Poor water quality impacts most of the reefs around the world. We used these critical appraisals and tools to organize studies into groups of comparable records across which we should (and should not) meta-analyze. Oecologia. Coral S1D]. coral Western Australia Marine Science Institute. In: Frontiers 2017: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern. In addition to sediment concentration, we also report thresholds for exposure duration. Therefore, our review and meta-analysis use the results of studies that reported mg/L, and we exclude studies that reported only NTU. To be included, an article had to meet every criterion. An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis. Environ Evid. Philipp E, Fabricius K. Photophysiological stress in scleractinian corals in response to short-term sedimentation. 2C). Privacy These responses were always specific to a coral age class. Since a value of zero indicates no difference between treatment and control groups, this threshold identifies the minimum exposure that produced a statistically significant difference between treatment and control groups. Abdel-Salam and Porter [62] observed decreased gross photosynthesis and increased respiration in corals smothered by sediment, leading to decreased P/R ratios. Ocean heat around Florida is 'unprecedented,' and scientists are Sediment can affect corals throughout their life cycle (Fig. We also used doseresponse meta-regression analyses (DRMA) to model the relationship between sediment exposure and the magnitude of coral responses, where available data were sufficient. Here, we review and synthesise research on measured runoff, sediment erosion and sediment delivery from watersheds to near-shore marine areas, with a strong focus on the Burdekin watershed in the Great Barrier Reef region, Australia. WebThe effect of this will be increased damage from storm surges, increased erosion on small islands and impacts on coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, salt marshes and coral reefs. 4, 5, 6) and pre-settlement mortality (red in Figs. This narrative synthesis was based on 86 studies from 65 articles (Tables 3, 4). All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article [and its supplementary information files]. The negative effects of sediments on coral health through smothering coral tissue and shading the photosynthetic symbionts are well known ( Rogers, 1990 ). Allemand D, Ferrier Hawais coral reefs and associated species need clean water to thrive. Fabricius et al. Symbionts can often recover, but recovery depends on the duration and concentration of sediment exposure [65]. The very brown water here indicates the presence of a lot of fine dirt particles and the turbidity of this water is very high. This may be due, in part, to the overwhelming taxonomic diversity represented within these studies, which included 62 species from 31 genera. High levels of sediment exposure may depress coral health, condition, and survival along multiple mechanistic pathways (reviewed in [15]). In fact, no study included in our meta-analyses tested the effects of these stressors both separately and together, and only one experimental study measured total suspended solids (mg/L), turbidity (NTU), light attenuation (relative %), and deposition rate (mg/cm2/day) during the course of their experiment [48]. In the lab, the control corals were exposed to no or extremely low levels of sediment, while in the field, the control corals were exposed to non-augmented, ambient levels of sediment. The runoff of these pollutants from agriculture is, therefore, a major threat to inshore coral reefs and seagrass meadows in our Great Barrier Reef. This process determined the scope of inference of our meta-analysis, thus defining the extent to which our results applied to the diverse set of sedimentation events that occur on coral reefs. Decrease in photosynthesis-to-respiration ratio of adult corals The ratio of production (or photosynthesis) to respiration (P/R) is used as an indicator of coral energy budgets. Chronic exposure of corals to fine sediments: lethal and sub-lethal impacts. Post-hoc consistency checks revealed that after the pilot round, fewer than 4% of articles had conflicting decisions. Sediment responses of corals from inshore reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. We fit unique models for each of the coral responses converted to effect size. Carilli J, Norris RD, Black BA, Walsh SM, McField M. Local Stress Reduces Coral Resistance and Resilience to Bleaching. Syst Rev. However, adults are slightly less sensitive to deposited sediment than immature coral stages (cf. Our systematic review started with the definitive reviews on the subject, which include Rogers [18], Fabricius [16], Erftemeijer et al. 1979;41:26988. May 10, 2016. Tuttle, L.J., Donahue, M.J. Global warming 2016;105:20814. We tested the thoroughness of our DSE searches by comparing the DSE search results with those of two other lists of potential sources of data. Generally, we found only modest evidence that coral adults are less sensitive to deposited sediment than are immature stages and no evidence of a developmental change in susceptibility to suspended sediment. When information was indecipherable or missing, we contacted the corresponding author of the study for clarification. There is evidence that corals may be more resilient to stress from coarser, calcareous sediment from marine sources (e.g., sand) than from finer, terrigenous sediment from land-based sources (e.g., mud) [90]. Linking coral river runoff proxies with Juveniles can also experience mortality (dark red in Figs. Tummers B. DataThief III http://www.datathief.org. S1B], though datapoints (i.e., study treatment groups) with higher levels of precision were sparse. In response to needs identified by the Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) of the U.S. Department of Commerces National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis that identified thresholds of coral response to both deposited and suspended sediment, bringing to bear the most current and comprehensive information for regulatory decision-making. Remote Sens Environ. P/R ratios may fluctuate throughout the day, but a low P/R for an extended period of time means corals are using energy reserves. Examples Hydrostatic inflation, movement of tentacles, and increased mucus production and sloughing (green Signs of Sediment Removal in Figs. Coral fragmentation One of the original goals of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to explore how coral morphology contributes to the relative abilities of corals to cope with sediment stress. Jones P, Murray R, Vestergaard O. Thomas S, Ridd PV, Day G. Turbidity regimes over fringing coral reefs near a mining site at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea. 2000;252:22153. It would also provide on-the-ground monitoring of sediment plumes created by dredging or runoff, a quantitative basis for defining and testing remediation efforts, a range of realistic sediment exposure levels, and a list of vulnerable coral species and populations to be targeted in associated lab experiments. effect Increased chemical pollution and sedimentation is a major driver of coral decline. When these data were not reported in the text, we extracted them from figures using open-source digitizing software that convert graph images into numerical data (Datathief III [41]). For these relationships, there is likely too much variability to detect an effect across studies. 9 (LOAEL=30.4mg/L, NOAEL=25.0mg/L). To address Objective 2b (Effect Thresholds), we estimated the doseresponse threshold for a coral response as the exposure level at which the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of a DRMA regression did not overlap with zero (red, dashed line in Fig. Effects of terrestrial runoff on the ecology of. Carpenter KE, Abrar M, Aeby G, Aronson RB, Banks S, Bruckner A, et al. Proc 11 Int Coral Reef Symp Ft Lauderdale, Florida. 2018;556:4926. Effects of turbidiy on the photosynthesis and respiration of two south Florida reef coral species. The most common species were Acropora millepora (26.7%, 12 of 42), Acropora tenuis (21.4%, 9 of 42), Acropora cervicornis, and Acropora digitifera (both 7.1%, 3 of 42). The high turbidity as a result of sedimentation also has great impacts on the recruitment of coral. 2C). Science Data Publications As part of the USGS Coral Reef Project, the overall objective of this research effort is to better understand how circulation and sediment Effects of sedimentation and lesion position on coral tissue regeneration. University of Georgia; 1989. Marine Pollution. Some well-documented impacts are: High concentrations of fine sediment can reduce coral diversity, affect reproduction, disrupt coral recruitment and increase susceptibility to disease. 1992;2:6818. Stabilize disturbed areas immediately after final grade has been attained. Mechanisms of damage to corals exposed to sedimentation | PNAS According to Rogers, 1990, sedimentation from runoff and dredging is one of the major sources of reef degradation in the Caribbean. Runoff of more than 1.0 billion m of water and as much as 5 2018;135:94153. Coral responses are color coded with a key shown at the right side of Fig. According to some research, corals will have low recruitment in high-turbidity environment. During the review process, we flagged experiments that crossed exposure to sediment with that of other common co-stressors, including nutrient enrichment, chemical contamination, and freshwater discharge. Utrecht University; 2003. WebDetection of adverse effects for physiological effects of sediment exposure on coral adults, plotted as concentration vs. duration of exposure to either deposited sediment (left panels) or suspended sediment (right panels). Coffroth MA. IHI12Proc 2nd ACM SIGHIT Int Heal Informatics Symp. 2016;11:e0162743. There were no obvious, systematic reasons for these sources exclusion from the DSE search and none passed the criteria necessary to be included in our review and meta-analysis, so we considered our search to be relatively comprehensive. Stat Med. Dis Aquat Organ. 2A, B) to visualize the range of exposure concentrations and durations assessed for each adverse effect and to identify the LOAELs and NOAELs. The authors would like to thank Malia Chow, Anne Chung, Gerry Davis, Stu Goldberg, Steve Kolinski, and Ian Lundgren, all of the NOAA PIRO Habitat Conservation Division, along with NOAA affiliates Craig Johnson and Dwayne Minton, for providing feedback and organizational support throughout the project. Mar Biol. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Corals experience adverse effects in response to sediment stress through a variety of biological mechanisms. Effects of suspended sediment and burial on scleractinian corals from west central Florida patch reefs. 4, 5, 6). 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. In particular, there are limitations inherent to the design and reporting of experiments. Gates A, Johnson C, Hartling L. Technology-assisted title and abstract screening for systematic reviews: a retrospective evaluation of the abstrackr machine learning tool.
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