A Kenyan worker said his employer required him to work unpaid overtime, seven days a week, paid wages months late, and provided insufficient personal protective equipment despite a risk of exposure to COVID-19. One migrant worker told an NGO that his employer threatened him and nearly 1,000 other employees with deportation if they refused to sign new contracts with substantially lower wages. A law regulating the work of the NHRC granted the committee full independence in practicing its activities and providing immunity to the committees members. In general, the public consumption of alcohol is illegal in Qatar an offense that can bring up to six months in prison and a fine of more than $800, according to the Library of Congress. Employers must pay their employees electronically to provide a digital audit trail for the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs. Cyber crimes in Qatar: The law and how to report them The government took limited steps to prosecute those suspected of committing human rights abuses. FIFA Qatar Executed Nepali Man, Ending 20 Year Hiatus: Amnesty . [1] [2] Qatar's legal system is a mixture of civil law and Islamic law. The law prohibits sex outside of marriage. Foreign nationals did not uniformly receive translations of legal proceedings, although interpretation was generally provided within courtrooms. Noncitizen community leaders also highlighted migrant workers continued hesitation to report their plight due to fear of reprisals. Judges may also extend pretrial detention for one month, renewable for one-month periods not to exceed one-half the maximum punishment for the accused crime. The value of a womans testimony is in some cases considered one-half a mans testimony. Responsibility for laws related to acceptable conditions of work fell primarily to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs as well as to the Ministry of Municipality and Environment and the Ministry of Public Health. There were cases of hospitals reporting unwed mothers to authorities. Legal changes during the year extended the elimination of exit visa requirements to 95 percent of government workers and all domestic workers. No specific law prohibits child pornography because all pornography is prohibited, but the law specifically criminalizes the commercial sexual exploitation of children. There were continuing indications of forced labor, especially among migrant workers in the construction and domestic-labor sectors. 11 July 2023 Updated: 22 June 2023 Latest update: Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages. Breastfeeding rates in Qatar remain low, at 29% of the population, even though the practice is widely understood as beneficial. All cabinet members, including the prime minister, are appointed by the amir. Spousal rape is not illegal. The law permits an additional six months detention without charge with the approval of the prime minister, who may extend the detention indefinitely in cases of threats to national security. Anyone caught bringing drugs into Qatar can face 20 years in prison, plus a fine of between 100,000 (about 24,000) and 300,000 riyals (about 70,000). Dispute settlement committees were established in 2018 to increase the efficiency and speed of decision making in the overloaded labor courts and included court translators who were present throughout all hearings. Do you know about Qatari Law system? - Qatar Just The law requires reserving 2 percent of jobs in government agencies and public institutions for persons with disabilities, and most government entities appeared to conform to this law. The government provided housing and education to these de facto refugees. While the abolishment of the no-objection certificate was effective immediately, the implementation of the minimum wage provision was scheduled to come into force in March 2021. Instructors at Qatar University noted they sometimes exercised self-censorship. Firms must pay moderate fine to be removed from the listeven if the dispute is resolvedand the ministry reserves the right to keep companies on the list after the fine is paid as a punitive measure. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. Section 1. Following the visit, the group stated, Existing laws that allow prolonged administrative detention without judicial control and due process guarantees ought to be abolished, as these place individuals outside the protection of the law. The Working Group called on authorities to immediately repeal the Protection of Community Law, the State Security Law, and the Law on Combating Terrorism.. The law gives the State Audit Bureau financial authority and independence and allows it to publish parts of its findings provided confidential information is removed. The constitution provides for hereditary rule by men in the amir's branch of the Al Thani family. Boozing, swearing,. Anyone. The ILO noted the law allows for the imposition of forced labor on those who hold political views ideologically opposed to the established political and social system. At some police stations, the register of persons in police custody did not state the date and time when individuals were taken into custody and transferred to the public prosecution. This included a need to obtain their male guardians permission to work outside the home, although the requirement was rarely enforced. Find out what the laws and punishment are for illegal drugs in Qatar. Penalties were not commensurate with those for analogous violations of civil rights. The government limited freedoms of peaceful assembly and association. This week, a Qatar court convicted a Syrian man on charges of drinking alcohol and having illicit consensual sex. There were 812 convictions for abuse. The constitution provides for freedom of movement within the country, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, but the government did not fully respect these rights. The announcement did not include any details of the case or the identities of the accused. Citizens must obtain government permission to marry foreigners, which is sometimes not granted for female citizens. In 2018 authorities abolished exit permit requirements for 95 percent of the workforce in the private sector, with some exceptions including domestic workers and government employees. Lesser offences might include debt, usury, alcohol and drug abuse, and use of pornography. Authorities censored books, films, and internet sites for political, religious, and sexual content and for vulgar and obscene language. The law categorizes Qataris into genuine citizens who obtained their nationality before 1930 and neutralized citizens who became citizens after 1930. Similar punishments await those who impersonate individuals or entities, or are involved in identity theft or steal movable property using the Internet. An agreement signed between the ministry and the International Labor Organization (ILO) includes provisions to create these committees with ILO supervision and assistance. Observers considered these elections free and fair. An online campaign encouraged the management of the main Qatari shelter to host them for a short time, but authorities deported them to Djibouti. Defendants have access to government-held evidence, have the right to confront prosecution or plaintiff witnesses and present ones own witnesses and evidence, and have the opportunity to give a statement at the end of their trial. Qatar is a constitutional monarchy in which Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani exercises full executive power. Due to social and religious conventions, there were no LGBTI organizations, pride marches, or LGBTI rights advocacy events. . Human rights agencies are demanding a change to the law and in Qatar's whole approach to women's rights; Qatar's Government has confirmed it was trying to find the mother of a newborn baby . The law allows long-term residents to apply for citizenship after living in the country for 25 consecutive years, but the government rarely approved citizenship applications, which were by law capped at 50 per year. There were no substantiated reports of political prisoners or detainees. Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons, Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, a. Contract substitution remained a problem, according to representatives of the migrant worker community; however, to help eliminate the practice, a government electronic contracting system existed in several third countries where workers are hired. Although suspects are entitled to bail (except in cases of violent crimes), allowing release on bail was infrequent. Following the visit, the working group stated there was an urgent need for a paradigm shift to guarantee the right of every individual to personal liberty, as well as independent and effective judicial control over detention.. Both private and government-owned television and radio reflected government views, although call-in shows allowed for some citizen criticism of government ministries and policies. The constitution does not provide citizens the ability to choose their government in free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage. Information was not available on official or private discrimination in employment, occupation, housing, statelessness, or access to education or health care based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Ministry of Interior fined only six individuals in 11 passport-confiscation cases during the year. Social media users circulated unconfirmed leaked photographs and audio recordings from inside the prison, claiming that there were clashes between prisoners and guards and prisoner strikes. Breastfeeding laws in Qatar. Citizenship: The law allows for the revocation of citizenship. Al-Marzoqi added that the verdict stipulated a confiscation of his Twitter account. Under the law a man convicted of having sexual relations with a boy younger than age 16 is subject to a sentence of life in prison. In May the Supreme Judicial Council established a branch of the Enforcement Court at the worker dispute settlement committees to facilitate the process of implementing the committees verdicts. A woman who gives birth out of wedlock receives a 12-month jail sentence, on average, which could also include deportation, and even corporal punishment (lashings); however, press reports indicated jail sentences and flogging were rare in such cases. In addition to banning sex outside marriage for all persons, the law provides penalties for any male, Muslim or not, who instigates or entices another male to commit an act of sodomy or immorality. Inside Qatar's brutal laws that could see England World Cup fans The ministry did not clarify the reason for the revocations. Some foreign workers who voluntarily entered the country to work had their passports, ATM cards, and pay withheld and worked under conditions to which they had not agreed. Safety Tips for Travelers. Public figures and international organizations criticized the wording of the amendments and associated penalties as interfering with freedom of expression. The constitution and law prohibit torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. When inspectors found the camps to be below minimum standards, the operators received a warning, and authorities ordered them to remedy the violations within one month.
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