3, Supplementary Figs. On average, these areas have higher landscape resilience and thus lower implementation costs of restoration, making landscape restoration proportionally more efficient. Uhl, C., Verssimo, A., Mattos, M. M., Brandino, Z. We conducted separate analyses for each response variable, because not all surveys had data on forest biomass, species richness and CWM simultaneously. Current situation predictions used fragment-specific coordinates to extract spatialized information (e.g. For wood density and maximum height, we used the total basal area instead of the number of individuals of each species to calculate the CWM. R. N. 8, 2025 (2008). The vertical dashed line is the estimated break-point of the piecewise model, which is plotted only for the variables were this model had a better performance than the linear model. Environ. Restor. Seedlings from hardwood, tall or endemic species may be less available from nurseries and thus increase restoration costs48,49. Finally, we scored species endemism level as follows: exotic/naturalized=1, not endemic=0, Northern/Eastern/Southern South-America=1, regional endemic=2, local endemic=3. Ecol. We extracted data on species composition and abundances for surveys with a total sampling area of at least 0.1ha, and with species data presented in an extractable format (i.e. Moreover, because the indices of biomass and richness loss were significantly correlated (Pearsons r=0.22), we also tested if the use of multivariate regression models would improve our interpretation of the effects of land use and HII. CAS We assigned each survey a biogeographical region69. Next, we use these regression models to generate baseline predictions in the absence of major human impacts, i.e. This target is realistic, because restoring and maintaining disturbance levels below this target, although possible, would be too expensive. The optimum regression models had the following general structure: y ~ Environment+Human+Effort+(Effort|Method) + (1|Region). Global Biogeochem. Thus, their effects are indirectly accounted for in other landscape and patch metrics. To help the species selection for restoration we provide a list of 242 common tree species (Supplementary Data2) that have a high potential to increase the carbon storage and the conservation value of disturbed Atlantic Forest fragments (see Methods for details). To obtain the forest area that would match the carbon losses caused by postdeforestation human impacts (i.e. Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests. We also completed missing information on ecological groups for typical pioneer Neotropical genera (e.g. Conserv. a percentage of species' environmentally suitable area to be protected).Selected counties for the establishment of protected areas networks for the conservation of Atlantic Forest endemic birds, under current and future climate change scenarios, using a county level strategy (ignoring . Thus, caution must be taken when interpreting the index of loss for individual surveys. The Atlantic Forest in Brazil : PROTECTED AREAS - Blogger Ecol. Although only about one-third of the surveys provided vouchers, this effort improved the taxonomic resolution of around 10% of our records. Article Anthropogenic disturbance in tropical forests can double biodiversity loss from deforestation. Article Human impacts on tropical forests, however, are not restricted to deforestation. Here is the expected . CAS We then ranked species regarding their wood density, maximum adult height, seed mass, ecological group, IUCN threat category, and endemism level. In the long run, these losses can reinforce each other24, leading to a greater erosion of biodiversity and biomass. (ii) how much these biodiversity and biomass losses represent compared to low-disturbance Atlantic Forests? J. Stat. Sanderson, E. W. et al. Although taller species often have larger seed mass and higher wood density across vascular plants33,34, within trees there is still a wide spectrum of trait variation related to different regeneration strategies. Pinheiro, J. Ecopsychology. Nature 489, 290294 (2012). The number of MCMC iterations, the thinning interval and the burn-in were 106, 104, and 103. 8, Supplementary Table2 and 3). We used the equation provided in theSupplementary Material to convert basal area into mean above-ground biomass (Mg ha1) and we assumed 47% of carbon concentration in the dry mass to convert above-ground biomass into above-ground carbon (Mg ha1). The impacts of forest degradation are hard to quantify at regional scales and have therefore received less priority in the climate change and conservation agendas. We thank Ary T. Oliveira-Filho, Danilo Mori, Markus Gastauer, Melina Melito, Natlia Targhetta, Geison Castro, Luiz F.S. Ann. Despite being the world's most threatened tropical forest, the Atlantic Forest still maintains extremely high levels of biodiversity, making it one of the highest priorities for conservation action globally. Peer review information Nature Communications thanks the anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. 7). Article PubMed Biol. R Core Team. Internet Explorer). The Atlantic Forest is a global biodiversity hotspot that once covered 1.63 million km2 mostly in Brazil (92% of the total area), but also in Paraguay (6%) and Argentina (2%Supplementary Fig. The sample size cut-off ensures a minimum representativeness of the composition of the forests surveyed. 142, 11411153 (2009). However, nearly all Atlantic Forest surveys available were conducted from the 1980s onwards23. This test was performed using a 95% confidence level. Thus, our estimate of carbon loss and its projection across the Atlantic Forest takes into account the bias towards larger fragments in our sample and the regional differences in Atlantic Forest carbon storage potential (Table3). For wood density and seed mass, we used genus level instead of species-level averages if necessary67,68. Article The precision of these predictions was not strongly sensitive to variations in the parameter estimates (Supplementary Table4). Environ. The more aligned the arrows, the more correlated the indices are. This classification is qualitative, with substantial variation in forest structure and diversity expected within classes. Google Scholar. In Brazil, funds to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) are mainly concentrated on Amazonia and focused on avoiding deforestation (e.g. B. N. et al. Today, it includes some of the largest cities in South-America, with over 148 million people currently living within the Atlantic Forest limits57. Major threats to the hotspot's . How much do we know about the endangered Atlantic Forest? PubMed Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina, WWF-Brazil and WWF-Paraguay. Species with Pantropical, Neotropical and South American distributions were classified as not endemic, while species restricted to one or two adjacent regions (e.g. ANR-10-LABX-25-01 and TULIP, ref. Further information on research design is available in theNature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. 20, 37133726 (2014). Biol. Moreover, impacts on tree diversity may be protracted over decades5 and the recovery of tree diversity and species composition occurs at a much slower rate than forest biomass9. 5). 17, 287296 (2011). Degradation in carbon stocks near tropical forest edges. Specifically, we assessed whether protected areas will gain or lose species under climate change and mapped their locations in the Atlantic Forest, in order to assess potential spatial patterns of protected areas that will gain or lose species richness. Missing data and inconsistencies between sources were double-checked to assure soil data quality and homogeneity. 7, 573579 (2016). The list of surveys extracted from the TreeCo database is provided in Supplementary Data1, together with the corresponding metadata. Besides being relatively easy to obtain from the literature, these six properties had good coverage at the species level for Atlantic Forest species. CAS In those cases, we tried to contact the original authors of the publications asking for complete phytosociological tables, but the rate of success of our emails was low. & Bates, D. Linear Mixed-Effects Models: Basic Concepts and Examples (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000). 106, 460466 (2007). Haddad, N. M. et al. Pearsons correlation coefficient between the two indices was 0.22 (p<0.0001, n=1647). 13, 055005 (2018). R package version 1.2. This study represents the first attempt to detect pathogens of concern for carnivore conservation in dogs living in rural settlements around Atlantic forest fragments, and to reveal associated factors that can be managed to improve domestic dog's health and consequently protect wild carnivores from disease-induced population declines in these . We also obtained soil classes from the original surveys, which were checked for their consistency using soil maps at state and national scales. Causes Impacts What WWF is Doing How You Can Help Adopt an Orangutan Overview Nigel Dickinson / WWF-Canon In the Amazon, around 17% of the forest has been lost in the last 50 years, mostly due to forest conversion for cattle ranching. The index of loss is dimensionless and is highlighted by different colours ranging from dark red (high losses) to blue (gains). ter Steege, H. et al. The two traits that presented evidence of differences were maximum height (smaller losses in lands under strict protection: adjusted R2=1.2%; F[d.o.f. Maximizing biodiversity conservation and carbon stocking in restored tropical forests. ADS What is the Atlantic Forest and why do we need to save it? We extracted the Human Influence Index (HII)42 based on the coordinates of each survey. Venter, O. et al. We kept to a minimum the interactions between fixed effects to avoid problems with the interpretation of individual coefficients, including only interactions with a clear biological meaning (e.g. Wood density and maximum tree height, both related to carbon storage potential, presented the smallest changes. CAS We computed community-weighted means (CWM) for the species properties to summarize the community composition sensu lato of each survey. The Forest Service also told us that their law enforcement officers do enforce the 14-day stay limit, and there are a number of citations working their way through the court system currently. J.C. acknowledges funding by Investissement dAvenir grants managed by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (CEBA, ref. 67, 148 (2015). The surveys used in the analysis ranged from 0.03 to 26ha in sampling effort (meanstandard deviation: 0.681.46ha), with the majority being conducted in evergreen and semi-deciduous forests (73%), the two main Atlantic Forest formations56. The erosion of biodiversity and biomass was pervasive across the entire Atlantic Forest hotspot. PubMed Thank you for visiting nature.com. Regional scale variation in forest structure and biomass in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: effects of forest disturbance. The sources of survey and species abundance data are referenced in Supplementary Data1 and sources of species properties data referenced in the Methods or in the Supplementary Data3. The Atlantic Forest is considered the second-largest tropical forest in South America, distributed along the Brazilian east coast and extending to the east of Paraguay and the northeast of Argentina (Oliveira-Filho and Fontes 2000 ). Regional and phylogenetic variation of wood density across 2456 Neotropical tree species. Towards a worldwide wood economics spectrum. Csar, R. G. et al. Slatyer, R. A., Hirst, M. & Sexton, J. P. Niche breadth predicts geographical range size: a general ecological pattern. Science 326, 1368 (2009). Google Scholar. For the final regression model obtained for forest biomass, species richness and species properties, we tested the significance of the full model based on the comparison of a null model containing only random effects and sampling effort, using Chi-squared statistics (Supplementary Fig. Sci. Burnham, K. & Anderson, D. Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: A Practical Informationtheoretic Approach 2nd edn. Therefore, this list represents a compromise between species that are easier to find for seedling production and have the greatest potential to improve ecosystem provision, taxonomic and functional diversity and/or conservation value of the Atlantic Forest. Whenever needed, plot coordinates were corrected, based on maps or the site description provided in the study, including internet searches of any valuable information on the fragment, farm or park location. We could not assign the land-use category for 5% of surveys. For continuous species properties, the CWM was simply the average of each property weighted by the total number of individuals in the community. 2), these averages were weighted by the probability of having a fragment of the same size in each biogeographical region. We standardized each rank and then average them to obtain a mean rank for each species. contiguous plots dbh 5cm, systematic plots dbh 10cm, etc). In regions such as the Atlantic Forest, where most of the forest remnants are on private land21, this opportunity has direct ramifications implications to the compensation mechanisms for climate change mitigation. Considering the long lifecycle of tree species, we assume that trees between dbh 5.0 and 10.0cm should reflect better the changes in forest composition. Laurance, W. F. et al. 6, 10158 (2015). Quantifying this erosion is challenging because ground data on tropical biodiversity and biomass are often sparse. PubMed Our approach based on community-weighted means (CWMs) of species properties does not allow us to distinguish which groups of species are causing this homogenization, but we can draw some propositions. Northern Atlantic Forest: Conservation Status and Perspectives - Springer Lett. R package version 1.1-221 (2014). These areas are protected de facto by being inaccessible and will likely remain protected if they continue to be so. We used this standardized difference as an index of loss related to human-induced impacts (Fig. Muggeo, V. M. R. segmented: an R package to fit regression models with broken-Line relationships. So, local seed production cooperatives and nurseries able to propagate these species will be essential for the support of the Atlantic Forest restoration48, particularly regarding the reintroduction of large-seeded Atlantic Forest endemics. landscape restoration scenario). When people either help the restoration process by preventing fires, for example or when they leave the land alone, trees and other vegetation can grow back naturally over several years, usually . Facts The Atlantic Forest stretches from northeast Brazil southward along the Atlantic coastline and inland into northeast Argentina and eastern Paraguay. These models account for the effects of environmental and human-related variables, as well as sampling and biogeographical effects (see Methods and Supplementary Figs. However, we assumed different restoration costs for each biogeographical region (i.e. Evol. Bello, C. et al. If deforestation were a country, it would be the world's. The Atlantic Forest shelters the largest industrial and silvicultural centers of Brazil, and the most populous urban centers. So, we assumed Atlantic Forests previous to human impacts to be large, fully connected and undisturbed. Brancalion, Ricardo R. Rodrigues, and Ricardo A.G. Viani provided useful advice on restoration costs in the Atlantic Forest. Celebrating 20 years of protecting the Brazilian Amazon Thus, we took a conservative approach; if modern-day fragments underestimate past conditions, absolute losses would be even greater than reported here. To produce this list, we first selected the species within the 100 most frequent in each of the eight biogeographical regions used in this study (Supplementary Fig. In contrast, protected areas in the Atlantic Coast forest and West . For the latter, we assumed that the presence of exotic species has a negative score of endemic species. Article Here, we assumed modern, low-disturbance fragments as proxies of past forest conditions (i.e. The Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves, in the Brazilian states of Paran and So Paulo, contain some of the best and most extensive examples of Atlantic forest in Brazil.These 25 protected areas, covering some 470,000ha, are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Curr. 12), reinforcing the idea that strategies to overcome biodiversity and carbon loss in the Atlantic Forest should be planned regionally30 (see discussion below). Hamrick, K. & Gallant, M. Unlocking potential: State of the voluntary carbon markets 2017. Species loss and aboveground carbon storage in a tropical forest. Toniato, Mariana C. Pardgurschi, Mario J. Marques-Azevedo, Ricardo R. Rodrigues, Robson L. Capretz, and Victor P. Zwiener for providing published or unpublished data in digital format. Increases in carbon storage potential can also follow the increase in the availability of resources due to global changes, such as atmospheric CO2, solar radiation and rainfall40; although these gains are small compared to losses caused by forest disturbances41. ADS Glob. Survey methodology refers to the sampling method, arrangement and dbh inclusion criteria, which were combined to create a methodological categorical variable (e.g. Appl. Da Ponte, E., Roch, M., Leinenkugel, P., Dech, S. & Kuenzer, C. Paraguays Atlantic Forest cover lossSatellite-based change detection and fragmentation analysis between 2003 and 2013. Best practice for the use of scenarios for restoration planning. Most of the natural ecosystems have already been eliminated. The term Environment includes the climate, topography and soil variables (and their interactions). 33, 122 (2010). Human-induced losses were lower inside than outside protected areas (Fig. Crouzeilles, R. & Curran, M. Which landscape size best predicts the influence of forest cover on restoration success? & Vieira, I. C. G. Social, economic, and ecological consequences of selective logging in an Amazon frontier: the case of Tailndia. VanDerWal, J., Falconi, L., Januchowski, S., Shoo, L. & Collin S. SDMTools: Species Distribution Modelling Tools: Tools for processing data associated with species distribution modelling exercises. Cecropia, Trema, Vernonanthura). Although deforestation started centuries ago, the main period of fragmentation history occurred between the beginning of the 20th century and the 1970s, and deforestation rates have declined in the past two decades58. So, we included the number of individuals and tree density as fixed effects to model richness and biomass data, respectively. Washington, DC. In contrast, values of equivalent forest and carbon loss were summed across regions. Here, we use an unprecedented dataset of 1819 field surveys covering the entire Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. B. N. & Rodrigues, R. R. Finding the money for tropical forest restoration. Regions of the Amazon already forest cover below the average of the Atlantic Forest. Moreover, we considered only surveys including trees with diameter at breast height (dbh) 3, 5, and 10cm and using plots or the point-centred quarter method. Harnessing carbon payments to protect biodiversity. By the margin of each axis, the distribution of the index is presented with the mean and the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI 95%). http://data.kew.org/sid. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. 5). In this paper, we explore such differences among people living in communities surrounding the Cunhambebe . 62, 315344 (1992). B. N. et al. PubMed Central =363]=4.87; p value=0.028), but the strength of evidence was small. Global priority areas for ecosystem restoration. Conserv. species conservation value). ADS In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles A network of protected areas is essential to the protection of native biodiversity. Ribeiro, M. C., Metzger, J. P., Martensen, A. C., Ponzoni, F. J. Some major plot initiatives used in this study were supported by grants 99/08515-0, 99/09635-0 and 04/04820-3 (FAPESP) and grant DE-FC26-01NT411151 (US Department of Energy). Restor. Source data are provided with this paper. Also, the table was sometimes given in full but without the information needed to run analyses (e.g. On the protection of "protected areas" | PNAS However, about 17% of the sites presented positive indices of loss (i.e. the equivalent carbon loss), which was computed based on the equivalent forest loss and the reference values of carbon storage per region. R. Soc. The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine. Barton, K. MuMIn: Multi-model inference. These properties are related to species role in carbon storage (i.e. Records retrieved for numerical properties were averaged for each species. Weather - global heatwaves latest: China records 'highest ever For Argentina, we had estimates for 1998201457 and used the same procedure to obtain an estimate of 0.1 million ha for 19852017. We projected the biomass loss across the remaining Atlantic Forest area and obtained losses of 451525 Tg of carbonequivalent to the deforestation of 5570 thousand km2 (Table3, Supplementary Fig.
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