In the case of Ghanshyam Das Srivastava Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh (AIR 1973 SC 1183), the Supreme Court had observed that where a Government servant under suspension pleaded his inability to attend the inquiry on account of financial stringency caused by the non-payment of subsistence allowance to him the proceedings conducted against him exparte would be in violation of the provisions of Article 311 (2) of the Constitution as the person concerned did not receive a reasonable opportunity of defending himself in the disciplinary proceedings. [Deptt. These recommendations have been carefully examined by Government and the conclusion reached are contained in the following paragraphs. Multiple Choice Questions on CCS(CCA) Rules 1965: Quiz No.2 39/2/68-Ests. What is required is that holding of inquiry is not practicable in the opinion of the reasonable man taking a reasonable view of the prevailing situation. Sign in. Clarification regarding :- Under sub-rule (14) of Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, the witness produced by or on behalf of the disciplinary authority in a disciplinary proceeding shall be examined by or on behalf of the presenting officer and may be cross-examined by or on behalf of the Government servant, and the presenting officer would also be entitled to re-examine the witnesses on any point on which they have been cross-examined but not on any new matter without the leave of the inquiring authority. of Personnel & Trg. (iii) Avoidable delay may sometimes occur at the stage when the inquiry officer has submitted his report and the appropriate authorities have to make up their minds whether the findings are to be accepted and if so what the punishment should be. As mentioned in the OM dated 6th October, 1976 referred to above, the Supreme Court have held that if a Government servant under suspension pleads his inability to attend the disciplinary proceedings on account of non-payment of subsistence allowance, the enquiry conducted against him, ex-parte, could be construed as denial of reasonable opportunity of defending himself. (1) Appeal in the case of a disciplinary order against an office-bearer of an association or union :-. (c) A Government servant against whom a proceeding has been taken for arrest for debt but who is not actually detained in custody may be placed under suspension by an order under clause (a) of Rule 10 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 i.e., only if a disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated. Where the reasons for suspension are communicated on the expiry of a time-limit prescribed for the issue of chargesheet, the time-limit of forty five days for submission of appeal should be counted from the date on which the reasons for suspension are communicated. Dc o Imvjra`jat sjrvoat boh nm``dttjh o `dsnmahunt hurdai bds jorkdjr j`pkmy`jat, wbot ontdma sbmukh fj togja oiodast bd` da, 6?. Ho m e >> CCS (CCA) RULES, 1965 CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL & APPEAL) RULES, 1965 In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 and Clause (5) of Article 148 of the Constitut ion and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor- General in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts . It has been decided that public interest should be guiding factor in deciding to place a Government servant under suspension, and the disciplinary authority, should have discretion to decide this taking all factors into account. The retired Government servant should satisfy the inquiring officer that he does not have more than five cases at hand including the case in question. 39/1/67-Ests. Therefore, the implication of this OM is to recover the entire loss from the delinquent official but the recovery may be spread over till entire loss is discovered. (1) These Rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. (13) On receipt of the requisition referred to in sub-rule (12), every authority having the custody or possession of the requisitioned documents shall produce the same before the inquiring authority: Provided that if the authority having the custody or possession of the requisitioned documents is satisfied for reasons to be recorded by it in writing that the production of all or any of such documents would be against the public interest or security of the State, it shall inform the inquiring authority accordingly and the inquiring authority shall, on being so informed, communicate the information to the Government servant and withdraw the requisition made by it for the production or discovery of such documents. 6. 2. [Deptt. The DGP&Ts instructions mentioned above provide that recovery from the pay of a Government servant as a punishment for any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Government by negligence or breach of orders, should not exceed 1/3 of his basic pay (i.e. (A), dated 6thSeptember, 2000] Imposition of penalty of reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade, post or service [DOPT OM No. 1101218/85-Ests. 7/1/66-Ests. In process of brining the defects to the notice of person concerned, where an explanation is possible an opportunity to do so should be given. What is the effect of suspension where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a Government servant under suspension is set aside in appeal or on review, 3. A question whether the order of suspension in a case covered under Rule 10 (2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 has limited operation for the period of detention and not beyond it, was considered by the Supreme Court in the case of Union of India Vs. Rajiv Kumar (2003 (5) SCALE 297). (13) Promotion of Government servants against whom disciplinary/court proceedings are pending or whose Conduct is under investigation-Procedure and guidelines to be followed. The authorities concerned should bear this in mind before an Inquiry Officer is appointed in a disciplinary case. Prelim Investigation 6. CCS CCA Rules 1965 are Central Civil Services Rules that deal in detail with the procedure to be followed in Disciplinary cases against Governement servants that are framed in conformity with the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution of India. No. (a) except where the penalty specified in clause (v) or clause (vi) of Rule 11 is imposed by the Comptroller and Auditor-General on a member of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, no penalty specified in clause (v) to (ix) of that rule shall be imposed by any authority subordinate to the appointing authority; (b) where a Government servant who is a member of a Service other than the General Central Service or who has been substantively appointed to any civil post in the General Central Service, is temporarily appointed to any other Service or post, the authority competent to impose on such Government servant any of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to (ix) of Rule 11 shall not impose any such penalties unless it has consulted such authority, not being an authority subordinate to it, as would have been competent under sub-rule (2) to impose on the Government servant any of the said penalties had he not been appointed to such other Service or post; (c) in respect of a probationer undergoing training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, the Director of the said Academy shall be the authority competent to impose on such probationer any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) and (iii) of rule 11 after observing the procedure laid down in rule 16. (3) A Government servant may prefer an appeal against an order imposing any of the penalties specified in rule 11 to the President, where no such appeal lies to him under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), if such penalty is imposed by any authority other than the President, on such Government servant in respect of his activities connected with his work as an office-bearer of an association, federation or union, participating in the Joint Consultation and Compulsory Arbitration Scheme. Though no specific time limit has been prescribed in the above OM in respect of cases where consultation with CVC and UPSC is required, it is imperative that the time limit of three months prescribed for other cases should be adhered to in such cases after receipt of the advice of the UPSC. There would be no bar to proceed simultaneously with departmental inquiry and trial of a criminal case unless the charge in the criminal trial is of grave nature involving complicated questions of fact and law. The apex court has referred to the conclusions given in Para 22 of Captain M. Paul Anthonys case. In such a situation the appointing authority may review the case of the Government servant, provided he is not under suspension, to consider the desirability of giving him ad-hoc promotion keeping in view the following aspects :-. servant, whether residing with the Government servant or not . The Government had under consideration the question whether a Government servant on whom a penalty has been imposed can be permitted to register his name with the Employment Exchange for a higher post, when the duration of the penalty is not yet over. Therefore, it is not ordinarily necessary to supply copies of the various documents and it would be sufficient if the Government servant is given such access as is permitted under the rules referred to above. Being an employee of a Government Department it is very essential to know about CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, as it is very important part of any Departmental Competitive Examinations. 4. CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 - Read online for free. COM3205 - TEST - JAN 2020.pdf. At the end of the year (or period of report), the reporting authority, while writing the confidential report of the officer, may decide not to make a reference in the confidential report to the warning/displeasure/reprimand, if in the opinion of that authority, the performance of the officer reported on after the issue of the warning or displeasure or reprimand, as the case may be, has improved and has been found satisfactory. What does CCA in CCS (CCA) Rules,1965 stand for? 11012/7/98-Estt. excluding dearness pay or any other allowances) and should not be spread over a period of more than three years. 2. In cases which are not of this or similar type (the example given above is only illustrative and not exhaustive), it would be sufficient if the Government servant is permitted to inspect the official records and take extract therefrom as is provided for in sub-rule (3) of Rule 15 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules. 7. In exceptional cases where it is not possible to adhere to this time limit, the disciplinary authority should report the matter to the next higher authority, explaining the reasons for the delay. It may be noticed that the imposition of appropriate punishment is within the discretion and judgment of the disciplinary authority. servants not in whole-time employment,, D. persons employed in extra-temporary establishments or in work-charged establishments other than the, , persons . The Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) represented that the aforesaid provision in the rules was restrictive, amounting the denial of justice, and should therefore, be removed. If the records indicate that, notwithstanding the points urged by the Government servant, the disciplinary authority could, after due consideration, come to the conclusion that an inquiry is not necessary, it should say so in writing indicating its reasons, instead of rejecting the request for holding inquiry summarily without any indication that it has applied its mind to the request, as such an action could be construed as denial of natural justice. In this connection, the existing provisions regarding the effect of warning etc. In spite of the instructions referred to above, instances have come to notice in which Government servants continued to be under suspension for unduly long periods. 2. A provision in the Discipline Rules that penalties can be imposed for good and sufficient reasons as in rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, would be adequate authority for taking action in respect of misconduct of the nature referred to above. 11012/21/98-Estt. All reference to Central Civil Services/Central Civil Posts, Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV in all Rules, Orders, Schedules, Notifications, Regulations, Instructions in force, immediately before the commencement of these rules shall be construed as references to Central Civil Services/Central Civil Posts, Group 'A', Group 'B', Group 'C' and Group 'D' respectively, and any reference to "Class or Classes" therein in this context shall be construed as reference to "Group or Groups", as the case may be. The classification serves an important administrative purpose including in matters of recruitment/disciplinary cases, etc. 14. No. 22011/4/91-Estt. 39/1/67-Ests. Cases of the latter type are likely to be very few and normally occasion for refusal of access on the ground that it is not in public interest should not arise if the document is intended to be used in proof of the charge and if it is proposed to produce such a document before the Inquiry Officer, if an enquiry comes to be held. [Department of Personnel & Training OM No. (Department of Personnel) Memo No. If these instructions are strictly adhered to, a Government servant who is placed under suspension on the ground of contemplated disciplinary proceedings will become aware of the reasons for his suspension without much loss of time. 39/17/63-Ests. (3) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a Government servant under suspension is set aside in appeal or on review under these rules and the case is remitted for further inquiry or action or with any other directions, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.
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