It is at this point that Thomas appears. Roman Catholics who follow the General Roman Calendar dating back to 1960 or earlier and Anglicans such as those of the Episcopal Church, the Church of England, and the Lutheran Church continue to celebrate Thomass feast day on December 21. Every burden is heavier because of the sad heart that beats under it. The bones of St. James that became the basis of the great pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela were discovered by a holy hermit called Pelagius in 814 A.D. Take a risk for the gospel. And would untold millions have had the opportunity to experience the love of Christ as a result? Jesus doesnt criticize Thomas for his doubt. At his death, Thomas was most likely run through with a spear, an ironic death for someone who needed to feel the pierced hands and spear mark on Jesuss own body to believe in his resurrection and power. Here are a few more facts to ponder about Thomas: Photo Credit: GettyImages/kevinschreiber. He did not make the tests he had insisted that he must make. Also, would any of the other disciples have been just as skeptical had they not been there to encounter Jesus firsthand? He also had Thomas touch his wounded side and reassured the disciple that he, indeed, was resurrected. Yohannan (ecclesiastical name Metropolitan Yohan) is founder of one of the world's largest humanitarian agencies -- GFA World ( -- and also the Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'" His given names, Thomas (Aramaic) and Didymus (Greek), reflect the fusion of cultures in first century Judeaone dominated not only by Roman but also Greek and Jewish cultures. ", The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part Two). July 3 is St. Thomas's Day, commemorating Thomas the Apostle, the disciple who famously doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead. Those first churches were among the earliest expressions of pure, untainted Christianity anywhere in the world. Thomas had doubted the others had seen the resurrected Jesus. Subscribe to the Newsletter: Thomas was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. One of those churches was in the village of Niranam -- one of the 600,000 villages throughout India today. Stop doubting and believe. (John 20:26-27). Like Thomas, we must realize who we serve, and cry out in faith, "My Lord and my God! The relics remain in Italy, in the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle. In John 11, Jesus decided to travel to Bethany to visit Mary and Martha after the death of their brother Lazarus. When fear sits regnant on the throne, life is full of alarms. The first evening the apostles met in the upper room to talk over the strange things which had occurred that day. A week passed, and the disciples again gathered in the house with the doors locked, and this time Thomas was with them. The Bible also calls Thomas "Didymus" (John 11:16; 20:24). We would know him unmistakably in every incident in which he appears, even if his name were not given. They, especially Thomas, insisted on proof and evidence. The work mentions Thomas was killed during the reign of the king of Mylapore, in Madras (modern-day Chennai). Answer Thomas was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. His grief was hopeless, and he would not seek comfort. OPEN VERSE IN BIBLE (nlt) As I reflect this month on the missionary zeal and sacrifice of Doubting Thomas -- and the incredible way God interwove his destiny with mine -- Im called back to the pure, untainted, mission-driven faith of those earliest churches the Apostle planted in India nearly two millennia ago. A 3rd century text says Andrew was scourged and crucified, surviving on the cross for three days. There are other sources that can be used in piecing together their lives. It is also believed that Thomas had initially stated he was not healthy enough to go to India and preach. Most of what we have about the apostles, such as Bartholomew and Thomas pictured here, is from the stories told about them. Thomas the Apostle: Nicknamed 'Doubting Thomas' - Learn Religions 2. Salem Media Group. For centuries, hes been known as Doubting Thomas. But Thomas was actually the first disciple to declare to the risen Christ: My Lord and my God! (John 20:28CloseJohn 20:28 And in John 20, the disciples told Thomas of Jesus resurrection. Thus the gentleness of Jesus in dealing with his doubts saved Thomas from being an unbeliever. Some say he died on December 21 the same year. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20), Furthermore, it is written that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see, (Hebrews 11:1) and we live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). Its a statement about faith. However, there is also more to Doubting Thomas than just his doubt and pessimism. But Thomas would not forsake Jesus, though he was going straight to martyrdom. Nevertheless, once convinced of Christ's resurrection, his faith wasstirring. In John MacArthurs Twelve Ordinary Men, MacArthur refers to Thomas as the Eeyore of the Twelve, a young man who always anticipated and expected the worst. The first mention of his name is in the list of the Twelve. Our heart makes our world for us; and if the heart be without hope and cheer, the world is always dark. It is better to be a sunny Christian, rejoicing, songful, happy, than a sad, gloomy, despondent Christian. (John 20:28). Who Was Doubting Thomas? The Beginner's Guide - OverviewBible Many of the apostles met a grisly end, such as Andrew who was crucified. In that story, the other disciples questioned Jesuss decision, reminding Him that the last time they were there the Jews had wanted to stone Him, but Jesus insisted. Thomas was present in the gathering of the disciples in Acts 1, as well as during the appointment of Matthias as a replacement for Judas Iscariot. A gloomy Christian casts dark shadows wherever he goes; a sunny Christian is a benediction to every life he touches. Using the three positive character traits of Thomas will enable us to come to the same deep, heart-felt realization that he reached. That night Jesus came again into the room, the doors being shut, and standing in the midst of his friends, breathed again upon them his benediction of peace. This habit of mind adds much to life's hardness. It is not influenced by any question of consequences; but though it be to certain death, it hesitates not. Israeli Male, place of death: St Thomas Mount, St.Thomas Mount. The fact that one doubted, and even refused to accept the witness of his fellow-apostles, and then at length was led into clear, strong faith, forever teaches that doubt is not hopeless. I become prideful and turn away. 25 Bible Quotes on Faith for When You Can't See God's Next Steps for Your Life, Photo credit: Getty Images/Christian Chan. He took it for granted that if Jesus returned to Judea he would be killed. Is It a Sin to Question God? Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Thats when Thomas spoke up, telling the other disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him (John 11:16). The apostles: How Jesus' followers founded Christianity From that hour their sorrow was changed to joy; but for the whole of another week Thomas remained in the darkness in which the crucifixion had infolded him. He was absent when Jesus first appeared to the disciples after the resurrection (John 20:24), and when he was told of it, he was skeptical (John 20:25). The Gospel of John differs from the other three gospels however by either not mentioning several of the apostles or using different names. Every man doing God's will is immortal till the work is done. He replied, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe" (verse 25). There is no record of the beginning of the friendship of Jesus and Thomas. At that point he committed himself to the service of his great Master, and tradition says that he preached in Parthia and northwestern India where he was martyred in His service. Patron Saint Of Thomas the Apostle | Biography & Facts | Again, this aligns with the emotional response we saw from Thomas in John 11. Initially, the Roman calendar mentioned his feast day as December 21. The light shines all about them; but they close doors and windows, and keep it from entering the darkened chamber where they sit. He did not condemn Thomas, but He pointed Thomas to the truth. "The Acts of Matthew accounts how two magicians conjured a dragon to charge the apostle, which he rebukes and turns against the magicians," said Shelton. There are but three incidents in which this apostle appears; but in all of these the portrait is the same, and is so clear that even Peter's character is scarcely better known than that of Thomas. Stop doubting and believe, was the gentle admonition Jesus gave to Thomas. History may remember Doubting Thomas, but when it came time for Thomas to finally enter eternity and be reunited with his lord, Jesus didnt remember Thomass lapses in faith or greet him as the Doubting Thomas. There is also a tradition that the Apostle Bartholomew visited India but most scholars reject this view. St. Thomas | Apostle of Jesus, India Missionary | Britannica He who hates not his own life cannot be his disciple. At the onset of his earthly ministry, Jesus called 12 men to be his disciples, Thomas among them. (Image credit: Stock Montage / Contributor via Getty Images), Quest for the Historical Apostles: Tracing Their Lives and Legacies, Fathers Day Science gift guide: Perfect gifts for science-loving dads, What is SPF? It makes the proofs more indubitable to us that one even of the apostles refused at first to believe, and yet at length was led into triumphant faith. Believe that God keeps his promises. St. Thomas the Apostle, also known as Thoma Sheliha, Jumeau (French), and Didymus (meaning "twin" in Greek), was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ mentioned in the New Testament. Thomas teaches us that one may look on the dark side and yet be a Christian, an ardent lover of Jesus, ready to die for him. In John 20:24-29, the other disciples informed him theyd seen the Lord, but he didnt believe them. Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala in India believe that Thomas the Apostle had left the Roman Empire and traveled all the way to the Malabar Coast (modern-day Kerala) to preach the gospels. The Acts of Thomas, too, identify Saint Thomas with the apostle Judas, Son of James, also known as Jude. Closer examination reveals that he is actually holding his own flayed skin. This is not the way a true Christian and apostle of Jesus Christ would want to be remembered! In the time of danger they forget that there are divine refuges into which they may flee and be safe. First, it kept him from the meeting of the disciples that evening, when all the others came together. Id give more. He also established numerous churches along the Periyar River and the nearby areas which had Jewish colonies. Meanwhile they walk in darkness as Thomas did. COMMENTARY: How 'Doubting Thomas' Became My Missionary Hero To learn more about the spread of Christianity and the way the religion broke up into different groups, you should read about why there are so many denominations. He has a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Edinburgh but writes mainly about history. When Jesus said he wished to visit Lazarus who had died in Judea, Thomas encouraged his fellow disciples to accompany him, so that they could die with him (John 11:16). Thomas is one of the six apostles whom Jesus visits at the sea of Galilee after His resurrection ( Jn 21:2-3 ). There are dangers, but cheerful courage robs them of terror. The only thing we know about Thomas, other than his "twin" nickname, is that he was paired . In John 14, at the Last Supper, Jesus spoke of his eventual departure from this earth to prepare a place for his followers. That being said, there were many things that Thomas did not understand about the kingdom of God and divine mission of Jesus, but he was not the only one who lacked perspective in spiritual matters. Other than Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees (Luke 22:47-48) and later hanged himself (Matthew 27:3-5), Thomas was the only member of the Twelve who was not in the Upper Room when Jesus initially returned after his resurrection (John 20:24). Many persons are only confirmed in their scepticism by the well-meant but unwise efforts that are made to convince them of the truth concerning which they doubt. Jesus had spoken of the Father's house, and had said that he was going away to prepare a place for his disciples, and that then he would come again to receive them unto himself. Unfortunately, while Thomas was skeptical of the resurrection at first, his nickname may not be as fitting as history or the church have assumed. Related articles As a Christian, How Do I Deal with My Doubts? The last incident in the story of Thomas is after the resurrection. The Bible doesnt tell us much about Thomas other than that he was also known as Didymus, the Greek word for twin and that, on one occasion at least, he was willing to die for Jesus. After this, Thomas virtually disappeared from Biblical history except in other historical records and Gnostic textsmost of which were unverifiable. We find in life just what we have the capacity to find. According to Ephrem the Syrian, Thomas was first killed in India and then his relics were carried to Edessa. The apostles were 12 of the disciples of Jesus who went on to spread his message and found the early Christian church. But we must admit that this is not the best way to live. Id strive to be more like St. Thomas. Matthew eventually converted the royal family of Ethiopia. The Acts of Thomas, written in its original form in Syriac, was a third-century apocryphal text that was not included in the New Testament. We can accept that what John and the other Gospel writers recorded is a gift for us so we can understand what happened then, and give us hope for tomorrow. The consequence was, that when Jesus entered the room, and showed himself to his friends, Thomas missed the revealing which gave them such unspeakable gladness. Thomas is the patron saint of India, the blind, and craftsmen among others. Both names mean the Twin (John 11:16; 20:24; 21:2), but it was unclear who his twin was or why he was given that name. Because we have believed and obeyed without physical proof, Almighty God pronounces a special blessing upon us. If all the apostles had believed easily, there would have been no comfort in the gospel for those who find it hard to believe, and yet who sincerely want to believe. These works are marked by fantastical stories, speeches and theological teaching contrary to the New Testament, and a worldview known as gnosticism," said Shelton. It is certain that Thomas was a Jew, and probably a Galilean (Acts 1:11), but we know absolutely nothing about his family, place of residence or occupation. --- K.P. Some also believe that Thomas had first reached northwest India but had left the area when there was invasion. Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.' Faith is better than doubt, and confidence better than questioning. It is uncertain whose twin Thomas was, or even if it was one of the other disciples, as some have speculated. This would have proven useful in their later travels, though we are told some at the time were unimpressed with their new linguistic ability. Even in the scant material available for the making up of the story, we find evidence in Thomas of strong loyalty and unwavering devotion, and in Jesus of marvellous patience and gentleness toward his disciple. 3. By signing up, you are consenting to our privacy policy. Tradition has it that he was the first Patriarch of the church in Antioch, today located in southern Turkey. The soldier who trembles, and whose face whitens from constitutional physical fear, and who yet marches steadily into the battle, is braver far than the soldier who without a tremor presses into the engagement. Other texts are more problematic as they were sometimes written centuries later. We, too, as His modern-day disciples, must internalize this personal commitment to our Elder Brother and High Priest. Finally, we know he lived with the other apostles in Jerusalem before the Holy Spirit came (Acts 1:13-14). He is sometimes also referred to by his Greek name, Didymus. You say, but with no touch of scorn,Sweet-hearted, you, whose light-blue eyesAre tender over drowning flies,You tell me, doubt is devil-born. "My Lord and my God!" When the disciples return to the Upper Room to await instructions following the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6-12, Luke 24:50-53, Mark 16:19-20). The harassment of the early Christians did not stop at arrest. The Book of Acts was probably written after 90 A.D. and by the same author as the Gospel of Luke. So are any of us really that different from Thomas on our worst day? Thomas the Apostle is also commemorated (with the other apostles) on June 30 (July 13, according to another calendar version), in what is known as the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles. Joel Ryanis an author, writing professor, and contributing writer for Salem Web Network and Lifeway. Poor Thomas! We have an illustration of the deep, tender, patient, and wise friendship of Jesus for Thomas in the way he treated this doubt of his apostle. The Apostle John was recorded as remaining mostly in Judaea and aiding in the conversion of people to Christianity. The San Thom Basilica in Mylapore, which is situated at Thomass tomb, was constructed by the Portuguese settlers in the 16th century. They were on the verge of preaching the good news in other regions, and they drew lots to determine which region each one of them should go. Images of Bartholomew can be found in churches across the world, though at first people can find them hard to interpret.
North Texas Catholic Diocese, Lola Brussels Michelin, Articles H