var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); [162] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Sanaa, Qatari, July 8, 2020. 1, provides that they include Ministers and Deputy Ministers, heads of boards of institutions, public bodies and their deputies, diplomatic staff and consular corps, officers, non-commissioned officers and members of the Armed Forces, police and other security agencies unless they have the approval of the ministers of defense and interior or the competent head of security, and Students on scholarship who are studying abroad whether supported by the State or studying at their own expense. This article also provides that the council of ministers can add more public offices or functions to the list, and the Emir can grant exemption to anyone listed in the article. [34] As a result, some interviewees shut down their accounts or censored their online speech. In addition, while the exit permit rules on Qatari women do not apply to non-Qatari women, foreign women said that their visa sponsor such as their husband or father are informed when they leave Qatar. Planning a wedding ceremony in Qatar involves several steps and considerations. 3- Marriage Contract (If the Guardian is the Spouse). See Qatar University, Parent Communication Form, undated, (accessed March 22, 2021). Expats can divorce by consent, applying foreign law, and it can be straightforward process taking 4 to 5 months of time. Other discriminatory rules also restrict womens movements including whether Qatari women can rent an apartment, stay in a hotel, or register for utilities so she can live on her own. Nadine, age 33, reported that both the HMC Womens Hospital and Sidhra Hospital refused to tie her fallopian tubes at her request following what she described as traumatic labor because she was under 40 years old. Human Rights Watch follow-up phone interview with Nadine, British, January 20, 2021. [332] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Dr. Some women reported how such rules delayed treatment, even when their disorders did not relate to sexual activity. One married foreign woman resident in Qatar said she got birth control pills from a gynecologist at a private hospital without being asked for a marriage certificate. [278] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Fatima, Qatari, January 21, 2020. Moreover, the Family Law states that the male guardian may hold their childs passport except for when they travel, and that the female custodian may hold their childs birth certificate and ID card. Catholic Church - 4490 1907 What the whole world experiences now, this is the normal life for girls [in Qatar]. She asked him for an extension, but she said he told her, I will only do one for you so I can use it when I want something from mom.. Moreover, she and another foreign national woman said they can get birth control pills at pharmacies: An expat woman could get birth control without prescription from a doctor, but it is probably different for Qatari women.. [31] Qatars 2014 Combatting Cyber Crimes Law criminalizes spreading false news on the internet (a term that is not defined) and provides for a maximum of three years in prison for anyone convicted of posting online content that violates social values or principles, or insults or slanders others.[32] In 2020, Qatar amended its Penal Code to criminalize broadcasting, publishing or republishing rumors or statements or false or malicious news or sensational propaganda, inside or outside the state, whenever it is intended to harm national interests or incite public opinion or disturb the social or public order of the state with up to five years in prison and a 100,000 Qatari riyals. Some women said their guardians prevented them from pursuing studies abroad. In its written response to Human Rights Watch, however, the ministry denied this, saying that a guardians approval is not required to work in the Ministry [of Education], public schools, or private schools., As I cant travel from Qatar, I took this opportunity to leave from Kuwait. Issue a decision lifting the prohibition on Qatari women and women who wear traditional dress or Qatari men who wear the traditional dress from entering bars, restaurants, or attending events that serve alcohol; and coordinate with the National Tourism Council to ensure all venues, hotels and others are informed of the change. @ILQlive [339] Nadine, said she believed that healthcare workers refused to conduct transvaginal ultrasounds, which are internal examinations, on unmarried women as they are worried about breaking the hymen.[340]. [230] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Nayla, Qatari, March 10, 2020. The government scholarships website requires students applying for scholarships to provide, among other documents, a copy of their male guardian or guarantors ID card. [55] Qatari women must also show they have male guardian permission to marry. Migrant women in Qatar are still required to get permission if their father or husband is their visa sponsor. That means in the case of marriage, it is imperative for Muslims to use Islamic guideline-controlled sites, like Noble Marriage. She said she asked the education ministry if she could transfer her 12-year-old son to a different school, and they said yes as she had custody, but the government school he was registered in told her we cant do that, as his father came and threatened us not to transfer him, so you have to go to the ministry. But when she went back to the ministry, they told her that her ex-husband already came and said he will throw a tantrum. Business Laws and How to Start Business in Qatar? Qatars 2018 state report to CEDAW acknowledges that the government hospital Hamad Medical Corporation require medical professionals to report suspected cases of violence, including illegitimate pregnancy[316]. The law requires women to apply to the courts for a divorce while allowing men the right to unilateral divorce, and grants fathers legal guardianship of their children regardless of whether a court has ordered that the children should live with their mother. [124] Education Above All - Dynamic Futures Scholarship Program, Dynamic Futures Qatar Scholarship checklist, undated, (accessed February 5, 2021). The Politics of Family Cohesion in the Gulf: Islamic authority, new [140], Such barriers contribute to greater numbers of Qatari men studying abroad than women. The next step is to prepare the marriage contract. 6 of 2012 on the Regulation of Tourism, August 7, 2012, art. Muslims wanting to get married in Qatar must prepare the following documentation beforehand: Qatar is a conservative country that follows Sharia law. 171, entered into force March 23, 1976, arts.2.1, 3, 12, 23, 24, and 26; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. Share this via Telegram [178] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Dalal, Qatari, November 9, 2020. I thought about it [seeking asylum]. Res. A married woman can travel abroad without her husbands permission, but her husband can apply to a court to ban her travel. See also Qatar: Traffic Services are Easier with METRASH 2, Q Motor, July 23, 2018, (accessed February 5, 2021). No unauthorized persons may report a birth.. It is up to the women themselves to find out if they have a travel ban imposed on them. It was a mixed [gender] environment.[210], According to a 2017 study by Dr. Kaltham Al-Ghanim, 70 percent of men respondents strongly agreed to the statement that Qatari women should work only if they obtained their husbands permission and neither age nor educational attainment mattered regarding mens attitudes in this regard. [202] The Ministry of Education imposed the requirement for male guardian permission around 10 years ago. Updated 2023-06-20 19:53 Getting married in Qatar could be a hassle for newbies. Muslim offenders are given an additional penalty of flogging while married Muslims may be sentenced to death by stoning. [321], Women also need guardian permission for fertility-related treatments. [304] The CEDAW Committee in its General Recommendation on the Right to Health says that states should not restrict womens access to health services on the ground that women do not have the authorization of husbands, partners, parents or health authorities, because they are unmarried or because they are women. UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, General Recommendation No. [135] CEDAW, art. The response stated that the HMC has established policies to guide healthcare professionals in cases of suspected unmarried pregnancy, with the clear mandate of protecting all parties concerned. That includes providing a complete physical examination to confirm the pregnancy. [37], Qatari women nonetheless were inspired. [264] Compiled written response provided by the Qatari government to Human Rights Watch on March 1, 2021. Dalals uncle had dropped off his wife, who is 30 and has five children, at passport control. 176 provides the guardian of the child may retain the passport of the child save for when traveling when it shall be delivered to the female custodian of the child. While stories of Qatari women seeking international refuge are rare, the discrimination they face is systemic. [123] The Ministry of Education and Higher Education response to questions in a written communication provided by a government official to Human Rights Watch, on March 9, 2021. Women Human Rights Watch interviewed who worked at governmental institutions including Qatar Museums, National Tourism Council, Planning and Statistics Authority, and Qatar News Agency said they did not require male guardian permission for the jobs they obtained. [196], But women also said that other government institutions did not require guardian permission for them to work. The certificate is recognized by the Qatar government, but it must be translated into Arabic and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [305] World Health Organization, WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, 2018, (accessed February 5, 2021). Repeal the requirement that only men can authorize an exit permit for their children to travel abroad and ensure that both men and women can make decisions relating to their childrens travel abroad. [190] The Labour Law does require guardian permission to work for anyone aged 16 to 18 including apprentices, but this applies to both boys and girls. [240] Al Jazeera, Tests, home quarantine as Qatar reopens borders on August 1, Al Jazeera, July 22, 2020, (accessed February 5, 2021). newsletter, where we will let you know about any news, exciting new services we can Aziza, a British woman said when she lived in Qatar, her British father had a hold over her as he could decide as her visa sponsor whether she could work or attend university: He would reiterate that you cant work if I dont give you my no objection, I am your father here. If you have anything you want to share with us, send us an e-mail at [emailprotected]! Qatar is a Muslim country, but it is also possible for people of other religions to get married there too. A myriad of Qatari laws, policies and practices require women to secure male guardian permission when making several key life decisions, including those related to travel, work, education, marriage, and health. Church will issue a marriage certificate after the ceremony. Nawal, age 32, said a few years ago she tried to rent an apartment: When I called and said I am Qatari, they asked for a marriage certificate. Dana, age 20, said, I feel like Qatar was the first in the Gulf to acknowledge womens rights, but now we are falling behind., Despite a growing number of highly educated Qatari women, womens participation in the workforce continues to remain half that of men. She said after she left him, he has done both things.. One consultancy based its calculations on official Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) data sets see Priya Dsouza Communications, Population of Qatar by nationality - 2019 report, August 15, 2019, (accessed February 5, 2021). [255] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Aziza, British, January 8, 2020. According to the Sharia laws, it prohibits anyone from living together without marriage, once caught they will be arrested and jailed. Almost all interviewees, with the exception of two women, said that employers in the private sector did not require male guardian permission. [65] Since Qatari womens children face problems in obtaining citizenship and related benefits, this can further encourage a male guardian to prohibit a female relative from marrying a foreign national. Interior Ministry rules, but not law, provide that unmarried Qatari women under age 25 need permission from their male guardian (in person or an exit permit) to travel abroad. Its tied with sexuality in the sense that people will ask what is she doing there? 1 (2015), accessed February 5, 2021, doi: 10.5339/difi.2015.4. [330] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Dalal, Qatari, November 9, 2020. However, the couple must meet certain requirements and follow a specific process: After the ceremony, the couple can obtain a marriage certificate from the temple. Your marriage certificate and the Arabic translation should be registered in the Office of Land Registration and Legalization at the Ministry of Justice, West Bay. 47. 1) Visit the church (Anglican, Catholic or Orthodox) and get married. Either they negotiated out-of-court settlements in which their husbands agreed to divorce them, or they went to court to reach an agreement on returning their dowry (mahr) as compensation to the husband in return for a divorce (a practice known as khula). Here's an overview of the process: It is important to note that Muslim marriage in Qatar is subject to Islamic law, and the couple must comply with certain Islamic cultural practices and customs. [137] Law no. Qatar University, which provides free undergraduate degrees to citizens, imposes specific restrictions over womens movements, including requiring a woman to obtain male guardian permission in order to take student field trips, to stay at the student accommodation, or to leave the university in a taxi or an Uber, ride-sharing taxi app, or with an unrelated man. [103] The government, in its written response to Human Rights Watch, stated that children under the age of 18 can be granted individual passports with the approval of a guardian which can be either a man or a woman and that a woman may apply for the personal identification of her children without any additional approval required.[104] Human Rights Watchs research, however, appears to contradict this claim. Kindly contact the embassy in your country for more information. [241] Airport officials gave inconsistent statements to the women as to current requirements. It was a letter stating: I dont mind that my daughter works in [redacted].[198], Reem, age 26, said when she began working for the Ministry of Environment in 2018, she needed her fathers permission. [150] Students can apply directly for a government scholarship or apply to a ministry or government agency for sponsorship, which pays the students fees, and in return the student is expected to work for the ministry or agency for a certain number of years. [279] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Leyla, Qatari, February 12, 2020. This forms part of the measure introduced by the Supreme Council of Health to combat genetic risk following the marriage. If their spouses wish to work, they must find an employer to be their visa sponsor.[217]. In the end, his brother convinced him to agree to the operation but with a different doctor so he felt in control.[131]. Firstly, it demonstrates the groom's financial capability and willingness to support his wife. Aziza is a 31-year-old British woman who lived in Doha from 2003 to 2017 and spoke of how her British father had a hold over her because he could decide as her visa sponsor whether she could work. When using foreign laws, the applicable law in relation to divorce and associated financial disputes would be the law of nationality of the husband at the time of marriage. Fewer than 1% of Muslim men live with more than one spouse in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Egypt - all countries where the practice is legal at least for Muslims. The marriage of Qatari men to non-Qatari women can be conducted with the Marriage Committee's authorization. The certificate will be written in Arabic, but it can be translated into English if necessary. Men and women who earn above 10,000 QAR (USD $2,747) a month can sponsor their foreign spouse and children. Human Rights Watch interviewed healthcare workers who said hospital staff are required to report women to the police if they are pregnant outside of marriage, as sex outside of marriage is a crime. [7] The sponsor wields significant control over their lives once in Qatar. Bahrain Document Legalisation: Getting documents ready for Bahrain, Qatar Legalisation: How to legalise your documents for use in Qatar. [It was] not enough to give it on the phone. [97] The law provides that in custody cases the judge can make the final decision in the best interests of the child but appears to be only in cases of conflict whereas international human rights standards require that the best interests of the child are given primary consideration in all decisions relating to them.[98]. This usually requires the presentation of various documents, such as birth certificates, passports, and residency permits. If you dont, they call your parents which is ridiculous because those going to university are adults. Women whose husbands are their visa sponsors are identified on their Qatar residency identification (ID) with home maker as their occupation, even when they work. Muslim Marriages are performed at the Sharia Court, which is located on Al Rayyan Road near Mannai Roundabout in the Musheireb area. This allows them to obtain a legally recognized marriage certificate that can be used for various purposes, such as visa applications or legal matters. Male guardianship in Qatar is not a cohesive or clear legal system.
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