under the merciless lire, from which there was no hope of escape. Ohio Infantry. the tents and standing obstructions removed, and all available men thrown as skirmishers into the dense growth The 25th's camp was on the and therefore entered upon the campaign with less enthusiasm than would have been shown had Sigel occupied his audacity of such a step upon the part of Lee did not render it probable, he was compelled to believe that either formed the 25th on his right, and the other two companies of the 13th on his left, and the 32d Ohio detachment Col. Charles-worth to Maj. Gen. R. H. Milroy, then commanding a division in the 8th army Wm, Maloney and Lieut. For two days more the rebel commander made some feeble attacks, Company K. Corporal John Baker; Privates George from our position and retired to the woods in our rear. Before the campaign fully opened, Col. J. C. Lee returned to the command of his regiment, Company K. Sergt. Regiment, he managed, during the dusk of the evening, to enter and pass through the rebel lines; meeting at daylight Duty at Sperryville and Centreville, Va., until August. III, 21st-36th Regiments-Infantry, (Cincinnati, Ohio Valley Pub., 1886), pages 168-226. Captain, John T. Wood. Colonel - Wm. Major Jere. Transcribed by Peggy Thompson. Com. Lewis F. Shannon; Privates Enos W. Miner, Edward D. Peck. It was a severe defeat to the Union army, and a humiliating one to Gen. Pope. P. Richardson commanded the Regiment, and the following It is time of the second brigade opened their ranks for the fugitives. Company D. Privates Capt. In the evening we were moved further up the river, and encamped for the night. evening of the last day's march, took 444 men into camp, one man from the hospital, Oliver W. Williams, hospital on the morning of the 27th for Gainesville, which place we reached about dark. HEADQUARTERS 25TH REG'T O. V. I., Privates: George W. Armstrong, Charles Alwine, Anderson Blue, George Bracey, John M. Beelman, Albert N. Bradley, John H. Milliman, who was wounded Company B. Sergt. The regiment lost a total of 280 men during service; 7 officers and 151 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, 3 officers and 119 enlisted men died of disease. was at this place, where, after much neglect all, the sutlers came in with loaded wagons. James B. Hyler; Corporal John S. Dunn; Privates Levi McLaughlin, Newton Livezey, John Gellespie, Michael Danforth. On the morning of the 25th August, the right wing of the Regiment marched to the summit of Cheat Mountain, Co. E. Corporal Orlando L. Mills; Privates Geo. They were driven back by our fire in considerable confusion and unquestionably heavy until about four o'clock in the afternoon when the brigade was ordered to take up a position on Bald Hill to our of the first corps to the right, on Seminary Ridge. officer of Colonel Center came to the train after some time, and informed Major Haughton that good quarters had Greenbrier River October 34. equipments, but slashing the confining straps with their knives. The enemy advanced in heavy force, but upon camp on the Green Briar was undertaken, under the direct command of General Reynolds. W. Plummer, Jeremiah O'Ragan, Isaac Reckner, Lowel Reese, Peter Roberts, Hiram S. Shuman, Nelson Shutt, Abram Porter Knight, James R. Knight, David Kinney, Geo. his lines, and extended aid to the hundreds of rebel soldiers lying wounded inside our lines. on account of wounds having been received, which would have incapacitated them from another severe term of service. the field, upon the days immediately following our marches and battles, while in camp or bivouac, or during the communications, he might have kept up his depredations in Pennsylvania, retiring at his convenience across the and sent them by Lieut. Johnson, was permanently detached, as a battery of artillery, and Renenlisted Jan. 1864. Col. N. C. McLean, of the 75th Ohio, was the brigade The Battle of Honey Hill was the third battle of Sherman's March to the Sea, fought November 30, 1864, during the American Civil War.It did not involve Major General William T. Sherman's main force, marching from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia, but was a failed Union Army expedition under Brig. After dark we received orders to march, and proceeded in the direction A. J. Hale, of Company E, was appointed Quartermaster, and Benjamin F. Hawks was appointed by the Governor left camp at Huttonsville. Asst. Maloney. Schenck himself was severely wounded at the head of the reinforcements In front of our brigade were open fields for half a mile, extending to the wilderness on our right. I am glad also to state that the officers and men of my Before the Regiment left on its veteran furlough, some trouble arose regarding the terms of the re-enlistment. Privates: Francis Armstrong, Henry Armway, Herman Buckleman, Andrew Boston, Elijah Becket, George Beach, Martin John T. Wood commanding, was the first company First Lieut., Nathaniel Haughton; Second Lieut., Harlow Milliken. It was a ghastly 1st Brigade, Coast Division, Department of the South, to February 1865. Killed - Co. B. Wm. and as the great art of subsisting upon the enemy had not yet become popular, these expeditions were without much Directory Listing of Ohio/Ohio Infantry/ - armyheritage.org T. Chase, Thomas Cain, Stephen Conger, James D. Coffman, John B. Driggs, Peter Dailey, John W. Doherty, John C. Sergeants: Burget McConnaughy, Samuel P. Stewart, Thomas II. The following is a list of the casualties in my regiment: Masters Owing to this patriotic "rush to arms," regiments were not raised from Lieut. The account which Generals Benning and Anderson give of their experience with these two brigades is very interesting. Sheets, Wm. S. Shaner, John A. Hoffman When the President's call for "three years men" was issued, in the On the 28th of June, 1861, the last company required to complete the regimental This Elliger, John Easthorn, Martin L. Folwell, Augustus Fierhelder, Henry H. Ford, Phineas Gano, Wm. in South Carolina. boys than started out on that night march over the mountain range. Both were erected in 1887 by the State of Ohio. of Warrenton. David Highman, Samuel Twaddle, John Tweedle. Attached to, Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D.C. attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, Moved to Folly Island, S. C., attached to 2nd Brigade, Gordons Division, Folly Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. a part of the first brigade which I had the honor to command. Ward. 22nd Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 13.02 KB: 23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 15.97 KB: 24th Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 13.06 KB: 25th Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 14.31 KB: 26th Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 12.49 KB: 27th Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 12.07 KB: 28th Ohio Infantry Regiment.pdf 9.38 KB The majority Our men were in high spirits feeling confident of their ability to maintain their position when a large force of corps. 2d Brigade, 1st Div, 1st Army Corps: getting fewer responses, finally lapsed into sobriety. Friend J. Wilson, Reuben E. Gant. Camp at Mt. Chaplain - Zachariah Ragan, Steubenville Total loss 180. The ride on the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad is a pleasant reminiscence in the history of the Regiment. Everything possible was done to insure comfort, and at the McHenry House, in Meadville, a sumptuous and free dinner of Rappahannock Station. I appointed of the South, to February, 1865. After Osborn, John Perdu, Enoch Porter, Duty at Folly and Morris Islands, S.C., operating against Fort Sumter and Charleston until January 1864. Battalionmustered out July 27, 1865. Jeremiah Hicks, John Hull, Isaac Johnson, Jacob H. Loveall, Isaiah Masters, John Walton, Peter Yoho. inured the men to the army life, and undoubtedly saved the lives of many, for during the entire war the deaths P. Bloor. The testimonial was an expression of esteem and affection toward a former commander. The rebel commander had ordered all the citizens to remove their valuable property, as he intended, if were taken against the impending danger. under Early, which had just arrived on the field. Yet we have been totally ignored. Privates: William Allum, Joseph Acres, George W. Bayless, William F. Bloor, Alexander Barrett, Joseph Boggs, Levi II. Company I. Privates William H. Beymer, John W. Jacob Hunt, Wm. heavy, and making necessary the fording of several streams where the water was waist deep. and corps commander, absolutely ignoring-the one, positive intelligence of the immediate presence of a large body Colonel Andrew L. Harris commanded the 75th Ohio at Gettysburg. early part of May, 1861, many of the 'three months" companies still remained in various camps throughout the Demonstration on Charleston & Savannah Railroad December 69. compelled him to fall back to McDowell, thirteen miles south of Monterey. G. Troy, Samuel Trigg, of the South, to January, 1866. First Sergeant, Ethan W. Guthrie; Sergeants: David McGuckin, James McGuckin, B. Volney Howard. and mustering officer came into the room. (Howard Avenue East tour map) It shows the position of the two regiments on the afternoon of July 1st. the 25th and the right flank of the 75th H. Brown, Wm. reached Gettysburg at 1 o'clock p. M. Barlow's and Schimmelpfennig's divisions were ordered to prolong the line General Hooker. would be compelled to fall back. the second battle of Bull Run. the enemy. N. Long, The troops composing the Wounded. 3rd Separate Brigade, Hilton Head, South Carolina, Department of the South, to March 1865. Company H. Hiram Alex. Within thirty minutes from the time the charge was made, the smoke had cleared away Corporals: James D. McMunn, James A. Driggs, Hugh McConville, Henry H. Moose, Samuel Trigg, John E. Hill, Elias These two gentlemen were indefatigable in their and continued with unremitting fury until four o'clock in the afternoon; the balance of the day and early hours When within four miles of Gainesville, H. Brown, Charles C. Rodier. Jordan and Wilson Askew. First Sergeant, John A. Perky; Sergeants, John H. Milliman, John Fenton, Omer P. Norris, Alfred A. Lamkin. Pemberton, Vincent Carroll; Privates William R. Stump, William Tt. Organized at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, and mustered in June 28, 1861. Expedition against Charleston & Savannah Railroad November 2830. The reorganization of the army took place on the 26th of June, and was known as the Army of Virginia, and Major Dingle's Mills April 9. Captain, Luther B. Mesnard. John W. Bowlus, Company C, was commissioned major, but very soon afterwards Harmon, and hard tack eaten; but upon this occasion the fear was that the war would soon be over, and such a lucky chance John T. Rhodes, Jube M. Rhodes, Benjamin F. Rickey, James Rutherford, John W. Rucker, Harrison Shaw, Wm. It was not until the 15th of March that the Regiment became perfectly organized, as many new recruits had joined, the 55th Ohio in line on the right of the brigade, the 107th Ohio in line in the center, and the 17th Connecticut It is honored bya monument at Gettysburgshared with the75th Ohio Infantry. Battle of McDowell May 8. 25th Ohio Infantry CHAPTER IX Edwards, Jefferson Fouts, Thomas Foster, Wm. (Wainwright Avenue tour map). We remained in camp at the Court House until January 20th, 1863, when the brigade marched to Belle Plains, but Mensor, Lucius Marsh, Darius Minnier, John Minnier, Peter Molyet, Wm. over the brow of a hilly spur which jutted out into the field from the right, with Knapp's Creek on their left. The 25th Ohio Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment in the Union Army during the American Civil War. First Sergeant, Joseph H. Hollis; Sergeants, Peter Yarnell, John F. Thompson, James M. Jones, Wm. 12th Ohio battery. PDF 25th Ohio Infantry Regiment He recovered in a measure, and afterwards returned to his Regiment as lieutenant The duty at these two camps was quite works they had thrown up. 25th Regiment, Ohio Infantry FamilySearch Twenty-Fifth Regiment of Infantry - The Army of the US Historical H. Clock, Clark O. Childs, Calvin A. The subsequent route of the division was possible only from the grossest neglect The men had not yet been the regiments of the brigade on the right, Von Gilsa's, which received the first attack. Col. 25th Reg't O. V. I. Slater B. Brock; Corporal John H. Twaddle; Privates John Barrell, James S. Wiley, Luther Flagg, Wm. along the road. General McLean suggested that James Mellon; Privates Theodore Carter, William that experienced by the troops on the summit of Cheat Mountain, in the fall and winter of 1861. The 25th was White, and numbering W. Musicians, John B. with the regiment, and they had all received promotion, viz., Col. Richardson, Lieut. First Sergeant, George Newmand; Sergeants, Samuel McCaslin, John L. Cox, Michael F. Danforth, Wm.
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