This episode is sponsored by Medi-Share, an innovative health care solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing quality. This caused five of the tribes in Canaan to gather together as one in an attempt to make war against Israel. And God told Jehoshaphat that this is one battle he would not have to fight. However, a flickering light of pride dwells within Sauls heart. Though this was not something he personally could give, he said that if his servant should see him as the Lord took him away, then it would happen. But God did not abandon them. The Rich Glutton and Poor Lazarus - The Gospels Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Christianity In this Bible Story, Jesus speaks of generosity through the story of a glutinous rich man and a poor beggar. See for privacy information. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the worlds greatest, The Tree that Gives the Knowledge of Good and Evil - The Book of Genesis, In this Bible Story, Eve is convinced to eat from the forbidden tree and then both Adam and Eve are banished from the garden. Jonathan knowing nothing of this vow disobeyed his father, who would have killed him if not for the people of Israel who interceded. This Biblical Audio Experience, Solomon's God Given Wisdom - The Books of 1 Kings & 2 Chronicles, In this Bible Story, we peer into the dreams of Solomon where God asks him to request anything and it would be given. However, he was wicked in Gods sight and died before having a child. Outcasts, misfits, and debtors from Israel began to band around him. But because of his ban from seeing his father David, he too began to nurse a hatred for him. Potiphar recognized this blessing was coming from Joseph, but Potiphars wife did not, and by her wicked accusations, Joseph went from palace to prison. Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. This episode is sponsored by Medi-Share, an innovative health care solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing quality. He is filled with enough bravery to summon an army against the Midianite horde and go into battle. And as an act of revenge, Absalom murders him. This Biblic, In this Bible Story, Ruth gets remarried to Boaz. And because God had allowed him to interpret Pharoahs dream, Joseph was granted great authority over Egypt. However the disciples stayed, for they knew that only Jesus held the words of eternal life. Today's Bible verse is John 2:15 from the King James Version. David exemplified what it meant for a leader to follow God. Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Podcast Series 2022- YOUR RATING Rate Talk-Show Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through this biblical audio experience that will help master wisdom from the world's greatest book. This story is inspired by Numbers 12. Jesus, furious at this corruption of what was supposed to be holy, cleansed the temple and kicked out the greedy. But He would rule in a way that none of them expected.Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. Music by: Andrew Morgan Smith With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. A Beautiful Transfiguration - The Gospels, In this Bible Story, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain. Today's Bible verse is 1 Samuel 4:22 from the King James Version. Visit for more resources on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living. Listen as we see Adam face the consequences of his choice and reflect on how each one of us still face this choice today. After Joash rallied the people and the work was done, Jehoiada died and was given great honor. This story is inspired by 2 Kings 8:28-9:29. In this Bible Story, Jesus heals a man who has been lame and sick for over 38 years. They were starting to lose their grip of power. Thus began the long war between Samson and his enemies. So he refused the kings offer to go back to the palace and have a meal. But we should be careful with what we say or do in moments of pride because just like Samson we might end up losing more than we imagine instead. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the worlds greatest book. Eventually, the Judge gave up and granted the widow's request. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. Today's Bible verse is Genesis 41:16 from the King James Version. Sign up for our Bible in a Year Daily Devotionals. The two embraced as father and son, and David is restored to good standing among Israel. Now he watches over the people, ministering to them in times of trouble. This story is inspired by Joshua 1:1-3:6. Episode 105: Joab, seeing David wishing for Absaloms return but unwilling to get him himself, devised a scheme with a woman from Tekoa. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Episode 139: Jehoshaphat, in an attempt to broker peace between him and Israel, betrothed his son Joram to Ahabs daughter Athaliah. His heart was turned toward rescuing the people from the idolatry in Judah and with Gods help, he galvanized the people of Judah into a spirit of unity. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Today's Bible verse is Jeremiah 38:20 from the King James Version. One night, they both had a dream, and Joseph, seeing the torment of not knowing what their dreams meant, gave testimony to Gods power and rightly interpreted the dreams of each of them. Episode 123: For three years the famine in Israel continued and King Ahab was desperate to find Elijah. Today's Bible verse is Genesis 24:26 from the King James Version. In his place was Hezekiah - a young king whose righteousness was unmatched, not even by David himself. He walked blameless before God and his family as his character would soon be tested to prove to all mankind that it is possible to persevere despite gargantuan loss. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. But Daniel was a righteous man and they could find nothing to accuse him of. Growing daily in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Embarrassed, they sheepishly remained silent. In this Bible Story, Jesus feeds five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. They are both examples of Jesus power to change lives. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. This story is inspired by Judges 20-21. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Now under, Water Flows from the Rock - The Book of Numbers, In this Bible Story, Moses grows angry against the people of Israel. So Joshua leads the people to the bank of the Jordan river and instructs the Levites to go before them into the river carrying the Ark of the Covenant, the moment their feet enter the Jordan, the waters part, and Israel is led across the river on dry land just like they were years ago under Moses. As he bathes himself in the river, his sick and dying flesh is replaced with new life. In an attempt to impress them, he showcases all of Judahs wealth. When he heard that Jesus was near, he began to scream for Jesus. A few days later, Jesus and His followers were at a wedding in the nearby city of Cana. This story is inspired by Esther 1-5:8. After she has a farmer killed for his land, Elijah confronts Ahab, and he repents before the Lord. The Good Samaritan - The Gospels - Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Hear the Bible come to, In this Bible Story, Josiah continues his reform over the nation of Judah. This story is inspired by Judges 2-3. This story Show Bible in a Year with Jack Graham, Ep The Triumphal Entry - The Gospels - Jul 12, 2023 . Now understanding the Bible is easier than ever before; enjoy a cinematic audio experience full of inspirational storytelling, orchestral music, and profound commentary from world-renowned Pastor Jack Graham.Also, you can download the app for more Christian content, including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories.Visit for more resources on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living.This episode is sponsored by Medi-Share, an innovative health care solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing is the digital destination of faith. Zacchaeus, filled with joy at what Jesus did for him, made right the wrongs of his past. David was once again forced into the wilderness, but this time half the city went with him. Just as God was giving him the ability to govern the people into unity, a man named Sheba began a rebellion of his own. She rules to serve herself, and kills her grandchildren in attempts to secure her power. Today's Bible verse is 2 Kings 8:13 from the King James Version. Visit for more resources on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living. Today's Bible verse is 1 Samuel 5:4 from the King James Version. From the hill country of Ephraim an Israelite named Micah stole silver from his mother. Now, understanding the Bible is easier than ever before; enjoy . Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. He built himself up in the eyes of the people while tearing his father down. Today's Bible verse is 1 Samuel 7:4 from the King James Version. In this Bible Story, Jesus displays his compassionate power over sickness and death. This story is inspired by 2 Kings 8:1-15. Jeremiah, however, is spared from the Babylonians, and is given a choice to go to Babylon and live comfortably, or remain with his people. Bible Story narration by: Todd Haberkorn During the dinner, Jesus confessed that one of them would betray Him. He was attentive to the voice of God, served the Lord and his people selflessly, and was chosen by God to guide Israel in a period of darkness and uncertainty. Soon God had whittled down the army to a mere 300 men and with that 300 men we see a reminder that it is not by our might but by Gods that rescue and salvation happen. Balaks anger and consternation became great, but he could do nothing to thwart the plans of God. See for privacy information. This episode is sponsored by Medi-Share, an innovative health care solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing quality. Listen to this episode from Bible in a Year with Jack Graham on Spotify. So much so, that he becomes the overseer of Potiphars household. This story is inspired by 2 Chronicles 19-20. Israel names Ish-bosheth king, while Judah crowns David. Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. Captives, stolen away from their country, they still fail to cry out to God for help. Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham lea, The King and the Beast - The Book of Daniel, In this Bible Story, we witness the madness of King Nebuchadnezzar. As one nation, the 11 other tribes rose against the tribe of Benjamin. Episode 168: Cyrus King of Persia, had conquered all that was once Babylon. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. Both men are held back by sin or misfortune. . This story is inspired by John 12:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11 & Luke 19:39-40. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. One day, God gave a message to Samuel to deliver to Saul, that he was to destroy the Amalekites, leaving none alive. Episode 57: There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He speaks of how he was sent by God from heaven, and whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood would inherit eternal life. Now it was Pharaohs turn to dream. Episode 128: As Elijah traveled with his servant Elisha throughout the land of Israel, they crossed the Jordan river, pausing for a moment Elisha asked his master for a blessing, a double portion of the Spirit that was on Elijah. This time Korah and 250 chiefs of the people rise against Moses and his claim to leadership. The disciples, misunderstanding the mans condition, thought that his blindness was a result of sin. Today's Bible verse is 1 Samuel 18:28 from the King James Version. Episode 198: It was tax season in Capernaum and Peter had no money to spare. The Lord protects them, and Nebuchadnezzar awes at the power of their God. Music by: Andrew Morgan Smith However, God continued to bless David. But when the word of God came to the house of the King, he burned it piece by piece. Each of these events showed how God cares about the everyday life and struggles of his people. Episode 202: As Jesus was reclining enjoying a meal with His friends, the Pharisees mocked Him for eating with known sinners. Today's Bible verse is Genesis 38:25 from the King James Version. He took her in and cared for her but he also took the spirit of revenge in and nursed it in his heart. He plagues the Philistines with tumors, and makes it known that he is the God above all other gods. Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year. is the digital destination of faith. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the worlds greatest book., Last Plagues and Passover - The Book of Exodus, In this Bible Story, God demonstrates his power through the plagues as Pharaohs heart grows harder and more cruel. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the world's greatest book. Putting him in charge of preparing for the coming famine.This story is inspired by Genesis 41.
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