Tue 9:00am to 5:00pm. And since the Bishops of Kumasi (in Ghana), Virginia, and Liverpool have committed to the Triangle of Hope ministry partnership. Perhaps, also, you have had the opportunity to read my letter which outlines the case for electing a third full-time bishop in the most recentVirginia Episcopalianmagazine. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia is a diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (TEC). Thank you for the gift that you are to the Diocese of Virginia. They live their lives cautiously, sometimes choosing not to drive even with a drivers license, for fear of being arrested and deported. Moreover, it is also evident that women do not enjoy the same level of competitive access to more prominentand higher payingroles of responsibility. I look forward to the ongoing work that is seeking solutions that balance the financial realities of our congregations with the ethical requirement for just principles in how compensation is calculated for women. But that begs the question: Shouldwe continue with institutional business as usual right now, when we know that we will indeed face hard times within the next generation? I dont mean to be an alarmist, but I do mean that these are issues and questions that really should be dealt with from a position of strength rather than one of necessity. Door of No Return: the History of Cape Coast Castle and the Atlantic Slave Trade. All Rights Reserved. Thanks for the many ways you bless me in my ministry as your bishop. In the latter cases, disability insurance does not ordinarily address the funding of paid time off, suggesting the need to explore other potential insurance programs to do so. You may pay by credit card or by check. We saw the dots laid out in Venetie, the dots of race and environment and economics, of greed and resilience and dramatic change. The vast majority of bishops who are willing to accept a call as an assistant have already retired, and therefore wish to work part-time for part-time compensation. These actions of convention continue a commitment to learning about and atoning for the sin of racism. Due to The General Convention Office: September 1. No, worship is the very DNA of the Christian life; it is how we are formed and nurtured in right relationship with God and one another. It is my intention as bishopand my directionthat in light of these new realities we are coming to face more frequently we must focus primarily on themissionalaspect of the community of faith. We are trying to be creative and flexible in how we work with all of our congregations. In the Catechism under The Ministry (BCP 855) the first order of ministry islay persons. I am calling for the election of a second suffragan because I strongly believe that this addition will greatly enrich our diocesan ministry. There are Virginia statutes on the books now being used as the basis for a lawsuit against some of the groups thought to have participated in the violence. Whereas, in December, 2001, the Vatican officially endorsed the liturgy, The Way of Light (Via Lucis), which incorporates fourteen stations of post-resurrection appearances, culminating in the account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost; and, Whereas, the said endorsement stated that the Via Lucis . Gary Jones, the Rev. We remember and acknowledge with sorrow that human beings were captured and enslaved for financial gain with no regard for their dignity and humanity. The Diocese of Virginia has from its founding benefitted from and participated in the enslavement of human beings. If paying by check, please make check payable to "Diocese of Virginia" and mail it to Convention Registrar, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, 110 W. Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23220. The Rev. [5]United Nations Labor Organization: Profits and Poverty, The Economics of Forced Labor, 2014. This is the first time in my eight years as your diocesan bishop that I have made such an asking, so this was an unusual thing to doto make such a specific askbut the time is ripe because of the unique opportunities and challenges that are now before us. Submitted by: The Rev. [2] The diocese was organized in 1785 and is one of the Episcopal Church's nine original dioceses, with origins in colonial Virginia. (b)Assistance in understanding that all baptized persons are called to sustain their ministries through commitment to life-long Christian formation; and be it further. As dioceses pursue reparations, General Convention poised for Rationale:Canon 1II.1 has been underutilized. Thats why God, who reads our hearts, invites us on a journey of opening more and more - as individuals and as congregations - to the wonders of Gods love. [2] This will help to ensure the selection of a new bishop who would be the best match for our specified needs, including the responsibilities for our Northern Virginia office, as with Bishop Gulick. I have already been discussing such a possibility with two retired bishops, and there are other possibilities as well. No, we must lead with the light of Christ, being grounded in the vows of our Baptismal Covenant, namely, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to respect the dignity of every human being. This rationale is taken from the original resolution and its whereas clauses with minor revisions as set forth below: Whereas, the Bible commands employers to pay [workers] their wages each day before sunset, because they are poor and are counting on it; (Deuteronomy 24:15); and, Whereasthe Bible also warns: Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice, who makes his neighbor serve him for nothing and does not give him his wages (Jeremiah 22:13); and, Whereas, our Lord, Jesus Christ, preached compassion and commitment for the poor; and, Whereas, working people are entitled to all of the wages they have earned; and, Whereas, wage enforcement policies express the moral values of the public, including our valuation of honest work and honest pay; and, Whereas, the General Convention of The Episcopal Church has recognized the importance of wage enforcement policies, when it joined other faith groups in issuing a statement in 2009 to the U.S Congress saying, As communities of faith,in devotion to our common religious traditions of justice and compassion, we are concerned that wage theft is harming the most vulnerable in our society, drawing working people deeper into poverty through dishonest employment practices that the Department of Labor has not been able to address adequately; and, Whereas, some employers seek to minimize labor costs, by withholding wages from workers or committing payroll fraud; and, Whereas, wage theft occurs when workers are not paid all their wages, denied minimum wage or overtime pay they are due, or are not paid at all for the work they perform or their tips are stolen or they are called independent contractors when they are really employees; and, Whereas, wage theft is a common problem for many low-wage workers and some middle-income workers particularly in sectors like agriculture, landscaping, restaurants, retail, hotels, construction, car wash and janitorial/cleaning services; and. March 28, 2022 - Slate Announced. At any given time, there are very few active bishops who would be willing to work full-time as an assistant, and so our field of options would be very limited. Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, a community of more than 68,000 members and 425 clergy in central, northern and northwestern Virginia. David Niemeyer of St. Mark's, Richmond. to your collection. Below are the 11 resolutions adopted by 223rd Annual Convention. We were invited to go down to the river to pray for Gods blessing on the river, on the community, on the boats, on the fish, on the children. Sometimes, God does even more because sometimes more drastic action is needed. Canon E. Mark Stevenson Elected 14th Bishop Diocesan of the Diocese of Virginia. Convention Journal 2007 - Diocese of West Virginia. EN. But let me be clear: such a missional focus must, in my view, provide adequately for every congregations ministry of worship. Diocesan Convention is the legislative body of 300 which includes the bishop, clergy, and elected lay delegates from each of our churches, who assemble annually for the purpose of attending to the business of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island. The bottom-line is that this diocese, like other dioceses of comparable size, not only needs a third bishop but also needs that bishop to be full-time. Save Virginia Beach, Virginia Networking Workshop 101 by Networker Community to your collection. FamilySearch Books Search Results Our Bishops were there in Charlottesville and witnessed the tragedy of violence and loss of life as it unfolded on 12 August. 2021 Annual Diocesan Convention Summary - diocgc.org Whereas, the clergy of Region VI of this Diocese have reviewed and discussed this liturgy (available to view here or below), and in several instances made use of it within their congregations. Thats when God comes along and does open heart surgery. Resolved, that the Bishop be requested to convene a meeting of representatives of those religious bodies to seek common cause in this most fundamental establishment of communication through public transportation for all Gods people in RVA and Central Virginia. The other nominees were: Resolvedthat we shall listen to our sisters and brothers who have experienced such impact when they share their wisdom and experience. The whereas clauses of the original resolution are reproduced below for further background: Whereas, metropolitan Richmond is a single economic entity comprising nine major political jurisdictions and more than one million people; and, Whereas, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia has responsibility under God for envisioning health and justice for all of Gods people within this area; and, Whereas, nearly 300 clergy in metropolitan Richmond have stated their conviction that we should now step forward in solidarity, telling the world that we intend to be the Capital City of Reconciliation; and, Whereas,we believe that God wants our people to live in mutual prosperity, in constructive relationships, in educated diversity, in justice, and in hope for the future; and, Whereas, the historic divisions established to maintain economic and racial segregation within metropolitan Richmond still operate decisively through the absence of full-service public transportation, making many jobs and community colleges inaccessible to many of our most needy citizens; and. We do not confuse the Christian life of worship with those aforementioned institutional concerns that in some cases may become second-tier. Deacon David Curtis,The Rev. May 20-24, 2022 - Nominees . [3]From Manhyia Palace Museum curator during tour by Triangle of Hope planning team, Kumasi, Ghana, May 2017[4]Clair, William St. The 228th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia was held on November 17-19, 2022 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott. Moreover, a second suffragan will provide the time and room to continue to move the ministry of the episcopate closer still to our congregations in more meaningful and more knowing support of both our clergy and laity. Participate as congregations, families, and individuals in regular emergency preparedness training and planning, including planning work with Episcopal Relief and Development, in order to reduce their vulnerability to weather-related crises such as hurricanes, flooding, drought, and wildfires. Reparations Grants Awards Ceremony, 11:00 AM, May 26, 2022 Watch on The Diocese of Maryland created its reparations fund in 2020 with $1 million in seed money, and since then, the fund has grown with individual donations from across the diocese, Sutton said. This time it was in the northern reaches of Alaska where the bishops of The Episcopal Church met earlier this fall. He urged the Episcopal Church to join the were still in movement of states, cities, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and faith communities because, in his teaching, caring for Gods creation by engaging climate change is not only good for the environment but also good for the health and welfare of our people. But, how can we afford a second bishop suffragan? Annals of Henrico parish :: :: University of Virginia Library Here is the right opportunity to appoint an assistant bishop, who would take up that ministry as soon as possible in 2018, and serve only until the new suffragan is in place, most likely sometime during the first-half of 2019. Compared to other dioceses and to the non-profit sector we are significantly underpaying our employees, and our current budget doesnt even allow for a simple cost-of-living raise in compensation. The new suffragan will succeed Assistant Bishop Ted Gulick, who is retiring at the end of this year. Since then I have been impressed with the resolve and continuing commitments in many of our churchesoften with transforming results. Still fresh in my mind is the awfuland, indeed, tragicday of rioting in Charlottesville on August 12, the result of a rally held by self-avowed White supremacists (prominently including uniformed neo-Nazis). More than 330 lay and clerical delegates from across the Diocese gathered at Christ Church, Glen Allen, Saturday for the 223rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Virginia. And of faithful, bold action. It all finally dissipated shortly after a Nazi sympathizer deliberately rammed his car into a non-violent crowd, killing one young woman and causing serious injury to numerous others. I have an ambitious vision of the Diocese of Virginia employing a full-time college Chaplain at every one of the universities where, thanks to the commitment and generosity of the local congregations, we now offer part-time ministries. It was formed by Southern dioceses of the Episcopal Church in the United States during the American Civil War. Resolvedthat this Convention support in particular the program the Bishops recommended for the kinds of peaceful actions in the face of white supremacists violence, including calls for the Virginia General Assembly to enact legislation to track hate crimes in Virginia and for prayers for our civic and religious leaders who have to contend with racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, misogynistic, and homophobic violence, for those who died or were injured in Charlottesville, and for peace in our nation. We will be able to live into that new model even more fully and successfully, particularly with mid-week evening visitations to congregations during their off-year for a Sunday visitation. The Canon calls on The Episcopal Church to equip the saints for ministry (Ephesians 4). The two congregations have become one, not only across congregational lines, but across diocesan lines. The delegates elected the Rev. And so I am committed to continue working with all search processes to ensure that women, both ordained and lay, are given truly equal opportunity for such positions of leadership in the Church. Ideologies which promote hatred of entire groups simply because of their racial, religious, or sexual identities are utterly incompatible with the gospel of our Lord and thus should not in any way be glossed over by His Church. administrative resources; clergy resources; congregational resources; go forward campaign Forms and Instructions - The General Convention of The Episcopal Church Diocese of Virginia. And we also express our great thanks and affection to Barbara Gulick for her uniquely loving role in sharing +Ted with us in this diocese. We voted to look at ourselves and our history to start making tangible amends for past wrongs directed towards the African American community. Canon Robert Hetherington,The Rev. Diocese of Virginia Deputation Bo Millner, the Rev. Membership and Average Sunday Attendence - The General Convention of Diocese of Virginia to invest $10 million in reparations fund, $500,000 So we open our hearts in love as we support young people in navigating the territory of gender identity and gender expression. We view this history with great pain and in penitence before Go, the god wo wills in Christ to bring freedom and justice for all. Learn more about what happens at General Convention here . Edwin F. Gulick, Bishop Ted. As he will continue his ministry until the years end, there is good time available for our more personal and specific expressions of gratitude, but we would surely be remiss if we didnt show our appreciation here in this Convention. His remarkable ministry has been anything but part-time! The revitalized Holy Cross began regular worship in Virginia last month under the leadership of their new vicar, the Rev. The inability of many churches to provide such help is particularly an impediment to deploying able younger clergy and lay employees who face these family obligations and whose energy and vision are critical to growing the church and connecting with younger people. Journal of a convention, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the We heard from elders about how their lifestyle and their economy have changed in recent years as weather patterns have shifted. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and that all people are beloved children of God. January 3, 2022 - Nominations and Applications Close. prevention programs targeting both youth and adults in the congregation and the community; access to professional organizations that target the illness of substance abuse and learn how to appropriately address the problem and stigma associated with the problem at home, at church, and in the community; educational resources and professionals to facilitate educational programs; spiritual support for individuals who suffer from and whose loved ones suffer from addiction. This is a change, a change we made six years ago in light of changing realities in congregational life. Building an online presence for the Triangle of Hope, Establishing relationships of prayer with Liverpool and Kumasi, Exploring exchange programs with Liverpool and Kumasi. Deputies can be contacted by email at generalconvention@thediocese.net The deputies welcome your comments. Dr. Hilary Smith, and J.P. Causey Jr., Chancellor. Share Road to the Convention "Tips from Recruiters" with your friends. Carmen Germino, the Rev. Reports have raved about how well-received these campaigns have been and so it would be logical to hope that this success would translate into meaningful increases in proportionate giving from our households and thus in actual dollars pledged to support the budgets of our congregations. April Greenwood, the Rev. Fletcher Lowe, the Rev. can effectively convey a living understanding to the faithful of the second moment of the Paschal event, namely the Lord's Resurrection (Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, 153); and, Whereas,no comparable liturgy of The Episcopal Church is or has been available for liturgical use by congregations in any of its official publications; and, Whereas, one of the clergy of Region VI in the Diocese of Virginia has crafted an Episcopal version of this liturgy, retaining the outline of the fourteen stations in the Roman Catholic edition, but exclusively incorporating collects and scriptural texts from The Book of Common Prayer and the NRSV translation of the Bible; and, Whereas, at the Bishop's Spring Conference for Lay Professionals, Clergy and Spouses in May of 2017, members of that Conference participated in a spiritually meaningful enactment of this liturgy; and. The objective of such family leave benefit is to increase the paid time off available to new mothers for recovery from childbirth and for bonding with the newborn, and to provide for paid leave for covered members of a household to address the adoption of a child, for spousal leave when a new-born or newly adopted child is brought into a covered household, and for paid leave when a covered member of a household is obliged to care for a sick or dying child, parent, or other close relative by blood or marriage, and be it further. Andrew Moore, St. John's, McLean, The Rev. Still, there are more people are enslaved today than ever before in human history[5]while the ongoing legacy of slavery continues in force through systems of White Supremacy and belief in racial superiority. The last General Convention took place in July 2022 in Baltimore, Maryland. A wealth of information about convention is available at www.generalconvention.org. Remember, these churches are largely dependent on the diocesan budget. An appointed assistant bishop must, by canonical definition, already be a bishop who is either willing to work after formal retirement (as Bishop Ted has done) or who will transfer as an active bishop from ones current ministry. The event will be livestreamed. Whereas,Virginia has a crisis of wage theft, very weak laws protecting workers against wage theft and only a handful of state staff enforcing the wage theft laws. The Church of England in the American colonies began with the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 under the charter of the Virginia Company of London. For more than 15 years our three dioceses have been working toward a true partnership of freedom and justice. Submitted by the Rev. Resolved, by the 223rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Virginia, that Convention recognizes that the absence of a public transportation system serving critical transportation arteries in suburban Richmond and central Virginia results from decisions in the 1960s and 1970s intended to perpetuate patterns of segregation, and that such decisions have had the demonstrable effect of limiting the educational and employment opportunities of Richmond residents, particularly the poorest residents and people of color, by cutting them off from most employers in the area and from community colleges; and be it further, Resolved, that Convention calls on the political and economic leaders of the Richmond area and of Central Virginia to unite quickly in order to start and carry forward the hard work needed to provide a first class public transportation system for the entire Richmond area and Central Virginia, as a tangible way to dismantle this pernicious legacy of segregation, a legacy currently harming thousands of people by making it much harder to obtain well-paying employment and training at community colleges; and be it further, Resolved, that a summary of the RVA Transit Vision Plan be circulated to all the congregations in Richmond and Central Virginia as one example of such a transportation plan; and be it further. 2016 2023 The Diocese of Virginia. At our Annual Council (as it was then called) in 2015, I called upon every congregation to conduct an internal inventory, a self-assessment, and then to take up something to address the facts of racism, both the overt and the more subtle, in the congregation and in the local community.
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