I am so in love with this (not scorpio) woman I am with now, she is my life, my breath, my world.. i talk to a lot of girls, two scorpios, a virgo a aquariaus, a libra but i am not feeling the spark with any. If time life takes them in different directions for years, they may still feel a strong psychic connection to each other. If he wants a relationship then its for life. The end of a relationship between a Pisces man and a Scorpio woman is not a pretty sight but fortunately the shared watery depths and the shared spirituality of this couple tends to mean that they can endure almost anything, together. True! My fiance has mercury in pisces, but yes you are right, he is an aries through and through. 22 years into my marriage I crossed paths with a Pisces male and my life has been changed forever. It started off beautifully and I never felt so emotionally connected to another human being in my entire life. is Sagittarius second is Cap. Particularly Capricorn. Both signs place an emphasis on loyalty, trust, and undying passion which strengthens their bond. Love Compatibility Between a Pisces Man and a Scorpio Woman Im just looking for a Scorpio girl who doesnt obsess with me like the last one and be more open minded, to share our secrets and ideas and have conversations that only we can understand. Hi Maria. He doesnt trust my beauty and thinks that I can and will take up any of the many options I have one of these days. The most emotionally abusive man I have known. He has made it so easy for me to feel calm and secure in his presence, that those traits of myself are dissolving. They give the kind of kisses that leave you feeling fuzzy afterward. I was a shell of a man when my current lover (I wont name her star sign) healed me into someone new. Truth is, I can but so far I havent felt the need to. We are grown up peoples, we have to be respectful for what we have for what we had achieved And be loyal to keep that from failure that is our biggest responsibility, being tested many times and unable to decide is the sign of not knowing our purpose. The connection is simply other worldly and they become in awe of each other. My exes in the past have hurt me with what Ive told them of my past so it makes it really hard to not treat him like hes like them. And when I read these, I can see that he only gives her the bare minimum and we just blow it up into something so big. I think Cancers can be more understanding about this but I will try leaving this comment here in this section. Wounded people understand real love. These two signs when come together then there is a lot of empathy and passion which . Both of them are focused on an intimate and exclusive bonding. He gets me a bargain stuffed animal or something random and cheap. Whether they are happily married or not to any other astrological signs they will not stop searching for each other or the one who can give them better emotional connection, the search is not over guys. I guess he has a different understanding what love is about..So, I am in a constant fear and anxiety . I am the type to not talk about good things in my life because I dont want negative energy from people to effect it. Together they are very happy and close couple. Save your heart and your soul before its too late. If I would have known this I would have cheated with this Leo man at my job who was so delicious and yes I had an equally if not greater intense connection with him too. This is years later and this Leo is still on my mind tbh. hardness down there. There is an emotional connection but this is just how they survive.. they form this connection to leech off women. Wasting your time. You just dont want to be blamed for cheating, making it out like the scorpio woman had it coming for her by not trusting. I know in my heart that I should let go of him and just be done with all the bullshit, but theres something inside me that still wants to give him a second chance. I am a Pisces and My bestiii is a Scorpio I NOW SHIP HER WITH A PISCES GUY I KNOW AT SCHOOL!!!! A few zodiac signs like kisses that are wet (that's you, Water signs) and others, like Earth signs, prefer a dry peck. Stay strong as a couple. By record It takes me no longer than five minutes to fall in love when a woman (esp another water sign) comes to me with a real problem, cries buckets to the floor, and I know that I can help her in a real way Thats me anyway, a sucker who happens to have three pisces in his chart and is a double pisces decan, lololol. Additionally, since both Scorpio and Pisces are highly creative signs, they can take advantage of that to build a deeper emotional connection; spend time brainstorming ideas for activities you can do together or devise unusual solutions to any problems that may arise. He still has photos of her on instagram and facebook. Are Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Really Compatible? (Find out NOW!) This message is to the other 10 sign of the zodiac that are already in relationship or planning to be with Scorpio and Pisces women. I have seen what I have and I have seen enough to make May conclusion. She is happy or she wouldnt stay!! And he throws a fit for it. I cant imagine letting a man touch or kiss me that is not Pisces. Best way to break the connection is to be truthful and honest with her. They have a strong sense of self and are not afraid to express their opinions. My question is quite clear. My experience with Scorpio girls were amazing when we wanted to understand each other, but when one of us tried to be over the other the relationship turned dark. But she will have learned her lesson as well. We live separately because he fears that all the men sniffing around can offer me a better life than he can but I laugh because I am self made. Dont underestimate a mature pisces cos 99.9% youll be wrong. SAY NO TO PISCES AND SCORPIO Even though she likes to be mysterious, he understands her in a different way that she admires and appreciates. Highest level of responsibility in a persons life is having children and being responsible for those children. Scorpio is driven by a desire to fulfill their physical and emotional needs; Taureans are driven precisely by the need to use senses. He asks me blantantly for expensive Christmas and birthday gifts and to buy them for him despite being poor. I truly feel blessed. What to do?( Sigh). This post is so sweet. I do get jealous really fast, I can be like a summer storm and I do not shut up like a Scorpio will do and then take revenge later or just burst out of nowhere, I like to talk things out and if I get avoided or I feel something elusive I am out with no other words. I just go through the motions. Im a Pisces man. I am not one of those Pisces that are detached and just go with the easy road. But for the most part, they are born to love each other. xoxo, I think this can work, if Pisces is matureand Scorpio is trusting. Scorpio woman is also quite good at pursuing him in such a way that he thinks he is doing the pursuing. When I was with a guy who had the sign of Pisces, he was quite powerful in both his demeanor and in bed. So I am a Scorpio and been going on and off with this pices guy. We had this telepathic connection where wed literally complete each others sentences and he always sensed when I was having an off day or something was upsetting me. The fear of rejection is too real. But he is very supportive and loving. They like to use their lips to trace your skin and they'll go beyond your mouth, too. If you are in a relationship with a Pisces, breakaway as quickly as possible, and never look back. Dear Maria, I want to ask you a question. Some men are dogs. Both are emotionally sensitive by nature but deal with their emotions in very different ways. What would you do if you long time wedded husband, the one who always tells you that you are the only one for him so that he cannot let you go no matter what happens, but suddenly acts to have this weird feelings that he finally find his soul mate in another girl the person who totally understands him inside out has finally arrived and he can no longer be with you. Scorpio woman has a glorious womanhood that comes off as sweet natured, perhaps a bit quiet, and very intelligent, but there is much more going on under the surface. There is so much to tell and I dont know what you are looking to learn. - Your birth planet influences your seduction style! If your priority in relationship is only love and want to keep that love forever or want stability and loyalty in your marriage stick with earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn). He wants space to do whatever he wants at any time without being questioned or feel guilty about t. If he ever rarely feels guilt like a normal human being, he will blame and eventually resent you for it. Also, ask them to go out over phone. He opens the doors for me, he pays even when I try to, but were from the south so thats like normal here.. he doesnt check out other girls in public or talk about his exs thank GOD but Im too nervous to try and hold his hand and he doesnt reach for mine so Im all kinds of confused. Men are the dominators it is in our nature. Some signs are passionate, while others approach intimacy in a methodical or mechanical way. The Scorpio-Pisces relationship is a powerful and passionate combination that can lead to a deep and lasting connection between two clear soulmates. So, the Pisces Scorpio compatibility, is based on the trust. This isnt true love for either woman. Use right arrow key to move into submenus. I have no feelings towards her anymore and I honestly forget her every time until she fights her way back into my life again. Sex really lackluster. I have to ask what sign are you? And working on becoming famous in social media which was a flop but all these things introduced him to a looooot of women. What zodiac sign boyfriend would make you happy? I take marriage seriously and when I marry it will be for life. One time I told him to introduce me to his friends and he replied with, They cant handle you & your crazy antics. But these visionarieshave a very unique kissing style. This will help keep the relationship fresh and exciting, ensuring theres never a dull moment. I have no idea how to approach you. Please log in again. The Scorpio woman may be a victim of an accident or health issue. Dear Maria, I want to ask you one last question, what is commitment means to you? Also they like to intuitively scan people, rhyme and finally select over being approached.. Xx, Mobsapps.com is an awesome game camp. Hi I love this article. Hope you find that happiness and soon. How to kiss a Cancer: Cancers wont kiss wildly. He is a large 63 man that just seems like a big teddy bear to me. He tried using me in other ways and it was extremely hurtful because I genuinely loved him with every fiber of my being. On the other hand, Scorpios are brave, determined, and assertive. Like I said this not cheating, its cruel betrayal that every husbands face once in a life time who has Scorpio and Pisces wife unless his lucky enough to win heart heart completely. The first kiss in your life is the most important, and the following first kisses with each new partner need to be even better than the last. But why is he not aroused and wanting me in the first place? This can lead to a volatile cycle of emotional outbursts and grudges that can be hard to break. I stared at him from the corner of my eye (simply because I felt his eyes on me) and I justfelt it! He will enjoy how scorpios hard work makes his life easier and better. , Okay. Pisces men are not normal men. I am a Pisces man and Ive been dating a scorpio woman for months, my feelings for her is so deep.. This sign being in the top five best kissers isnt so surprising. As for everybody else, if your Pisces dude keeps pulling the wimpy SMACK HIM UP BUT GOOD! How to kiss a Virgo: Virgo's preferred kissing style is a sweet kiss on the hand when you're driving or watching a movie. And no matter what I tell him or do, he just makes me feel like he likes me not even despite those things that Im embarrassed about, but because of them. But she still living with her husband happily for 50 plus years. Generally speaking, Pisces woman and Scorpio man love compatibility is excellent. Your email address will not be published. Who is a Pisces soulmate? These men have strong emotions, but they usually hide them under the mask of disinterestedness. hell no! One I caught in a lie, never told him I caught him or anything, but he told me over and over he didnt do what I knew he did..I even told him I dont like liers..he still kept hiding things from me..and the silent treatment for no reason. This passionate energy sometimes remains deep within . A Leo. Plus it sounds like youre the type to make a point to a woman about being dominant because youre fighting with your true feelings as being a submissive. Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman - Astromatcha If she even remotely senses that he is holding something back from her, she becomes agitated and that is not a good thing. I would not want to live with out him. Tell it dawlin!!! He was very very masculine, a bit overly masculine but wow was he sexy and sweet also. The signs are very emotional, sensitive, intuitive and loving. This means something is terribly wrong if I ever did this. Third, I dont think you take accountability for what you caused into the relationship with your Pisces man who is considered to be your equal. (All signs of the same element will instantly feel they get each other, whether it be air, fire, earth, or water.) Tell him everything. I have learned this time he wouldnt be with me if he didnt want too. We have been friends two years prior before making anything official. He was given everything in life and therefore got to a high position. It doesnt matter what I believe but I will only fight for what is right!! Im too nervous about saying the wrong thing to come right out and ask him. You also side about honesty, same old Scorpio Motto. Are you? I was deeply, deeply in love with him and attached to him and it broke me when we split up, but Im definitely better off now. I never wanted to hurt her. This is not perception its based on evidence and experience. He is 38 and I am 26 he has said he has never met anyone like me before. Ive been with a Pisces guy and he was quite dominant in both demeanor and in bed. I was nervous to see him again bc hes SO smartIm a sapiosexual, brains are sexy asf so we spent a year-ish talking about getting together before we did see each other again and now that weve slept together we talk everyday so thats an improvement for sure but its noncomplimentary 90% of the time, I do say sweet things (not too much, I dont want to seem pushy or excessive or needy or clingyeven tho I am a Scorpio & do want some reassurance) & most of the time Im okay w the general responses I get from him but Im confused to the point of not knowing if we are dating or if hes j sleeping w me for the sake of sex? Scorpios are overthinkers. The Elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. If you Want to meet your soulmate then all you have to do is wait and prey, you dont have to Merry and divorce more often. Eventually you will end up with the person for you. So he controls me in this way. Lastly, just try to work on being honestly with yourself before giving advice to others. Should I write her back? They both seem as though they are quite good at dreaming. Listen to me. <3 We pisces are the sirens of the earth. Are you a Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio?? But during her courtship with the right person she is strongly loyal and fine woman with all qualities of head and heart. If you pass your test your marriage will be stronger and the bond will deepen unless you dont want it to be, and if you fail the damage will be unbearable. Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry Yet, they're also go-getters. I did not say you have to cheat, but if you feel that you are no longer happy that is what divorce is for. They dont understand a thing they are all moron, they cant even finish what they have started. She's one of the most sincere star signs. I swim deep often and she still manages to pull me up. Hes a lawyer & Im a nurse, we both are v busy, so I understand that he has a lot going on like me and doesnt have to reach out at all but idk how to tell if he sees me as his gf? Hes really great. Pisces and Scorpio pairings may blossom into a serious and committed relationship pretty quickly. For this two, marriage and relationship is all about emotional connection, it has no any other purpose. All I wanted to hear and read from this page is that, is there any Pisces or Scorpio women who experience this madness and brave enough to protect their loved once from this insane emotional connection. The question is can you live with such uncertainty? A Pisces woman is naturally desirable to a Scorpio man. They are highly loyal and look for a soul-mate for a lifetime. Dating a Pisces man right now, and I am a Scorpio woman. Thats the thing. So I found out my pisces love interests ex is dead. boys. Do they make a good love match? The Scorpio woman has a hidden weapon, however, which can be the saving grace for Pisces man Scorpio woman compatibility. I am sorry I cant answer your question because I was never married. Met at 13 married at 19 married for 22 years sadly apart for 9 but Christmas day 2016 engaged again and this time for the rest of our lives. I still have regrets for not at least trying to be friends with him even though my gut told me that I want him bad. Plus that can be so fricking hot. It may take years before Scorpio or Pisces feels safe enough to reveal their most intimate selves. Im the Scorpio. Just in case you dont know, most of them are Beautiful, Tender, Loving, loyal, trustworthy, Strong, Confident, Determined, straightforward, Intelligent, and their ability to speak and communicate is way too good than others. He is moody but he makes up for it with his sweet personality . Lol. I have had two notable flings with male pisces (counting one right now but I dont think he considers it that way lol). He knows all my exes and I keep all his secrets. I dont care anymore! He will respond to your vibration as a magnet. Do you understand this? Was it working? You can make it enjoyable for them if you have an expensive scent in your hair or neck. He leaves a possibility for himself to see other women when he wants to. This time he wants to get to know me more and he wants something serious. 10 Page Karmic Reading, - 2018 Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs, - Kissing compatibility for each zodiac sign. Pisces Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Feel free to respond, Dont even waste ur time with them sis lol he will drive you nuts cuz u going to feel like he keeping a lot of things from you and u wont be able to tamed him and you know we Scorpios woman are way to controlling and possessive and they dont like that cuz they want to keep hoeing around. Just hear me out. You dont know me and I dont know you. She is part ruled by Mars, that most fiery of all planets. I blocked her texts. Then us Scorpios come around with our sensual bedroom personalities and voila you have a gourmet meal. He will blame me for not wanting to have sex and run out of the house to go to a bar and yell and me if I demand to know where he is. How To Kiss Each Zodiac Sign So You'll Be Their Last First Kiss, Per Astrology, Scorpio Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships, 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love, Leo Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships, 8 Reasons Gemini Women Are The Best Women To Love, 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries (As Written By One), Sagittarius Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships, The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits, The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits, July 14 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Specific Zodiac Signs, 3 Zodiac Signs Want Freedom More Than Love On July 14, During The Moon In Gemini, Chinese Horoscope: 5 Astrology Signs Who Are Luckiest This Week, Libra Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships, Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships, The Truth About Aquarius Women (As Written By One). And you have nothing compare to that. Did you know? There is no room for manipulation with this woman. Hope I helped. Wow its the opposite for me (Scorpio woman) I was miserable with Leo man (things got worse after we had a child) and fell in love with Pisces man. You should kiss an Aries zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Taurus zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Gemini zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Cancer zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Virgo zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Libra zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Scorpio zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Sagittarius zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Capricorn zodiac sign native, You should kiss an Aquarius zodiac sign native, You should kiss a Pisces zodiac sign native, Who were you in a past life? Dont let their femininity seduce you. This creates a great balance, as Scorpio can provide the guidance and ferocity Pisces craves, while Pisces can provide Scorpio with the gentle, loving touch they need. They might try and try and try to work on things BUT at the end of the day they slowly fade. I hope someday your questions will be answered! Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility - Aquarian Astrology As long as there are Scorpio men, your marriage with Pisces women is not safe. It was so beautiful for a few years then I just had it with this man. Just being with him gives me a sense of peace. And next time she will attract a man who loves her back. The answers you seek are in your own statements. Also if I am honest with a Scorpio female she will still test me? However, his jealous and suspicious nature and his demand for complete loyalty and 'only the truth and nothing . As I said I have seen many of them destroy the lives and marriage of most good and honest men, I feel great sympathy for those men who suffer the heart break. Both of them are focused on an intimate and exclusive bonding. Scorpio Man with Pisces Woman Love Compatibility, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. He may be done it unintentionally or by accident or he may have his own reason for doing it, but no matter what he did he has a good chance to get together with his lovely Virgo if and only if he regret what he has done and apologies for his mistakes and she accepts of course. They are way too generous to take care of each other and bring some lovely changes to make the life more worthwhile. Theyre tender-hearted kissers who build tension up slowly. I hate my Pisces so much. Your FLOWER ZODIAC. Does this part take awhile for them or will he like ask me or introduce me as his gf out of the blue or what? And how can he put his ex who is dead over a person who he can possibly have a future with? And if she has opened up to you then chances are she hasnt told you everything she holding back. Scorpio and Pisces find much in common in almost all aspects of life and interests. And great tricks to win bets are here in one place. I love my Pisces Man. We broke up and she isnt letting go! Now I have had enough, and I have moved onto another woman, while this scorpio keeps trying to ruin it with the woman that will be my wife. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs Pisces man, Scorpio woman: Strongest points of compatibility Genuine love and affection Important traits of a Pisces man in relation to a Scorpio woman Each sign has an Element and a Mode. I am a Scorpio dating a Pisces for the second time . And I may or may have not let him pursue meat least like the article states let him think he was in charge..hehe! Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility As you know human life is very difficult we all try our best to fix our problems and make amend of our failures. When I said, marriage is the highest responsibility in human lives; I considered everything in it, including children. We weirdly share the same story, the only difference is hes 31 and Im 28. we met in college and he was my friend for two years before we started a relationship. Otherwise, they'll wrap their arm around your neck and pull you in to give you a good kiss on your cheekbone. The Scorpio woman can be spiteful when she feels like it, and she knows exactly how to wound her Pisces man. I regret not pursuing the leo because my pisces had another woman anyways but I am very happy with my aries now. Three years of ignorance. This is something she cannot hide and hold. The thing is Ive known him for at least 4 years and we have hung out for a short period of time at least once a year. They absolutely have what it takes to build a strong bond and make it last. can you understand now the pain and sorrow of those victims ?????? Good morning Mr Pisces I just read your message. I used to help her on stuff we had for exams and she was helping me too and one day after the bachelor exam she actually approached me and I was kinda surprised and I think if I showed more interest I think I could have passed her test, didnt knew I had two exams in same day, I figured later that day she is over me and I felt bad because I kinda liked her, she is an amazing person. Ive dated two pisces guys and it was great. They are part of it. I am scorpio. @hjulejus Sound like if you were put in a room full of pisces, youd bang everyone of them! He looks at my eyes to see if I am looking at his phone that buzzed while it is face down on the table. If you are in the woods for a hike and no one is around..there is your moment. Get out of here. I know a lot of earth people who cheated. I am a scorpio and pisces arent even good at sex. This Pisces guy though, I want him but I dont wanna risk our friendship. @icynezz I understand that feels, since im a pisces. There would be peace and harmony in the marriage. Some want to hear words while being kissed, like Gemini, while others like to be playful, like Aries. other stingers, they'll just use. Scorpio zodiac sign personality traits and attraction. Hope this helps! He was childish, too sensitive i thought he was homo. I know he will, how selfish and soulless he is. All Rights Reserved, Please note that this form cannot be used to reset your Google. Pisces man Scorpio woman compatibility works on an instant, instinctive level. He is deeply insecure about his lack of education, his financial status and his appearance. To feel their partners plump lips (if they are plump), smell their enticing scent, touch their soft skin and take you in. Scorpio is ruled by the genitals and is the sign most commonly associated with sex, plus both signs are deeply intuitive so they will be able to understand each other's needs and desires with ease. But I do think pisces would do well with either sign. Also, she can learn from her Pisces man on how easy it can be to actually forgive someone rather than holding a grudge for eternity. If you let her know youll respond to anything, no matter how crazyshell be all over you like hot cakes. PLEASE RUN..RUN.RUN SAVE YOURSELF FROM THIS TWO EMOTIONAL FREAKES!
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