More seriously, western Virginia (West Virginia had not yet parted from Virginia) was still very much pro-Union; according to Scott's estimate, its populace stood five out of seven opposed to secession. Strategy of the Civil War (video) | Khan Academy Gen. Martin L. Smith to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn to Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton; the size of the defending army increased in step with the advancing rank of its commander. northern) General-in-Chief Winfield Scott (1786-1866) had had its way, the number of casualties would . A major focus was placed northwestern Georgia, with Major General William T. Sherman in charge of the Georgia offensive. - Biography, Facts & Accomplishments, Japan in the 16th Century: Life, Culture & Politics, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Determine whether the Anaconda Plan was successful. All suitable harbors south of the Chesapeake Bay, however, were held by seceded states. Assign each group the role of Tangmania or Gagoola. Parts of the Anaconda Plan were implemented fairly early in the war. The South's rivers were an entryway for Union troops into the interiors of their territory; the river systems were how many troops and people got their supplies. vessels or troops with the purpose of fighting on land. (2011, May 9). The Anaconda Plan was the initial Civil War strategy devised by General Winfield Scott of the U.S. Army to put down the rebellion by the Confederacy in 1861. Of course, Scott did call for a massive attack on the Confederacy, with anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 men in the Mississippi River Valley. Virginia, also a border state, had already seceded by the time the Anaconda was proposed. Overall, the blockade system was very effective at reducing the number of ships that reached Southern ports, impacting the Southern economy, as predicted. The blockade, which Lincoln instituted beginning in April 1861, had much the effect that Scott intended. The Anaconda Plan is the name widely applied to an outline strategy for subduing the seceding states in the American Civil War. The Anaconda Plan was a strategy outlined by the Union Army for suppressing the Confederacy at the beginning of the American Civil War. Union troops would capture and hold forts and towns all along the Mississippi. [25] They also provided artillery support for the infantry attacks on Battery Wagner on July 11 and July 18, 1863. He did not plan for a long-term occupation of the South, and he failed to see at least one important effect of the blockade. Most students will not make a 100% prediction. The Anaconda Plan was drawn up to end the Civil War in favor of the Union. Second and perhaps more important, the Southern armies were not hamstrung for lack of material, at least owing to the blockade. The main series of blockades were to be set along the eastern coastline of the Atlantic and the Gulf Coast, while other Union forces would seek domination along the Mississippi riverways throughout the South. Forts Walker and Beauregard were two main forts taken fairly easily by the Union towards the beginning of the war. The Anaconda Plan: Civil War Strategy - The press ridiculed Scott's strategy as the "Anaconda Plan," after the snake that kills by constriction, but it had its supporters as the anti-Confederacy envelope illustrates. The Anaconda Plan was the strategic plan proposed by General Winfield Scott early in the American Civil War. After New Orleans fell to the Union fleet under Farragut on April 29, 1862, Mobile was the only serious problem for the blockade. The same decision by the Confederate War Department that led to the abandonment of most of the Atlantic coast except for the major ports applied to the Gulf as well, with the result that only Mobile, New Orleans, and Galveston were defended. The federal troops along the Mississippi river would be in a strong defensive position which would make it impossible for any Confederate forces to defeat them. Lincoln was also spurred on by supporters in the North who aggressively urged fast action against the states in rebellion. Proposed by General-in-Chief Winfield Scott, the plan emphasized the blockade of the Southern ports, and called for an advance down the Mississippi River to cut the South in two. Banks. 5. The strategywas nicknamed the Anaconda Plan in the newspapers because it would strangle the Confederacy the way the anaconda snake constricts its victims. It was estimated the Confederates received thousands of tons of gunpowder, half a million rifles, and several hundred cannons from British blockade runners. [22] Only three of these were on the Atlantic seaboard: Wilmington, Charleston, and Savannah. The assumption was that the states that allowed enslavement, feeling considerableeconomic punishment if they continued the rebellion, would return to the Union before any major battles would be fought. The germ of Scott's Anaconda Plan for suppressing the insurrection is seen in the endorsement. He was replaced as General-in-Chief by McClellan. A major focus was placed northwestern Georgia, with Major General William T. Sherman in charge of the Georgia offensive. Finally, take the Confederacy capital of Richmond. One aspect of Scott's original plan was for federal troops to secure the Mississippi River. [39][40] Historians estimated that 2,5002,800 attempts were made to run the blockade, with at least an 80% success rate. But instead of coaching a team, they will be coaching a country. This battle became known as the First Battle of Bull Run also known as First Manassas. [5] He proposed an immediate march on Richmond, by now the capital of the Confederacy, directed up the Kanawha River. After a long siege General Ulysses S. Grant captured the city of Vicksburg on July 4th 1863 giving the Union control of the Mississippi river and effectively cutting the Confederacy in two. The Civil War lasted in the U.S. from 1861-1865 and was fought between the Union/North and the Confederates/South. The Anaconda Plan was a Union military strategy emphasizing a naval blockade along the Southern coastlines to prevent trade between the Confederacy and Europe. The use of contiguous departments or positions to delineate and defend territory. Interested readers may wish to compare Browning's (correct) account of the bombardment of the forts at Port Royal with the Official Records (ORN I, v. 12, pp. Over the course of the war, more than three quarters of all attempts to evade the blockade were successful. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 In the person of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Gustavus Vasa Fox, it decided early on the capture of New Orleans by a naval expedition from the Gulf of Mexico, after which all other towns bordering the river would fall rather than face bombardment. The Anaconda plan was a good idea in theory however it would have been difficult for it to have actually succeeded in its original form. The blockade had already been proclaimed by Lincoln. Anaconda Plan - The American Civil War The Southern press understood this immediately and happily ridiculed the plan. Implementation of this part of the plan began in April 1861, but it was not fully accomplished until early 1865. The one quarter that did not get through can be written off as operational losses. For an in-depth look at the tactics of the Civil War a great book is the #ad Atlas of the Civil War: A Complete Guide to the Tactics and Terrain of Battle. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Deprived of its cotton, Great Britain was, for a time, tempted to intervene on the Confederacys behalf, a development that might have been devastating for the Lincoln administration. 100 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 924-3296. Winfield Scott was a highly respected and accomplished general by the start of the Civil War, which was why Lincoln trusted him as an adviser. ", Scott's endorsement of McClellan's letter, which he submitted to the President, shows that he considered it but not favorably. "Overview of the Anaconda Plan of 1861." The plan was generally criticized as being too passive and was not implemented. Flag Officer S. F. Du Pont misrepresented the motions of his ships. As a result, Southern exports of cotton fell by 95% from pre-war levels, devaluing its currency, and wrecking its economy. Under McClellan and his eventual successor in the West, Maj. Gen. Henry Halleck, the Mississippi became a somewhat neglected theater for operations in the West. Corrections? The same argument could be applied to Kentucky. The Mississippi River part of the Anaconda Plan was for the Union to take control of every port and city along the river. General William Tecumseh Sherman led his army on a rampage through the south during his march to the sea in 1864 depriving the south of vital food and materials as he and his men destroyed or captured anything that stood in their way. Ex: 60% confident Gogoola will win. Clearly, the war was not the relatively bloodless affair that General Scott promised in his original proposal. It did not set out a timeline or even name points of particular concern. Union Navy forces caught over 1,000 runners over the course of the war, and destroyed and/or overtook over 300 of their ships. In order to establish the blockade, therefore, at least one of them would have to be taken by the Federal forces. These operations would strangle the Confederate economy, based so heavily on the international cotton trade, and split the rebellious nation apart. The main cause of the war related to Southerners' belief that their way of life, an agriculture/plantation-based system with the use of free slave labor, was threatened by the newly elected President Lincoln. (Note: Make sure these groups are heterogenous in reading and cognitive ability level.). Those who deny the importance of the blockade advance two principal arguments. The Anaconda Plan, although never officially put into effect, was implemented in parts in a multi-pronged effort. Anaconda Plan - Wikipedia An army was raised in Washington DC and this army commanded by General Irvin McDowell triumphantly marched into Virginia. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. 2. (Note: This lesson works best if the essential question is revealed after the activity). The cry of the day was On to Richmond and not On to Natchez. The Democratic Chicago Tribune, on July 15, 1861, sang a typically impatient refrain under the headline, The Torpid Anaconda: We are told that the plan is bold, vigorous and comprehensive, and cannot fail in its noble results to give great joy to the hearts of patriots, and spread consternation among the rebel host. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. According to historian Rowena Reed, much of the impetus for the Blockade Board came from Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase; the US Revenue Service, which would be strongly affected by the blockade, was a part of the Treasury Department. [28], The blockade of Confederate ports on the Gulf of Mexico was less important than that on the Atlantic. [11], Again, the Army under Halleck did not grasp the opportunity that was provided. Forts Walker and Beauregard were located on Hilton Head and Phillip's Island, respectively, of the Port Royal Sound area. In the early days of the Civil War, Scott's proposed strategy for the war against the South had two prominent features. The Anaconda Plan "Winfield Scott's original plan fighting the rebellion" The first military strategy offered to President Abraham Lincoln for crushing the rebellion of Southern states was devised by Union General-in-Chief Winfield Scott. Troops would secure the Mississippi river down to the Gulf of Mexico which would link up with and keep their lines of communication open with the ongoing naval blockade. In retrospect, Scotts strategy seems broadly prescient, although it aimed at political conciliation and did not anticipate the hard war fought in Virginia and elsewhere. The plan called for a naval blockade of the Confederate littoral, a thrust down the Mississippi, and the strangulation of the South by Union land and naval forces. Anaconda Plan - Encyclopedia Virginia It was a humanitarian way of defeating the rebellion as opposed to invading the south with massive numbers of troops, killing, burning and capturing everything in sight. General Winfield Scott and Staff Officers. Then, in July 1863, Vicksburg, Mississippi fell to the Union, which meant they had control over the Mississippi River fully, and had successfully cut the Confederacy in two. We invite you to learn more about Indians in Virginia in our Encyclopedia Virginia. The outline of the troop movement made the shape of a snake. That was because the blockade runners were small and built for speed, rather than capacity. General - Present the group's military strategy to the class.
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