdiocese released files that had been placed under seal by Judge Susan V. Kelley early in the archdiocese's bankruptcy. We have also cached another version of the list, a PDF created on 2/3/15 but dated 11/14 in its file name. James V. O'ConnorSJ, and Fr. J. Roger LuceySJ, Fr. San Scranton PA The Scranton diocese released a list of credibly accused individuals on 8/14/18, the same day that the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was released. Jackson MS On 3/19/19, the Diocese of Jackson released a list of clergy and religious credibly accused of abusing minors, with a letter from Bishop Kopacz. 11/03/15 U, 03/04/16 at 11:28 am On 2/10/19 the Diocese of Norwich posted a "List of Clergy with Allegations of Substance of Sexual Abuse of a Minor," Reinheimer, George --urge anyone with information about or suspicions of clergy sex crimes to keep coming forward to police and prosecutors, not to church figures.. Following Monday's rally, McNevin and other advocates attempted to hand deliver their list and an accompanying letter to Bishop Barber but were met with a closed door. A yearslong investigation into child sex abuse by members of the Catholic clergy in Illinois found at least 1,997 children in the state's six dioceses were sexually abused between 1950 and 2019 . We have not included Fr. John F. Dority OFM. See Rochester NY We cached the list again on 12/8/20; we also cached the assignment histories linked from the list as of 12/8/20: Beauregard, Fr. The 31 priests included in the list were organized as diocesan (28 priests) and non-diocesan religious order (3 priests). On 12/6/18, the archdiocese released an update and supplement to the various lists it had published over the 14 years previous, but still did not post online the lists that it was updating. Ogdensburg NY Fisher, Fr. The diocese lists the accused priests as links; clicking on the link opens a new file with information about assignments and allegations of the priest. It is a physical trauma. We cached a copy of the original 1/22/19 list as it was reprinted in the press. #ipt_fsqm_form_wrap_6 .eform-ui-estimator { See also Seven Days Tracks Down Ex-Priests Accused of Sex Abuse in Vermont, by Molly Walsh and Derek Brower, Seven Days (9/11/19) with a database version of the Burlington list and its assignments. It provides no information on assignments and no description of the allegations. The 2/28/20 list provided in a separate section the names of accused priests who worked in Western Tennessee before the Diocese of Memphis was erected. Both the list and the FAQ are called "updated." of a 1/10/04 press release that names the accused priests whose cases were included in the data submitted by the diocese to the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. News Archive - Joseph. Two other priests, John Keller and Manual LaRosa-Lopez, were listed . Currently standing at 227 names, the list just published by SNAP is more than three-times longer than the list of alleged abusers Oakland Bishop Michael Barber published in 2019, which includes priests deemed to have been credibly accused of abusing children by an internal diocesan review board. When the reader moused over the name, the information appeared in a box but could not be printed. We cached a copy of the original list as reprinted on 1/11/19 in the press. We cached a copy of the list as updated on 2/15/19 and corrected on 2/22/19. John Steven Rabideau, OMV On 12/21/18, the province released a list of assignments of priests with allegations. Boston and Allentown do not list Holey / Holley. If all other sites open fine, then please contact the administrator of this website with the following information. Many bishops released statements about their John Jay College submissions, but very few named any accused priests. list as of 1/28/10, 11/3/09 That claim went to trial on 10/19/15, and on 11/4/15, the jury found for the plaintiff, ordering the Diocese of Duluth and the Oblates to split $8.1 million in damages 60/40. So far, theyve counted more than 600 names, a tally that has climbed steadily over the past few years. 03/15/16 The 10/18/18 version was apparently released in response to a complaint filed by attorney Jeff Anderson on 10/17/18. This publication is unusual in citing media coverage in 1997 that first broke the story of abuse in the diocese, including a series in the Indianapolis Star. Awarded As Part of The Largest Sexual Assault Verdict In New York State History, Confidential medical malpractice settlement in 2023, Settlement quoted by USA Today in raising the cap of Amtrak train accidents for the victims of Amtrak Train 188, Negligence Lawsuit Against City Of New York. In 2005-2007, a website ( was maintained by Hennigan, Bennett and Dorman, the archdiocese's attorneys. SNAP Asks Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth to Add Names to List of Raymond Lukac, who was identified publicly for the first time in the PA GJ report as an accused priest. After Jeff Anderson & Associates released a Bay Area report on 12/23/18, the San Jose diocese issued a 10/24/18 press release about why some names associated with San Jose in the Anderson report were not included in the San Jose diocesan list. In 2016, the archdiocese posted a much-improved list, responding in part to survivors and Catholic activists. Jesuits Midwest Province On 12/17/18, the Midwest Province released a list of "Jesuits with an established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor." If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. Garabedian For the 3/20/18 release of names, see Under Pressure, Buffalo Bishop Names 42 Priests Accused of Abuse, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (3/20/18). Cheyenne WY
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