I know that people who have been playing this game for decades as I have, probably as I have rewarded damage recovery (hp and later editions ability point damage) after 8 hours of rest. Pathfinder app allows your physician to access your clinical screening results and data (notes, photos, and videos) remotely, and intervene immediately. So if everything succeeds then even a character with negative hit points is now healing naturally (with rest) and conscious? First Aid: You usually use first aid to save a dying character. No other app I've seen yet combines journaling with milestone tracking and developmental screening. Treat Wounds Exploration Healing Manipulate Source Core Rulebook pg. Note that there is a casting limit and a healer can only heal a single party member at a time. At the beginning of the character's turn the character makes a Constitution check (DC 10) with a penalty equal to the character's negative hp. Get your little one on the right path Download the Pathfinder app now! You can access these from your inventory. Proving Long-term healing action: Requires 8 hours of light activity Heal - Pathminder - GitHub Pages Conditions - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database That's gotta make the dentist's chair a little screamy. Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage). To learn more about the game check out our guide on how you can recruit the different companions in the game. Pathfinder 2E Treat Wounds question - EN World Your baby might not present the signs in a quick 15-minute well-child visit. Giving long-term care counts as light activity for the healer. Why is category theory the preferred language of advanced algebraic geometry? While some feats specifically interact with a PC's race or class, most are available to anyone who meets the prerequisites. Patreon Supporters Resting - Rules - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database 1. It lists possible heal checks as; First aid - Save someone/thing that is dying, making them stable. The "You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks" is permanent, and applies to the entire skill. I like that you can also add all caregivers since parents aren't always the ones watching their child's behavior. I presume this because the Craft and Profession skills also have a per diem use. If so, what kind of action would that be? In my mind that would mean you accidentally leaned too hard on the cracked ribs, stitched up a crusted wound incorrectly and had to tear the stitches out, and so forth. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. Healing potions are also effective when it . #2. DESCRIPTION The affected creature suffers from a continuous confusion effect, as the spell. Treat Poison: To treat poison means to tend to a single character who has been poisoned and who is going to take more damage from the poison (or suffer some other effect). As an advocate for preventive care, I take pride in my involvement in the CheckUp program and the role I play in my patient's overall health and wellness:* . If you're making a Heal check as a forensic.. i.e. If you're an expert in Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 20 check to increase the Hit Points . Learn more. rev2023.7.14.43533. Patient action: Complete rest during day and sleeps 8 hours. Playing a Heal Skill based Healer in my first Campaign The table shows uses of Heal, the time they take, and whether you can try again with them. 10 Ranks: When you treat deadly wounds, the target recovers hit points as if it had rested for a full day with long-term care. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. Patient Result: Heals 2 points of ability points @ 24 hours Grit Feats Either way, they can gain the benefits of resting only once every 24 hours. In this Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous guide, we are going to walk you through how you can heal. Prerequisites: Heal 1 rank, Knowledge (planes) 1 rank. also help doctors to be able to pick up on when your child's development is not going according to plan. Pity there aren't rules for using poisons and drugs when practicing medicine. Source Book of the Dead pg. You must expend two uses from a healers kit to perform this task. This explanation assumes the absence of outside influences and was teased from the d20PFSRD section Injury and Death. 5 minutes a day for a lifetime of benefits. Editor's Note In Starfinder, healing spells heal the undead in the same way as they heal regular living creatures. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood, Clarification of the Injury and Death mechanics. Alchemical Remedies Tinctures This page includes various chemicals, herbs, salves, balms, oils, and other substances which require special preparation before use (such as use of a Craft (alchemy) skill check.) Action: Providing first aid, treating a wound, or treating poison is a standard action. Untyped Feats, Dispel magic target takes a 2 penalty on saves, Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against selected special attack, Use a single revelation more times each day, Carry a curse or have the Cursed Birth background, Target a creature with a hex a second time that day if it made its save the first time, Smite evil class feature, base attack bonus +5, Trade smite evil damage for bonus on combat maneuver checks, Failed grapples against you cause attacker to fall prone, Pick up items with your tongue, perform steal or disarm combat maneuvers, or make melee touch attacks, +2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the air or electricity descriptors and effects that deal electricity damage; ignore the first 30 feet of falling damage, +2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the air or electricity descriptors and effects that deal electricity damage; gain supernatural fly speed equal to base speed (good maneuverability), Channel energy can heal or harm outsiders, Channeled energy effects creatures with the alignment you choose, not just the subtype, +2 bonus on level checks to overcome spell resistance, Opponent must spend 1 extra manifestation point to defend itself, No levels in a class with grit class feature, Gain limited amount of grit and access to gunslinger deeds, Gain 2 extra grit points per day, and maximum grit increases by 2, Spend 1 grit point to recover powder or ammunition from your person, Gain a minor pool of inspiration for use with, Expend inspiration to gain a limited version of studied combat, Int 13, Studied Combatant, base attack bonus +8, Studied strike grants a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, Gain a minor pool of panache to use with a 1st-level swashbuckler deed of your choice. In order to use Heal as a Day Job, you have to have either the Temple vanity or the Faith Healer trait (and be an aasimar). Heal enables you to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away injury and afflictions. Youll be more aware, more in sync, and less stressed about your child's development. One of the ways in which you can heal during combat is to have a healer in your team that can cast a spell in order to heal members of the party. Might need more than one use if strength damage is a lot (e.g. Your healing efforts are bolstered by positive energy. Characters require 8 hours of sleep each day. How "wide" are absorption and emission lines? Amateur Swashbuckler or panache class feature; Dodge, +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement, Dodge, Mobility; base attack bonus +7, brawler level 4th, or monk level 4th, Gain up to a +2 bonus on attack rolls against creatures with a dodge bonus, Opponents with Mobility do not gain a bonus when they provoke attacks of opportunity from you, Gain a bonus on melee attack rolls when you use. Based on how I'm reading these rules, it looks like there's an extra DC 10 Con check to become stable, though. In RAW it's a bit confusing how you go about this if no one is aiding you at all. It's not clear whether this check overlap with the standard check to become disabled when you've received aid, So it might be intended that they happen concurrently. Resting not only heals your party but also removes negative status effects from spells. Your child will receive much better care thanks to all the detailed information left by your baby's caregivers and automatically transmitted to you and your pediatrician. Make additional attack if opponent is knocked out. So my question is - Could you make a heal check in combat to see how much HP or what condition someone/a group is in to determine how well off they are? Channel energy and flurry of blows class feature, May use flurry of blows with deity's favored melee weapon, Use Dazzling Display faster and expend mythic power to frighten opponents, Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +6, proficiency with selected weapon, Use Dazzling Display to increase a fear effect, Gain +2 on Performance checks, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks, Gain +2 on performance combat checks; may demoralize opponents, Can make combat performance checks in any combat, Make a performance combat check as a free action, Gain +2 on Performance checks and +1d6 on damage rolls, Expend mythic power to instantly kill non-mythic targets, Your attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction, Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction, Ignore additional DR based on mythic tier, Take a reduced penalty to your AC against melee attacks while prone, Weapon Focus with chosen weapon, studied combat class feature, Choose a ranged weapon and use studied combat with that weapon, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lasso), Weapon Focus (lasso), Target cannot speak above a whisper when entangled, Weapon Focus with deity's favored weapon, worship and receive spells from a deity, As a swift action, your first attack with weapon counts as magical, Gain the benefits of Weapon of the Chosen until the start of your next turn, Roll twice with your favored weapon and take the better roll, Double the bonuses on attack rolls and expend mythic power to gain a higher bonus, Do not provoke attacks of opportunity while firing one ranged weapon, Increase bonus to damage rolls based on mythic tier, Using a whip does not provoke attacks of opportunity, Threaten with your whip and grasp Tiny objects, Retrieve a specific mundane item from your person, Wild shape class feature, druid level 6th, Turn up to 180 as a free action without a, Use dagger as focus for witch patron spells, Use your witch knife as a focus for all spells, not just patron spells, Disable Device 5 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks, Jury-rig a depleted battery to hold 1 charge, Use Linguistics to communicate with creatures with which you don't share a language. This does. Patient action: Stays up 24 hours. Treating deadly wounds takes 1 hour of work. Will spinning a bullet really fast without changing its linear velocity make it do more damage? If you rolled a one, everyone in your neighborhood had an inconvenient breakout of good health. Technology Guide You cannot give long-term care to yourself. First aid also stops a character from losing hit points due to effects that cause bleed. Yep. Esoteric Feats Forums: Rules Questions: Can you take 20 on Heal checks? - Paizo 8 hours. In fact, 90% of your child's brain develops by age 5, The greatest gift you can give to your children is to. 4. If 1 to (the character's Constitution score 1), the character is dying. 10 minutes. Treat Wounds from Caltrops: A creature wounded by stepping on a caltrop moves at half normal speed. 1 Triggering Attacks Of Opportunity. It has no interaction with Day Jobs. Combat Feats* Gain low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft. Gain temporary hit points when reduced to 0, Str 13, Int 3; base attack bonus +3; naga, serpentfolk, or constrict special attack, Creatures that take constriction damage from you are also shaken, Your constrict attack deals double the number of damage dice, Wield a torch as a weapon and gain +1 attack bonus with melee weapons that deal fire damage, Replace bard spell damage with fire damage, summoned monsters gain fire attacks, See through fire and smoke without penalty; immune to the dazzled condition, Gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells with the fire descriptor, Gain fire resistance 5; treat fire spells or alchemist bombs dealing fire damage as 1 higher level, Foes you strike lose their flanking bonus against you, Spell with the fire, light, or electricity descriptor dazzles creatures it affects, Land speed increases by 5 feet regardless of armor or encumbrance, Sacrifice regeneration to increase land speed by 10 feet for 1 minute, Take a move action and another standard action while flying, Gain +4 on concentration checks while adjacent to your eidolon, Inspiration class feature, keen recollection class feature, Roll d8s or higher when you use inspiration on chosen skills, Gain +4 on concentration checks while phantom is adjacent or within your consciousness, Increase save DC of spell for one target in a group, Robbed of your possessions; have An Eye for an Eye, Hated Foe, Raiders, or Vengeance background, Add +1 DC to spells or abilities when you use them against a chosen group, Channel energy to give orcs a bonus on weapon damage and critical hit confirmation rolls until your next turn, Base attack bonus +3, ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, ability to cast at least one arcane force spell, Lose a prepared spell or a spell slot to increase your speed, Suffered permanent memory loss; have Reincarnated background, Duration of mind-affecting spells is halved; +2 bonus on Perception checks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, keen recollection class feature, When a spell is cast, record its formula later, Break armor or shield to turn critical hit into a normal hit, Adaptable luck trait additional one time per day, Adaptable luck trait additional one time per day, increase luck bonus by 2, Spell deals more damage and can be cast while in a rage, Increase your base speed by 20 feet when your size increases, Faced powerful undead, evil outsider, or aberration; have Raised Among the Dead or The Dead One background, Gain +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes, religion); +2 bonus against fear effects, Gain the ability to see up to 15 feet clearly in magical darkness, such as that created by the, Gain more spell-like abilities and use your gnome spell-like abilities more often, Base attack bonus +1, gnome, proficient with all martial weapons, Gain a +1 bonus on attacks with gnome weapons, Wield Medium firearms without taking the size penalty, Regain 1 round orage when you confirm a critical hit or a critial hit is confirmed on you, Gain additional duergar spell-like abilities, No longer take an AC penalty while in a blood frenzy, Combat Expertise, Greater Blood Frenzy, base attack bonus +6, blood frenzy ability, sahuagin, Give up your regular attacks to make one melee attack against each bleeding or wounded opponent within reach, Cha 13, lay on hands class feature, mercy class feature, Lay on hands heals extra hit points if the target doesn't need a mercy, Expend 10 uses of lay on hands to bring a dead creature back to life, Use wild empathy to intimidate and expand the creatures it can affect, Roll twice and take the higher result on Fort saves against a non-mythic source, Gain a +1 bonus on melee and thrown weapon attacks against targets of your hatred racial trait, Deal 1/2 Strength modifier damage when rending and biting on the same turn, Speak with burrowing animals as spell-like ability, Gain a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures that have attacked you, Drow-blooded and drow magic racial traits, half-elf, You count as a drow for any effects that relate to race, With a full-attack action, each hit against the same opponent deals extra damage, Gain +1 bonus on attack rolls and CMB checks made using a helmet; +2 bonus on saves against spells and special abilities against being staggered or stunned, Add +1 to AC against critical hit confirmation rolls when wearing a helm, apply half damge from critical hit to helm, Dented Helm, Hard-Headed, base attack bonus +11, dwarf, Add +1 to AC against critical hit confirmation rolls when wearing a helm, apply all damage from critical hit to helm, Gain extra abilities when performing within an artificial structure, Gain a hero point, and your maximum is increased to 5, Gain 2 hero points when you level instead of 1, Have a chance to retain spent hero points, Abjurations and divinations treat you as the possessed creature, Int or Cha 21, Hidden Presence, Manipulative Presence, Gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws when you are within 30 ft. of at least two other hobgoblins, Have an ally with this feat deal damage to you to break an ongoing mind-affect effect that allows a saving throw, Gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls when charging with an ally, Gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when lashed to a horn harness, Gain attack bonus and damage from charging with a readied melee attack, Use your character level to determine powers and abilities for your mount, Halt movement while flying without making a, Receive one bonus skill rank (up to four), Handle Animal 1 rank; animal companion, divine bond (mount), or mount class feature; human, Gain +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Knowledge (nature) checks on a type of animal, Implant a bomb in a willing or helpless creature, Use generic focus efficiently with an implement, Non-mythic creatures that take damage from your channel roll twice on their saves and take the lower result, Counterspell with spell of the same school, Spells of the same school and equal or higher level can counterspell, Reflect a counterspelled spell back on its caster, Proficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +8, When ally confirms a critical threat, you gain an attack of opportunity, Dirge of doom expands to 60 feet and can cause fear up to frightened, Improved Dirge of Doom, ability to perform dirge of doom, Your dirge effects linger and can cause fear up to panicked, Familiar's abilities improve based on mythic tier, Base attack bonus +4, halfling, low-blow racial trait, Gain a +2 bonus to confirm critical hits against opponents larger than yourself, Gain a sacred bonus on monster lore checks, Damage for natural attack increases by one step, Spells affect both you and your bonded creature, Ability to acquire an animal companion, an eidolon, a familiar, or a special mount, Divide spell duration with the companion creature, May apply contact poison to unarmed strikes, Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8, Unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning or piercing damage, Add piercing damage to unarmed attacks, and demoralize opponents, Dex 18, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), base attack bonus +16 or brawler level 12th, When you fight unarmed and a foe misses with all melee attacks, it provokes attacks of opportunity from you, Take 2 penalty when fighting defensively, May deflect one attack per round while fighting defensively or using total defense, When you deflect an attack, you may make an attack of opportunity. Excited to use it for my youngest The wielder can expend two uses of the satchel when using the Heal skill to treat poison or disease to use her Heal check result in place of the creature's next Fortitude saving throw against the poison or disease. 1 hp per level per 8 hours of rest or double that per day of rest). Spend esoteric material components as though your caster level were 2 lower. 3) If someone trained in Heal is going to perform surgery, could they buy a dose of drow poison to use on the subject? Healer action: LTC (8 hours of light activity) A kit is not a tool, so the bonus would not apply. While some feats specifically interact with a PC's race or class, most are available to anyone who meets the prerequisites. How does voluntarily holding one's breath work? If you have the Signature Skill feat, the rogues edge ability, or another ability that grants you the skill unlocks for this skill, you gain access to the following abilities when you have sufficient ranks. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned. Long-term healing: May be adminstered by treating a patient for 1 day or more Restore Vitality: You suppress ability damage. The higher the level of the character, the more it can heal. Ultimate Magic, Alignment Feats 8 hour adventure days are the norm. This is the time when the foundations for learning, health, and behavior are laid down. All rights reserved. So if I understand this correctly. A stable character regains no hit points but stops losing them. Then another DC 10 Constitution check every day after resting to begin recovering hit points naturally. Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber . The first 5 years of child development are crucial to their health, wellbeing, and the overall trajectory of their lives. Heal - PF2 SRD - d20PFSRD I wish this was available when my first child was born. Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician, Liz Perkins, MD, FAAP The Default: Non-Magical Healing Without Feats The earliest signs of developmental delay involve the absence of typical behaviors not the presence of atypical ones. Darkvision or low-light vision racial trait, Gain +2 on damage and attack rolls when you have concealment vs. foe, While concealed, miss chance increases by 10%, Ricochet your shots off of a wall or other solid terrain, Base attack bonus +5, natural weapon racial trait, tengu, Increase beak attack damage to 1d6; deal 1 bleed damage with a critical hit, Gain temporary hp and +1 bonus on Constitution-based checks and saves when drinking the blood of a specific humanoid subtype, Blood Drinker, base attack bonus +6, dhampir, Gain +2 bonus on damage rollls and a +1 bonus on Strength-based skill checks when you drain 4 or more points of Constitution, Use Blood Drinker feat on a dead creature of the appropriate subtype, Use your Blood Drinker feat on another humanoid subtype or on monstrous humanoids, Gain bonuses as a barbarian's rage when an ally is reduced to negative hit points or is killed, Inflict nonlethal damage with bludgeoning weapons, Change your rogue talent spell-like abilities with study, Gain temporary hp equal to your Constitution bonus when you kill or knock unconscious an opponent with a melee attack, Natural weapons and unarmed strikes deal 1d6 cold damage; deal 1 point of cold damage to creatures attacking with natural weapons and unarmed strikes, Deal 1d6 cold damage with items thrown by rock throwing, Targeted creature within 10 feet must make a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 cold damage, Redirect a spell that had no effect on initial target, Grant ally's weapon the bane quality against a branded opponent, Add class level to army's Morale checks in place of your Charisma modifier, Craft (alchemy) 1 rank, Profession (brewer) 1 rank, dwarf, Gain a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Profession (brewer) checks; gain +1 DC to crafted ingested poisons, Create an elixir that allows another to use a bloodline power, Grant opponent bonus to hit you, but opponent's attack provokes attacks of opportunity, When you use Broken Wing Gambit, nearby allies can attempt a ranged attack against the attacker, Take a -2 penalty on a melee attack and Inimidate an opponent with a successful attack, Deal an extra 1d4 fire damage with you attack with fire, Spell with the acid or fire descriptor deals extra damage the next round, Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against diseases and ingested poison; +2 bonus on Survival checks to find food for yourself, With a successful evasion you may move half your speed, Gain a racial bonus to Bluff, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand with unusued spell-like abilities, No penalties for improvised melee weapons, Add mythic tier to damage with improvised weapons, Increase dodge bonus by 2 when fightingg defensively or using total defense, Allies gain a luck bonus when you fight defensively or use the total defense action, Once per day make a single melee attack while taking the total defense action, Once per day, take no penalty on an attack roll when fighting defensively or making an attack of opportunity while taking the total defense action, Gain a bonus to Reflex saving throws equal to ½ dodge bonus to AC from fighting defensively or taking the total defense action, Aasimar, animal companion, familiar, or mount class feature, Animal companion, familiar, or mount gainst the celestial template, Challenge class feature, character level 7th, Declare a new challenge target as an immediate action, Gain 3 serpent-fire ki points for chakras, Chakra Initiate, ability to awaken heart chakra, Gain 4 serpent-fire ki points for chakras, attempt one save to maintain chakras, and gain lingering benefits, Chakra Adept, ability to awaken crown chakra, Gain 5 serpent-fire ki for chakras, can spend more ki to gain two chakra benefits, Defeat a foe in single combat; have the Champion of a God, Champion of the People, Competition Chamption, or Gladiator background, Gain +1 attack bonus and +1 dodge bonus to AC against a single foe, Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against chaotic, good, evil, and lawful creatures, Use an affirmation to treat yourself as neither chaotic or evil, gain a +2 bonus on damage against lawful and good creatures, Use an affirmation to remove a single condition or harmful effect, gain a +2 bonus on damage against evil creatures, Use an affirmation to bestow a single condition or harmful effect, gain a +2 bonus on damage against good creatures, Use an affirmation to treat yourself as neither good or lawful, gain a +2 bonus on damage against chaotic and evil creatures, Blessings class feature, channel energy class feature, Bestow a blessing on an ally when you channel energy, Channel energy 3d6, proficiency with shield, Enhance your shield and the shields of allies adjacent to you, Spend channel energy to affect a single target and, Channel Force, aasimar, channel energy 4d6, Affect creatures in a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone-shaped burst with Channel Force, Channel Force, Improved Channel Force, aasimar, channel energy 6d6, Affect all creatures in a 30-foot-radius burst with Improved Channel Force, Ability to cast one force spell, channel energy class feature, Spend channel energy to deal extra force damage with weapon attacks, Inquisitor levels count as cleric levels for channeling damage, Channel Smite, divine caster level 5th, channel negative energy class feature, demon lord patron deity, Treat 1s on damage as 2s against good living creatures, Gain a bonus on attacks based on power of channel, Can exchange channel positive energy to create pool of damage dice, May use Wisdom modifier for attack rolls with favored weapon, Apply Wisdom bonus instead of Strength or Dexterity bonus on favored weapon damage, You can see through fog, mist, and clouds without penalty, ignoring cover or concealment bonuses, +4 bonus on concentration checks for casting defensively, Don't make concentration checks for violent movement, gain a +2 bonus on all other concentration checks, Gain an additional +2 dodge bonus and expend mythic power to reduce penalties, Flank an opponent if at least two allies are adjacent to it, Aid another as a move action with two adjacent allies, +2 bonus on dirty trick attempts, no attack of opportunity, Gain a bonus on dirty tricks based on mythic tier, May perform a dirty trick in place of one of your melee attacks, +2 bonus on disarm attempts, no attack of opportunity, May attack opponent you attempted to disarm with your second weapon, Attempt a disarm on a successful critical hit, Disarmed weapons are knocked away from your enemy, Gain a bonus on disarms based on mythic tier, Gain a +2 bonus on feint checks made while wielding a weapon that deals fire damage, Upon successful feint, you may force opponent to accept an object, Feint lets you move your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity, Successful feint causes your starting square to not count as threatened, +2 bonus on reposition attempts, no attack of opportunity, Enemies you reposition provoke attacks of opportunity, Gain a bonus on repositions based on mythic tier, May reposition in place of one of your melee attacks, Attempt a reposition attack on a successful critical hit, +2 bonus on steal attempts, no attack of opportunity, Enemies don't notice theft until after combat, Gain a bonus on steals based on mythic tier, May steal in place of one of your melee attacks, Str 15, Cleave, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (greataxe), base attack bonus +11, Attempt a trip combat maneuver against each opponent in reach with a two-handed weapon, If tripped, you can attempt a trip against that foe, Gain a bonus on trips based on mythic tier, Throw opponent into adjacent square with a trip attack, Throw opponent into occupied square as a bull rush, Spend a swift action to bull rush opponent, move it, then knock it prone, Treat a quarterstaff as if it had the trip weapon special feature, Your CMD against trips is increased based on tier and those who trip you and fail provoke an attack of opportunity from you, Use a quarterstaff to make a trip attempt against all adjacent enemies, Attempt a trip attack on a successful critical hit, Int 13, Combat Expertise, ability to acquire an animal companion, You and your companion creature flank regardless of position, Attempt to knock a target off balance with a successful melee attack, Exchange later attacks to reroll missed first attack, Take a 5 penalty on later attacks to reroll missed attack.
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