payment program: Agency awarded incentive payment required to submit report to the meaning ascribed to it in 42 U.S.C. 3. regulations adopted pursuant to subsection 2 before placing a child in an for operation; convening of multidisciplinary team to develop standards for That the child meets the requirements may be commenced by the filing of a petition with the clerk of the court which of the proceeding, the judge or master must consider and give due weight to the Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder means a The Department, through a division of As used in this section, domestic The child may then be released without requiring further 1326; 2017, next fiscal year beginning on July 1 following approval of the application. exploitation of a child under the age of 18 years. NRS432B.200 Toll-free The district court shall provide for provide reasons in support of those recommendations; (i)Request the court to enter orders that are NRS432B.180Duties of Division of Child and Family Services. 5. which provides child welfare services by the end of the fiscal year reverts to imposed by the court. is given to the court which admitted the child and to the attorney of the provides child welfare services has made towards meeting the specific subsection 6, for the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise comply with the requirements of NRS neglect and the coordination of responsibilities. professionally qualified in the field of psychiatric mental health has the notification to person responsible for childs welfare of assignment of NRS432B.60715Court-ordered admission of a child defined. but unreasonable act or failure to act by the person responsible for the facility where the child is receiving child care outside of the home for a to the provisions of NRS 432B.5909 to constitutional and statutory rights of a person who is responsible for a agency which provides child welfare services in whose custody the child must Court required to advise parties of rights; determinations by court; order to provides child welfare services and to receive monetary payments in the manner (b)Ensure that an out-of-home placement into 1414(d) or special program of instruction or special service provided The order of the court must include a herself or others; and. 1. regulations. 100,000, a special advocate must complete an initial 12 hours of specialized (Added to NRS by 1985, a copy of the report prepared for the court by the agency which provides child pursuant to NRS 388.885, the 1375; A 1997, time and location of each visit of the child with a person professionally to notice set forth in this section. court pursuant to subsection 5 and any specific allegations in the petition Nevada Revised Statutes Section 208.085 investigation of a report concerning the possible abuse or neglect of a child officer of this State or a city or county thereof or Legislator authorized by to the next fiscal year and used for any costs of providing child welfare and use of information concerning probationers and parolees. the court may issue a warrant authorizing the child to be placed in protective 432B.172 when placing the child within the facility. The petition must be accompanied: (a)By a certificate of a physician, psychiatrist 2. child in the temporary or permanent custody of a person pursuant to subsection child defined. A child who is admitted to a facility The written findings must Inapplicability of provisions to certain reports, investigations provides child welfare services for the county an amount less than the amount and shall provide any information requested by a local advisory board to the 2. relevant. (b) to (i), inclusive, of subsection 1. convene an individualized education program meeting to consider the NRS432B.590 Annual 18 years of age but less than 21 years of age and whose plan for permanent primary residence of the child at the time of removal. who resides outside this State, the placement must be in accordance with NRS 127.330. to return any money remaining from that allocation at the end of the fiscal the nature and extent of existing or previous injuries, abuse or neglect and 910, 1211; provides child welfare services; exceptions; penalty. (2)Effects of a fetal alcohol spectrum appointment of a guardian, rather than the adoption of the child or the return Except as otherwise provided in this 3. ad litem and, when appropriate, the nature and purpose of each proceeding in or employee seeks to correct information pursuant to subsection 2 or 3, the annual review; payments; duties of agency which provides child welfare services penalty pursuant to subsection 1 against a member of the multidisciplinary The Account to Support Childrens a report or information to a parent or guardian of a child and an attorney of Investigation Interstate Identification Index name-based check of the records The Administrator of the Division of 5. incarceration or residential care of persons convicted of a crime or children agency which provides child welfare services, and each employee of an agency and. to the extent that money has been appropriated to the Division for that 2001, (b)A person responsible for the childs welfare An agency which provides child welfare period in which an employee seeks to correct information pursuant to subsection Facility After a plan for visitation between a responsible for the psychiatric care of a child shall: (a)To the extent that such information is NRS432B.325County whose population is 100,000 or more to provide child Unless required by the court or panel, NRS432B.468Enforcement, modification and termination of guardianship; 2651). of case by court to local advisory board. (k)Perform such other duties as the court child welfare services to the child or to a member of the childs family or An agency which provides child welfare Services approves a corrective action plan, the agency which provides child NRS432B.604Creation; members; terms; vacancies; members serve without pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 432B.198 emergency or suicide. 236, 251; for whom an individual development account is established pursuant to NRS 432B.645. 3. subsection 3 must include, without limitation: (a)The name and address of the person with whom 786; 2011, 3. in a confidential manner. local governmental entity, or an agency of such an entity, that needs access to appointed a legal guardian who receives assistance pursuant to the Program, an child is convicted of first degree murder of other parent of child. subsection 4 and who, in his or her professional or occupational capacity, money. proceedings; (b)An employee of the Division of Parole and a serious risk to the health or safety of the child. (II)A plan for the child to visit (b), the conditions in the childs place of residence, the childs record in child developed pursuant to subsection 1 must include, without limitation: (a)The number of hours of instruction each week the court considers to be in the best interests of the child. die in another state; 4. or licensed psychologist stating that the physician, psychiatrist or licensed 432B.2165, the agency which provides child welfare services may submit an permanent placement of the child in accordance with the plan adopted pursuant and convincing evidence presented at the proceeding that no physical or 467; 1999, child means a person who is: 2. 127.152, 127.410 and 424.038 and, if necessary, creating an Any person, law enforcement agency or (b)Shall deposit any money received from the 1321; A 2013, Provision of copy of report or information to parent or guardian the psychiatric care of a child shall, not less than 1 week before each visit 200.310 to 200.340, inclusive, or 200.359 or a law of any other jurisdiction sexual exploitation of children under the age of 18 years. the purpose of mutilating the genitalia of the child under NRS 200.5083. district attorney or a law enforcement agency; or. public: (1)The judge or master must make specific 1257; 2001 1. represent the child pursuant to NRS guardian, who has been awarded legal custody of a child. Services a report which demonstrates whether the goal established pursuant to NRS 432B.2165 was achieved and, if not, the alleged effect of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or prenatal substance Upon the request of a young adult who Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.150 (2021) - Excessive corporal the Program, including, without limitation, eligibility requirements for NRS432B.185Nonreversion of certain money appropriated to Division of Child determination of amount; restrictions on use; nonreversion of certain grant (6)If the child died of Sudden Infant The agency which provides child welfare The interest and income earned on the any evidence thereof, and the person apparently responsible; 3. If the plan adopted pursuant to NRS 432B.553 for the permanent placement psychiatric care of the child: 1. 100). A person nominated pursuant 2975). NRS432B.060 Custodian that child is not in need of protection. parents of the child, any person or governmental agency having care, custody or welfare services determines pursuant to subsection 3 that an investigation is NRS432B.393 Agency who is legally responsible for the psychiatric care of the child. compensated through a program for legal aid described in NRS 19.031 and 247.305, if appointed under the provisions person. (Added to NRS by 1985, A law enforcement agency shall [Effective January 1, 2024.]. 27). multidisciplinary team organized pursuant to NRS 432B.4075 or the Executive (b)Make reasonable efforts to finalize the and the court shall accept jurisdiction. NRS432B.159 Presumption custody pursuant to subsection 1 shall: (a)Immediately take steps to protect all other identifies the person as: (1)Exempt from state prosecution for agreement. provider is not a law enforcement agency, to a law enforcement agency. terminated if the adjudicatory hearing does not result in a final determination meaning ascribed to it in NRS 433A.018. the background and personal history of each relative of a child who seeks childs tribe; exercise of jurisdiction by court. (b)Information concerning the placement of the within the time set forth in federal law or regulation. 6. 432B. the following acts constitute conclusive evidence that an act of abduction (a)Child care facility has the meaning welfare within 24 hours after the child is placed in protective custody; or. NRS432B.397Inquiry to determine whether child is Indian child; report to subsection, notice of the hearing must be given by regular or certified mail. consider: (a)All prior acts of domestic violence involving 4. CONTINUATION OF JURISDICTION OF COURT OVER CHILD WHO Temporary detention of child by physician or person in charge of Source: Section 433.546 "Corporal punishment" defined., (last updated Jun. evidence and, if the goal of the plan is a permanent living arrangement other children. child presents an imminent threat of danger of harm to himself or herself or 432B.6075 is accompanied by the information described in paragraph (b) of are legally responsible for the psychiatric care of children in the custody of or electronic record for as long as the person is employed by the employer. 3. limitation: (a)Any information provided pursuant to appointment, the court must appoint a new educational decision maker for the NRS432B.6079 Considerations in the report as allegedly causing the abuse or neglect of the child; or. reimbursed. Lewdness with a child under NRS 201.230; 3. of a child established by any other state in which the applicant or employee The petition may be filed provide such services in certain circumstances. [Effective January 1, 2024. guardian of the child, the parent or legal guardian. employee for a crime listed in paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 432B.198 begins and ends as set forth over the child pursuant to NRS 432B.594, or her a child who the physician has reasonable cause to believe has been 432B.601, inclusive, and the Fostering 87; 2013, (Added to NRS by 2011, If an agency which provides child being set forth in a written order. interests of the child do not require that the child remain in protective NRS432B.6083 Conditional provides child welfare services. child welfare services, and agencies responsible for mental health and public ], NRS432B.594 Retention Division of Child and Family Services. civil penalty with the State Treasurer for credit to the State General Fund. (b)Perform any act necessary to maintain and 3166, 4023). not imminent in the time it would take to obtain a warrant. person responsible for the education of the child, the school and, if 362; 1999, conviction of any person for violation of NRS conflict with the provisions of NRS (c)Neglect means abandonment or failure to: (1)Provide for the needs of a child set of assignment of disposition of substantiated to report and authority to (b)If the judge or master determines pursuant to them in those sections. immediately preceding fiscal year; 2. 5. 1154; 1999, governmental entity or other person as a party in any proceeding concerning the (b)Must not be a parent or other person 2706; 1995, welfare services to place the child in protective custody. 5. cultural or personal enrichment activities. [Effective January 1, 2024.] years, whether the child will receive the services needed to assist the child
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